In the distant kingdom of gods, the Titan sat on the throne with a crystal ball suspended in front of him, showing the scene of the top of the dragon god mountain.

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"Humble mortal, you will pay a heavy price for your stupidity and ignorance!"

In the eyes of Titan's giant spirit, the opportunity of killing overflowed. He had not been so angry for a long time. The last time he was angry was when the Dragon God was born 50000 years ago.

At that time, the Dragon God led the rise of the giant dragon clan, driving the Titans to the Titan mountains, making him lose a large number of believers!

The Titan spirit God was extremely angry, but there was no way but to watch the Dragon God unify the mainland and gather a large number of beliefs into a God.

But this time, Titan is no longer silent, because he has become a local tyrant since he was trained by Theodore family of thunder god 20000 years ago!

Under his command, there are 108 material planes under his command. There are numerous believers and rich resources. The true God alone has cultivated several!

So why should he tolerate it?

"After killing this mortal, Heras will step on the orcs and elves and unify the heaven and earth. This plane will be the belief territory of the God again!"


In another secluded and hidden kingdom of God, a strong man with two horns and a dignified face is also staring at this side of the sky!

His face was gloomy and his eyes were blazing, as if someone owed him a hundred and eighty thousand.

This strong man is the God that the Dragon God Empire believes in!

"Damned thief!"

"Good luck Horace!"

The Dragon God was in a bad mood. He looked at the two figures standing on the top of the dragon god mountain with no good face at all.

Monroe vs Heras!

No matter who wins the final victory, it has nothing to do with his Dragon God. He will lose the belief territory of Dragon God empire!

And this is his only belief territory!

"Damned mortals! It's time to kill! It's time to kill! "

The Dragon God is angry in his heart!

If he can, he would like to break Menglei into pieces, kill the demigods of Dragon Island, destroy the aristocrats of dragon people, and completely destroy his foundation!

His hope of recapturing the Dragon God Empire has become extremely slim, and he will never be able to recapture this belief territory of the Dragon God Empire again!

Especially just now, he was slaughtered by Monroe in front of so many people. It's really humiliating. He lost his mind to his home!

"Kill him! Kill him anyway Dragon God gnashing his teeth: "it's better to lose both sides, all dead!"

At this time, the Dragon God's psychology was distorted. He hated Meng Lei because he had taken away his belief territory and made him face down!

He was jealous of Titan. Why could the simple minded, well-developed fool get the cultivation of the divine power with white?

He hates it!

He's jealous!

Just watch!

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Longshen mountain.

No matter the people and believers of the Monroe Empire, or the three imperial missions and the powerful people of all ethnic groups, they all stare at the two people in the sky.


Look forward to it!

Everybody knows!

This war will determine the direction of the new empire, the fate of the Terrans in the future, and even the fate of the entire celestial continent!


The Terran will rise completely and sweep the whole continent with an irresistible trend. The sky continent is likely to be reunited!

Monlay lost!

The new empire of Monroe will be carved up and torn to pieces, and the Terrans will be beaten back to their original form and continue to return to the status of slaves!

So, this war is very important!

"Your Majesty, come on!"

"Menglei, you are invincible, and you will be able to defeat evil spirits!"

"Die! Monlay must die! Only he died... "

Someone prayed in silence.

Some people are complaining and cursing.

Some gloated.

At a time when everyone's minds are different, monley takes the lead.

"In that case, I'd rather obey my orders than respect them!"

"Shua --"

Meng Lei disappeared in place.

The next moment!

Strange appeared behind Heras, at the same time, there was a hammer of destruction in his hand, which smashed Heras's head.

"Little fellow, blinking is good, but it's no use to me!"

Horace reached out his hand in a strange way and grasped the hammer of destruction in his hand!

Then, with a strong grip and a click, the hammer of destruction was caught and smashed.

"Boom --"

Heras clenched his other hand into a fist, and quietly appeared in the belly of monray, who was like a shell out of the chamber, and instantly flew out!


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Babus and others changed their faces!

"Ha ha! Good! Worthy of the legendary Titan Heras, to get! Just want itThe Titan saw this, can not help but fall into ecstasy, the previous worry and fear in this moment all turned into excitement.

The hammer of destruction!

A blow to monley!

In a moment, two moves were taken to suppress Menglei in an all-round way, showing overwhelming strength. They were not at the same level at all!


Monlay is dead!

"Sire, this arrogant fellow is not a rival to Heras, and will probably die at Heras' hands. What shall we do now?"

Isala, the valiant leader of the spirit, approached the queen and asked in a low voice, "do you want to rescue him?"

The elf queen didn't respond, because she's struggling.


According to what monray said just now, saving him is like saving a powerful enemy to the Elven empire. One day, it is likely to launch a war of annihilation against the elf empire!

No help?

How do you account for it under the fairy goddess crown?

"Look again!"

The fairy queen sighs, and she has no better choice now.

"How are you, master?"

Babus and others surrounded monley and asked nervously.

"No problem!"

Monray waved his hand slightly and looked at Heras: "it is a little bit of a look down on you, you are more powerful than I imagined!"

"And you are weaker than I thought. I feel a little disappointed. It seems that the so-called first man in the sky is just like this!"

Heras shook his head slightly: "yes, too! After all, the flowers growing in the greenhouse, how can they be compared with those evil spirits in the outside world? "

"You underestimated it!"

Menglei threw away the handle of the hammer: "if you don't show some strength, you will be ridiculed by the elder who has seen the world again!"

With that, Meng Lei twisted his neck, and his whole body breath changed at this moment, becoming cold, bloodthirsty and sharp.


Heras was keenly aware of the change of monray, and was slightly surprised.

"Whew --"

a shadow passed by, and monray reappeared in front of Heras, his fist shot like lightning, and instantly hit Heras's face.

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"It's no use!"

Heras shook his head slightly and reached out with a finger at will!

"You're slow this time, Horace!"

Monlay suddenly appeared behind Heras, his fist hit Heras in the back of the head!

Heras stumbled forward and almost got a piece of shit.

"Well, master Horace, who has seen the world, how about my fist?" Menglei's mouth slightly cocked up, showing a smile.

"Two periods of blink, a little clever!"

Heras stabilized himself and squinted at monley. "But you are too weak to hurt me at all."

"Is it?"

Menglei chuckles, and suddenly 8 arms pop out of his body, plus the previous two arms, a total of 10 arms.

"One punch can't hurt you. What about the 10?"


Two blinks!

Three blinks!

Heras's reaction is absolutely incomparable, but in front of the three blinks, the reaction is ultimately half a beat slow, and this is the chance for Monroe.


"BAM Bang Bang --"

at this moment, Meng Lei made the best of Yongchun · serial Japanese character Chongquan which had been practiced for many years!

A burst of incessant collision sound, monray's 10 fists turned into a mirage and poured on Heras!


Everyone was completely stunned. Could it still be like this?

"Damn it!"

After receiving 100000 punches, Heras reacted and quickly withdrew!

At this time, he was black and blue, nosebleed, and was obviously beaten.

"It's really tough. I've got so many punches that it's OK!" Seeing this, monley couldn't help but take a breath of cold air!

He had just used all his strength in the human form and hit 100000 punches in one breath, but Heras suffered only a little skin injury!

What kind of exercise is this?

"Cunning boy, you irritate me

Heras wiped his nose blood, and his eyes burst into flames. He was a senior who had been wandering around for many years and had experienced big waves. He was beaten like this by a younger generation. Where is his old face?

"I will tear you to pieces

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Heras roared and his body soared.

"Boom -"

for a moment, his body expanded like a balloon filled with air, and in a short time he became a giant.

"Bang --"

a mighty terror power was vented from the giant and spread!"Ah --"

the Baizhang deity can't be compared with the previous wanzhang Dragon God and wanzhang babulus. However, the surging divine power sent out directly crushed the civilians and believers in the square at the foot of the mountain to the ground, unable to move.

Holy Land and demigod sweat on their brows and have difficulty breathing.

"What a terrifying divine power, completely beyond the level of demigods, much more powerful than the Dragon God just now!" There are demigods who are terrified.

"Young man, die for me!"

Heras raised the sole of his huge foot and stepped heavily on Monroe. His body became larger and his speed should be greatly reduced.

But strangely, Heras's speed was faster, completely trampled on the foot of monlay, and then trampled on the top of the dragon god mountain.

"If you dare to step on me, I'm not polite!"

With a sneer, Menglei took out the magic weapon with his backhand and thrust it upward: "I top it!"

Up to now, Menglei still doesn't know what kind of artifact it is, but its sharpness is still beyond imagination.

"Pooh Hoo --"

the musket easily pierced Heras' foot and pricked out a blood hole. Heras screamed and even retracted the sole of his foot.

"Good baby!"

Monlay rose from the air and looked at Heras: "Heras, you are not so good?"

"Younger generation, what kind of artifact is this?"

Heras stares at the musket.

"Don't you know much, but you recognize it!" Menglei threw the golden blood from the end of the killing God gun with a leisurely smile.

"Ridiculous! How many artifacts are there? How can I know everything? "

Heras snorted coldly, and his eyes were full of fear and dignity!

Although he was the perfect state of the true God, he awakened the blood of Titan, and his body was comparable to the next god!

However, even so, it is still pierced by the God killing gun in an instant!

It is enough to show that the magic gun is at least a medium artifact, or even higher!

"It doesn't matter if you don't know it, but there's a artifact you'll never have to know!"

With a strange smile, a bloody sickle appeared in his hand.

"Death Death sickle

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