In the sky stood a strong middle-aged man with a big body and a shaggy hair hanging down to his waist like a super Saiya three.

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A breathtaking domineering breath emanates from this man, which is frightening!

"Where is monray?"

The middle-aged man with fair hair looks indifferent and looks down upon the people in the palace, and his voice is like thunder.

"You want me?"

Monray is in the air!

"Are you monley?"

The middle-aged blonde looked up and down at Meng Lei and said, "sure enough, heroes are young!"

"I heard that there was a monster in the Dragon God Empire recently, which not only killed the emperor, but also destroyed the demigod of Dragon Island!"

"Who are you?"

Meng Lei light way.

"This golden dragon and lion family, Thackeray!"

Said the strong middle-aged with a smile!

"Golden Dragon and lion family?"

Dean Fred's face changed!

"Dean, do you know the family?" "Asked Dirk noway.

"The Golden Dragon and lion family is a very old family, second only to the four empires in terms of the details!"

Fred explained: "the blood of the Golden Dragon and lion inherited from generation to generation in this family is said to be the blood of the divine beast!"

"Therefore, as long as members of this family can awaken the blood of the Golden Dragon and lion, they will be able to enter the Holy Land!"

"The blood of the beast?"

"Must you step into the holy land?"

Dirk novice couldn't help taking a breath!

"No one knows where the Golden Dragon and lion family is located, and no one knows how many strong members of this family are. They only know that there are descendants of the Golden Dragon and lion family coming to the mainland for training every once in a while, and nothing else is known about it!"

Fred sighed!

"Golden Dragon and lion family? I don't know! "

Monley shook his head slightly: "never heard of it!"


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Thackeray narrowed his eyes slightly, flashed a sharp light under his eyes, and immediately said with a smile: "it doesn't matter if you don't know. Today you will know it!"

"I'm here today for the joy of Daoxi."

"First of all, congratulations to Meng Lei for conquering the Dragon God empire. Since then, he has become the leader of a country. He has gathered hundreds of millions of believers, collected beliefs, opened up the kingdom of God, and achieved the true God in the near future."


Menglei's mouth cocked up: "you're afraid it's more than this?"

"A good example of my little friend monley!"

Thackeray said with a leisurely smile: "you should know that the Dragon God empire is a vast territory with a large number of people. But Xiaoyou is young and weak, so I'm afraid it's hard to digest it!"

"So I'm here to help you, help you manage the Dragon God Empire together, share the worries and solve the difficulties, and give a helping hand!"

Monlay laughed, and then looked around, "do you mean the same thing as him?"

There was no response!

"Since you are here, come out!"

Menglei light way: "Hall semi God's reverence, hide the head to expose the tail not to be able to appear the small family gas!"

"Found out by the little friend of Monterey

Thackeray, the golden dragon lion, laughs and says with a loud smile: "gentlemen, since the little friend of monley has found you, then come out!"

"Shua --"

"Shua --"

"Shua --"

several figures flashed by and appeared beside Thackeray, all of them breathtaking.

"Mon Lei, let me introduce you to you!"

Thackeray pointed to a giant with a height of 100 feet and a muscular knot, and said, "this is the fallen Titan babus!"

"Babus was once the dark Titan, one of the twelve pillars of the Titan empire. His body was full of pure blood of the dark Titans!"

"Fallen Titan!"


Fred's face changed dramatically, and he cried out in a low voice, "my God, it's him! He's still alive, and he's a demigod? "

"Dean, do you know babus?"

Asked Dirk novellian!

"Thackeray is right. Babus was once the dark Titan, one of the twelve pillars of the Titan empire

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Fred explained in a low voice: "but the rumored babus is very lecherous. It is said that he sneaked into the Titan palace, raped the beautiful queen of the Titan Empire, gave the thunder Titan a green cap, and launched a rebellion after the incident!"

"The results are self-evident!"

"The failure of babus was suppressed. He was not only deprived of the title of dark Titan, but also sentenced to capital punishment and died of bloodshed."

At this point, Fred's face was full of shock: "I didn't expect that he was still alive and became a fallen Titan. It's incredible!"

"Green Titan..."

The crowd was completely speechless!

"You are so small that you have killed the demigods of the dragon clan? I can't believe itThe fallen Titan glared at the grindstone's eyes, and his eyes were full of curiosity.

"You're the first Titan I've ever seen!"

Monlay also looked at brubas, and his eyes flashed with interest!

"I'm honored!"

The fallen Titan's urn roared with laughter, rolling and shaking like thunder.

"This is Ambrose, Queen of chimera, the king of sunset mountains

Thackeray pointed to a beautiful woman with graceful figure and heavy make-up!

"Cluck, Meng Lei killed the dragon clan and avenged me for my family. I'm very kind. I don't think I'll repay you. How about making a promise?"

Queen chimera covered her mouth and chuckled. Her big, charming eyes electrified Monterey.

Rao is Menglei's tenacious heart and can't help feeling like an electric shock!

"Do you have a grudge against the dragon clan?"

Monley was a little surprised.

"You don't know what you're talking about!"

Queen chimera pursed her lips and explained, "our chimera family originally belonged to the dragon family. Later, because of the appearance problem, we were eventually expelled to the sunset mountains by the dragon people, so the hatred was settled."

"I see!"

Menglei suddenly realized, can't help but ask: "where is falling into the mountains?"

Ambrose was slightly stunned and immediately giggled: "the sunset mountains are located in the Titan plateau, which is the border border of the Titan Empire and the orc empire!"

"All right."

Monray nodded slightly and looked at the fourth demigod: "who are you?"

"Nagaros, Queen of the dark elves!"

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Without waiting for Thackeray to explain, the fourth demigod introduced himself!

She has a waterfall of long silver hair, a blood crown, a blood black robe, and a bloody dagger at her waist!

Sharp ears, beautiful features, wearing a translucent black gauze skirt, full of graceful delicate body looming, full of alternative charm!

"Queen of the dark elves?"

Meng Lei was surprised and couldn't help looking at her more: "it turns out to be the queen of the dark elves. I've heard a lot about her for a long time."

"We dark elves have lived in the underworld for generations, and few people have heard of our names except for the hypocritical nature elves!"

The voice of the queen of the dark elves was cold, and she obviously didn't believe what monray said!

"I have also seen descriptions of dark elves in an ancient book!"

Monray smile, eyes from the four demigods swept one by one.

Golden Dragon and lion!

Fallen Titan!

Queen chimera!

The queen of the dark elves!

"Do you four want to help me out when you suddenly visit today?"

Meng Lei asked with a smile!

"The wise don't speak in secret!"

The fallen Titan hummed: "when we reach this realm, we can only achieve the goal of becoming a God by self-cultivation, even if it is extravagant hope!"

"Therefore, we need believers, we need to spread faith, we need to collect the power of faith!"

"In this way, maybe we can have a glimpse of the throne and become the supreme existence!"

The fallen Titan glared at Monroe: "you have captured the vast empire of dragon gods. I hope you can divide one fifth of your territory to preach to me!"

"And you?"

Monley looks at Queen chimera!

"The sunset mountains are barren, poor in resources, and at the junction of the Titan Empire and the orc Empire, suffering from the war between the two countries!"

Queen chimera said quietly, "besides, we are a member of the dragon family. It is our long cherished wish to return to the Dragon God Empire and take back everything that belongs to us."


Meng Lei ha ha smile!

"I hope that Monroe can have compassion on our chimera people and give us the kingdom of the wooden dragon and the surrounding wood dragon forest to us as a new habitat!"

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Queen chimera's eyes are as beautiful as silk, and her face is looking forward to Monroe!

"The wooden dragon Kingdom and the surrounding wood dragon forest are about one fifth of the territory of the Dragon God empire. Ha ha, good calculation!"

With a light smile, he looked at the queen of the dark elves: "Your Majesty must have the same meaning?"

"If you're innocent, you're guilty!"

The dark elf Queen's voice was cold: "the Dragon God empire is a piece of fat, you should see it."

"The seeker has a share?"

Monley chuckled.

"It has always been nagaros's long cherished wish to leave the underground world and build a dark elf empire. In order to fulfill this wish, the queen is fearless."

Thackeray, the golden dragon lion, said in praise: "my friend, the Dragon God empire is a piece of fat meat. The demigods of the whole continent are eyeing at each other. In order to believe, they can do anything!"

"Surrounded by wolves, hungry tigers!"

"Mon ray, you are in a very bad situation. If you are not careful, you will be eaten by these hungry demigods!""So you're here to help me?"

Menglei's mouth cocked up, like a smile!

"Yes! Of course, we are here to help you, and even willing to form an alliance with you! "

"As long as the five of us form an alliance, we can keep watch and help each other, resist the enemy and defend the Dragon God empire!" said Thackeray, the golden dragon lion

"Ha ha ha!"

Menglei laughed: "the high sounding, is not to snatch the cake from my hand?"

Menglei looked at the other three people: "if you say that every half god will be divided into one fifth of the territory, the huge dragon god empire is not enough for you?"

"Don't you agree with me Thackeray frowned a little!

"I promise NIMA, you fool!"

"I tell you, the Dragon God Empire belongs to me, no one can take away an inch of territory, even if the heavenly king and Laozi come!"

"If anyone dares to grab it, I will cut off his hand!"

"Who dares to peep and covet? I cut him with a knife!"

"If you want to snatch Laozi's cake, it depends on whether your head is iron enough and your neck is hard enough!"

"Good courage!"



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