() after a round of bombing, the God of Warcraft broke down first: "you What kind of monster are you? "

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Don't answer, looking at the magic way of Warcraft: "wind, fire, thunder, gold, it seems that I guess right, you really have four gods!"

"So what?"

The God of Warcraft said coldly.

"If you practice normally, you can't have such strength. If I guess right, you not only get 4 lower deities, but also get treasures that can strengthen spirits!"

Meng Lei light way: "what I say can be right?"

It's easy to merge into a God, but it's hard to split the spirit and cultivate the spirit's separation!

The prerequisite for the soul to be strong is to split the soul!

Therefore, it is easy to become a lower God, but it is difficult to be a middle God. It is even more difficult to be a middle God with four or even five gods!

Split spirit!

The damage to the spirit is too great!

It can be seen that the God of Warcraft has absolutely got the treasure of strengthening the spirit. Only in less than ten thousand years can the God be divided into four parts and become the middle God!

The God of Warcraft stares at monray coldly, neither admits nor denies, which is acquiescence.

"It's bad luck. I'm envious of it!" Monray shook his head slightly: "give you a chance finally, surrender, or die!"

"This seat is the God of Warcraft. How can you submit to a human being?" The God of Warcraft's voice is low: "how strong are you? Don't want to let this seat submit!"

"Why is it always like this?"

Monray shook his head slightly, and dozens of vines sprang out all over his body, shooting at the God of Warcraft.

"Hum! I won't play with you any more! "

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The God of Warcraft snorted coldly, and his head sank into the pool and left directly. Meng Lei said with a faint smile: "do you want to slip away now? Too naive

"The force of plane Suppress

"Hum -"

a surging force from the plane suddenly oppressed the God of Warcraft and forced it out of the water.

"Hula --"

the true face of the God of Warcraft immediately appeared before the human. It turned out that it was a head with a snake but a dragon body.

"Whew, whew --"

the vine swindled the God of Warcraft into rice dumplings. The God of Warcraft roared and struggled wildly. However, under the double repression of the power of the ruling face and the vine, he could not get rid of the power of the middle God.

"It's no use!"

Monley shook his head: "don't say the power of plane, the power of single vine is not what you can break free of!"

"What do you want, man?"

The God of Warcraft was staring at Monroe.

"Do you know who I am?"

Monley did not answer rhetorical questions.

"Who are you?"

Asked the God of Warcraft in a low voice.

"I am the master of the plane!"

Meng Lei said: "whether it is the sky continent, the bright land, or your magic land, or the boundless and endless deep sea, it is my territory! Do you think it is possible for you to establish an independent kingdom in my territory? "

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"Master of the plane!"

The God of Warcraft sneered: "you lie! The master of this plane is the fairy goddess. She refined the heart of plane and became the master of plane plane as early as 200000 years ago! "

"Believe it or not, you're going to die anyway!"

Meng Lei is too lazy to explain, launching life to absorb and absorb the essence of life of the Warcraft God.

"your God body is very strong and absorbs the essence of your life, and my God body will surely break through the spiritual realm of the summit."

"Glug ~ ~"

with Meng Lei's crazy absorption, the vitality of the God of Warcraft is like the flood that broke the dike and rushed towards Menglei crazily. The warm feeling wrapped in the body is more comfortable than bathing in the hot spring.

At the same time, the cells of Menglei's body are like starving wolves who have been starving for more than half a year, swallowing the vitality flowing into the body.

this is the most pure essence of life, the most conducive to the promotion of the body, the average person "eat" limited, to a certain extent will stop absorbing!

But monlay is different!

He awakened the blood of Archean people, and also integrated the blood of mice killing God, the blood of Phoenix of the nether world, the blood of hundred armed giant and the blood of ancient tree of life!

such a lot of blood is not to eat cooked rice, they need to grow, and grow up to heaven and earth treasure and massive life essence as nourishment!

Therefore, Monterey's "meal" is very terrible, and with the continuous absorption, these blood also began to crazy absorption and growth.

As a result of their growth, monlay's body began to rise.



Crazy promotion!

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The feeling of physical ascension is really wonderful. Monray is immersed in this wonderful ascension and almost hums out.

Contrary to Monroe is the God of Warcraft. It feels that its vitality begins to lose madly and its strength rapidly decays.This kind of feeling makes it frightened and angry. It knows that if it continues to flow at this speed, it will die, absolutely!

"God of Warcraft, don't you have three gods? Why not call them out? " "They may be able to save your life!" he said with a smile

Three spirits?

I have, but they are not in this plane. How can they be called out?

At this moment, the God of Warcraft deeply knows that it has reached the critical moment of life and death. If you don't work hard, it will definitely die!

The God of Warcraft screamed wildly: "Golden Branch Kill me

"Boom -"

suddenly, a golden vine shot out of the pool like a golden Cobra and shot directly at Menglei.

"Whew, whew --"

as fast as lightning!


Can't use the speed to describe already!

Before he even had time to use the vine shield, he was pierced by the golden vine which was as fast as lightning.

"Wow --"

Meng Lei spewed out a mouthful of blood and looked at the golden vine that pierced his stomach. What kind of artifact is this, which is so sharp?


Dora's voice sounded in her ear: "are you ok?"

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"Not yet!"

"Dora, do you know this golden vine?" said monley slowly

"No! However, it looks like the branches of the golden apple tree, but the breath is not right! "

Duola shook his head: "you boy, be careful, this mortal Python is full of evil everywhere, unlike the ordinary middle God!"

"I know!"

Meng Lei nodded silently, his body was dark and elemental, and then he condensed and formed again not far away: "I didn't expect you to have such an artifact!"

"Man! You're not dead

Seeing the appearance of Meng Lei is not far away, the spirit of Warcraft almost spits blood.

Just now this blow is its way of pressing the bottom of the box. It still can't kill Monroe!

This special life is too hard!

"You can't kill me!"

"However, in order to prevent accidents, I decided to kill you immediately!"

"Man, dare you!"

The God of Warcraft was a little flustered.


Monray immediately appeared in front of the God of Warcraft, the sharp Trident suddenly stabbed, suddenly penetrated the head of the God of Warcraft.

"Man, I will not let you go!"

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