() tens of thousands of meters wide waterfalls fall from the sky, just like the Milky way falling in the nine days. The rising water mist fills the surrounding area, which is magnificent like a fairyland.

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However, at the moment, no one can appreciate the magnificent waterfall, because the situation in front of us is at full blast!

"Man, the land of gods and demons is not the place where you can be wild! I warn you, leave at once

The snake pupil of the God of Warcraft twinkles with cold light, and the whole body breath is gushing. It is like a huge beast, which will kill Meng Lei at any time.

"The guy in front of me is much stronger than Lorenzo, the angel with six wings. He is the best among the middle gods in terms of body and power."

Menglei can feel the power of the God of Warcraft. His spirit is terrible, his life is vigorous, his power is surging and his spirit is as firm as a rock.

It's hard to imagine that a lower physical plane could have such existence. What's more, it's less than ten thousand years old. Who can believe it?

"I just don't know how many spirits this guy has, what kind of state?" Monley guessed.

The God who has understood at least two basic laws and has two deities is the median God, which is the weakest median God!

Like the Dragon God!

After understanding the five basic laws and having five spirits, you can achieve the upper gods only one step away, which is the most powerful middle God!

Like the beast God!

At present, the spirit body, vitality, power and spirit of the God of Warcraft have reached a peak. Meng Lei boldly assessed that it mostly has 4 deities!

How can you believe that this kind of existence has become a God for less than ten thousand years?

"It's a pity that no matter how strong you are, you're just a middle God after all."

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Monray looked at the God of Warcraft: "God of Warcraft, it is impossible for me to leave!"

"I might as well tell you that there is only one faith in this seat, and that is me!"

"If you want to be my God, I don't mind letting you continue to dominate this continent!"

"Human, you are looking for death!"

The God of Warcraft, the snake pupil, burst out fierce light in his eyes. He wanted to choose people to eat.

"If you want to die, you have to fight before you know it!" Monray shook his head and chuckled: "let me see the power of the God of Warcraft

"Shenshu: the wind blade is buried in disorder!"

The God of Warcraft was unambiguous. When he opened his mouth, countless purple wind blades shot out. In a moment, he came to Monroe.

These purple wind blades are different from ordinary wind blades. They are not only as fast as lightning, but also condensed to the extreme. Their cutting power reaches an amazing level.

If you change it into a general middle God, you will be cut all over the body and bruised. Even if you don't die, you will be severely disabled. It's hard to escape!

"A good way, but a pity!"

Menglei slightly shook his head, slowly spit out four words: "life guard!"

"Hula --"

numerous green leaves appeared in front of monley, which formed a thin leaf wall and blocked in front of him.

The God of Warcraft saw this, and a sneer appeared in the snake's pupil: "the leaves just want to resist the wind blade of this seat, bury them in disorder, and shake the trees with fat and mays!"

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However, when the purple wind blade hits the leaf wall, just like a sharp arrow on the high toughness fiber, the leaf wall just vibrates slightly, blocking all the wind blades. The purple wind blade is allowed to cut wildly, but it is unable to cut it.

"How could it be?"

The God of Warcraft's face changed dramatically, and the snake's pupil was filled with incredible color.

"There's nothing impossible!"

Meng Lei shakes his head, the ancient tree of life is an ancient god. Even though my ancient tree of life has only 13% fusion degree, you can't hurt it!

"Shenshu: the wind blade is buried!"

The God of Warcraft hissed, and a purple wind blade spurted out of his mouth. But unlike before, the blade was about 50 Zhang long, like a rainbow through the sun.

In less than a tenth of a second, the blade reached the leaf wall.

Just heard a thorn, a hole was cut in the wall of the leaves, and the blade of the wind passed by with the trend, and instantly killed Meng Lei.

"Less in number, more powerful!"

Menglei did not dodge, but stretched out his right hand, the surface of his right hand spread countless vines, condensed into a thick shield.

"Bang --"

the blade of the wind hits the shield, making a dull sound of gold and iron hitting each other, and bursts out fierce sparks, as if two pieces of metal collide.

However, the same scene happened:

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no matter how the wind blade cuts, it still can't cut the shield. This shield made of countless vines is extremely tough, and the wind blade can't shake it!

"Why is it so meat?"

The God of Warcraft couldn't believe his eyes. He could feel the strength of Monroe's body, which was also the realm of the middle God.

Even worse than it!

But why is Monroe's body so fleshy?

You can't bury the blade in disorder!Wind blade big burial or not?

What kind of species is monley?

"The great God can't break his master's defense?"

"What did the master come from?"

All of the 28 beasts were shocked. They couldn't imagine that the God of Warcraft was so powerful that he could not break the defense of Monroe?


This new owner, why is the meat so horizontal?

"I don't believe it!"

The God of Warcraft roared again and again. Suddenly, he opened his mouth and spewed out a purple flame. It was the magic art: the purple fire burned the air!

"Boom --"

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as soon as the purple flame appeared, it rose against the storm, and instantly rose to a height of 100 Zhang, which immediately submerged monlay.

"Boom -"

the purple flame is blazing, sending out terrible high temperature. Even the water in the waterfall and pool is roasted and evaporated, forming a large amount of water vapor and covering the surrounding area.

Although they are not afraid of the cold and heat, they have to retreat from the formidable fire magic.

"Fire conquers wood. I don't believe that you are not afraid of fire magic!" The God of Warcraft stood up the snake's pupil and stared coldly at the fire wrapped monray.

However, with the continuous burning, the purple flame gradually extinguished, revealing the burned for dozens of seconds of Menglei. At the moment of seeing Menglei, everyone was shocked.

Menglei is wrapped in a "shell", which is made of green vines, just like the shield!

In principle, wood is most afraid of fire. Once it is burned by flame, it will definitely be burned to ashes, and the worst will be burnt black.

But the shell of Menglei is not the case. The purple flame burned for a long time, but it didn't burn any trace on it, even if there was not a trace of burning black.


The God of Warcraft is about to collapse. He is not afraid of the wind blade or the fire. Is it meat?

"I don't believe that!"

The God of Warcraft blood red eyes: "Magic: thunder rolling!"

"Kazam -"

after a long time, Lei's Shenshu retreated in the intact condition of Menglei, and then the golden magic, but still in vain.

At the end of the day, there's nothing wrong with Monroe, and the God of Warcraft has completely collapsed!

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