"Death Death sickle

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"This is Death sickle

In the kingdom of gods, the Titan giant god looked at the sudden appearance of the scythe of death, and his face changed greatly: "where did this thief come from?"

The scythe of death is not a common artifact, but a artifact used by death to harvest living beings and sacrifice souls. It is evil, terrifying, bloodthirsty and powerful

Every scythe of death is at least a superior artifact. Even the Titan, the rich and middle God, is also a high-level artifact!

The key point is that the scythe of death is the companion artifact of the God of death. Where is the scythe of Morley? Is he a member of the family of death?


"Sickle of death

"How could you have such an evil weapon?"

Heras's face changed, and his eyes toward the sickle of death were full of fear!

This is a superior artifact. Killing him is like cutting melons and vegetables. His spirit can't bear it!

"The sickle of death is the companion artifact of death!" Monray licked his lips and made up a nonsense: "where do you think I got the sickle of death?"

"Are you..."

Horace's face changed greatly.

"Right! I'll reward you with a knife now Monroe came close in a blink.

"Poo Hoo --"

the scythe of the God of death cuts down, like a kitchen knife across the body of Heras, and easily marks a two meter deep Cut.

As the pain passed into the nerves, Heras looked at the bleeding abdomen and gasped: "it's the scythe of death. It's so sharp!"

"Sharp, of course! Two years ago, I killed a real God level sheep lion demon king with the sickle of death "And you will be the first God that I will cut to death!" said Morley with a light smile

"Want to kill me?" Heras's eyelids twitched a few times, and his voice was cold: "it depends on whether you have the ability to suppress the kingdom of God!"

"Hum -"

just after the voice fell, a Golden Shadow of the divine Kingdom suddenly appeared on the top of Meng Lei's head, and the surging power of the kingdom fell from the huge shadow, directly enveloping Meng Lei.

"Hum -"

at this moment, monray felt as if he was in a quagmire. The pressure everywhere was crushing his body madly, which made him feel as if he was under hundreds of millions of weight, and his action became very slow.

"Boy, why is the true God different from the demigod? Because of the kingdom of God

Heras sneered: "the kingdom of God is the most powerful Assassin's mace of the true God. In the kingdom of God, the real God's combat power is the strongest. Even outside the kingdom of God, the power of the kingdom of God can be mobilized to suppress the enemy!"

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"The power of the kingdom of God..."

Monray looked at the golden power of the divine Kingdom on the top of his head.

"Boy, you are really amazing and even have a good chance, but if you don't realize God, how can you know the power and terror of the true God?"

Heras said coldly, "I tell you, don't look down on any real God!"

With that, Heras hit monley with a blow, and this time he made a decisive effort!

Monley can threaten his life, he dare not let water!

Heras believed that with his lower level of deity, he would be able to smash monlay and kill him on the spot!

However, at the moment when he was about to hit Menglei, he suddenly exploded and turned into countless tiny electric currents running around.

Heras hit the air with a blow, and his body can not help but stagger, and the small current running around instantly closed, and turned into Monroe again.

Monlay waved the scythe of death, and with a puff of blood, Horace's right arm rose from the sky and separated from his body!


Seeing this sudden change, all the spectators were shocked!

A moment ago, Monroe was suppressed by the power of the kingdom of God, and his body could not move. Herasmin occupied a huge advantage!

But the next moment, how did it happen?

Not only did he fail to explode Menglei, but he was cut off by Menglei's right arm? Is that too fast?

"It was Is thunder elemental? "

Horace covered his broken arm and looked at him in disbelief.

"Right! It's a pity that there was no prize! "

As soon as monley swung the sickle of death, all the blood drops fell.

"I didn't expect you to have this ability!"

Heras's face was a little ugly: "but you think you can defeat me in this way. It's a big mistake!"

"No! I never wanted to beat you! "

Monray stepped out, and instantly came to Heras: "from beginning to end, my goal is only one Kill you

"Br >

suddenly, monray exploded and turned into black smoke, which passed through Heras's body. However, it gathered again behind him, and the scythe of death crossed.

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"Poo Hoo --"

this time, the left arm was broken!For a moment, his arms were cut off, Heras turned into a human stick, his broken arms burst out with golden blood, looking extremely miserable.

"Dark elementalization!"

Heras's face turned white, and finally he was a little frightened: "you have mastered two elemental abilities! What kind of freak are you? "

"Where is that

Menglei leisurely smile: "rarely meet a good opponent, next, I will use all the means on you one by one!"

As soon as the voice fell, a towering mountain suddenly appeared over Heras and fell down on Heras!

This is teleportation!

"Cacha --"

the mountain hit Heras hard and smashed in an instant. When Heras was submerged, monray reached for a finger!

Golden air flow spread out, instantly submerged Heras, submerged the crushing mountain!

This is absolute zero!

"Click --"

"click --"

in a short time, Heras, the mountain and the gravel become a huge golden ice lump, and the amazing cold air spreads out. Even if people are far away, people feel chilly all over!

To here, monray still did not let Heras's plan, palm out of the dark fire, gradually condensed into a long black gun!

This time it's the ghost fire!


Monley counted slowly.

"Boom --"

a roar came, and the big iceberg exploded, and Heras reappeared!

At this time, the black spear, which had already been ready to start, shot out in an instant!

"Bang --"

after all, it is composed of the ghost fire. The black spear is not as sharp as the killing spear and the scythe of death, and can not penetrate the spirit of Heras!

But after hitting Heras, it explodes and burns!

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In an instant, Heras was drowned by the ghost fire.

"Damn it! This is the ghost fire

Heras was so frightened and angry that he almost collapsed!

All the people watching the war cast pitiful eyes on Heras, who were cut by the sickle, frozen, and now burned by fire

It's too hard!

He's so hard!



In the distant kingdom, the Titan's eyelids twitch, and some regret sending Heras to the sky!

Even if you are hanged and beaten, the key is still so abused. It's just bullying!


"Thunder element!"

"Elements of darkness!"

"Death sickle!"

"That spear!"

"Now it's the ghost fire again!"

"Who is this mortal? Why do you have so many incredible talents and high-level artifacts? "

Titan, the spirit God can't understand!

Artifact is not to say, there will be background and backstage naturally, but talent is not based on the background and background can have!

Elementalization is a special talent of elemental life. How can a human being with flesh and blood have it?

Blink is a very rare talent. Titan just heard about it, but never saw it!

Youming Shenhuo is a unique magic power of Youming Shenfeng. Menglei is a human being. How can you use it?

I can't think of it!

I don't understand!

I don't understand!

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"This human being is like a mystery. We can't see the details of him at all!"

Titan. He doesn't like the feeling that things are beyond his control because it makes him feel weak!


"Ghost fire!"

"Is this guy the phoenix of the nether world?"

The Dragon God's face was distorted. Although he didn't want to admit it, he was jealous. What is the existence of the Phoenix clan?

That is no less powerful than the Titans, and the Youming Shenfeng clan is thin and sparsely populated, so it is extremely protective!

The Dragon God can imagine that as long as the ghost Phoenix finds out Menglei, he will take Menglei back to the clan for key training!

At that time, Monroe will enjoy no less resources than Titan!

At that time, under the accumulation of massive belief power and massive resources, Menglei's strength will certainly progress rapidly, and will soon surpass him, the Dragon God. Let him look up to him!


At the thought of these, the Dragon God is jealous of the separation of the quality wall, their dragon Protoss is not not weak, on the contrary, the Dragon Protoss in the void world is very strong!

However, the Dragon Protoss is a selfish and hierarchical race. It only cultivates pure lineage. Like him, he is born in the wild dragon of low material plane. His grandmother doesn't feel pain and his uncle doesn't love him. Who would like to cultivate him?"I'm so jealous!"

Dragon God's jealous eyes are red!


Even Heras had no way but to suffer in pain and suffering.

"As I said before, the result is the same!"

Step by step, Morley went to Heras: "Dragon Island demigod, Titan demigod, or you, are the same in my eyes!"

"Man, I underestimated you!"

Heras is also a man, let the fire burn, Leng is not said: "although I die without regret, but the spirit of the Lord will avenge me!"

"Revenge? Then let him come! " Monray snorted: "anyway, we have a long marriage, I don't care about one more!"

Heras no longer said more, slowly closed his eyes, let the dark fire burn, a generous attitude to death!

"Good! You're tough! "

Monray could not help but praise: "well, give you a chance, as long as you submit to me, I can spare you a way to live, how about?"

"How can I submit to you, Horace Heras sneered.

"Well! Then you go! "

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