In the face of the temptation of God, no one can take it calmly. Father and son become enemies and husband and wife turn against each other. This snake man couple is the most vivid example.

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Even though we have been with each other for a long time, we have experienced numerous difficulties and dangers together, but at this moment, we are not as important as God!

"Come on, you two. Please give way."

At the time when the two old snake men were arguing, some people couldn't look down. They appeared in the middle of the two people and caught the Lord's spirit in the past.

The two snake elders' faces changed greatly. They even turned their heads to look at the people, and their eyes were blazing with fire.

"God killed dog thief, return my Lord's spirit!"

The two snake elders were furious, and their palms were fierce. It seemed that they would have to be patted into meat sauce before they could vent their hatred.

"Because of this God, you all turned against each other, which is a great tragedy in life! For your good, I'll confiscate it! "

It was Meng Lei, who was not others. He appeared several kilometers away with a flash of his body. He looked at the main divinity and his eyes were shining with fine light.

"There are many similarities between the material and the heart of low and medium plane, but the power is much stronger than the heart of low and medium plane!"

Murmured monray.

"That's natural! In addition to the ten basic laws and ten original forces, there are five supreme laws and five supreme laws in the constitution of the heart of higher plane

Monroe appeared around Monroe: "the material composed of 15 laws and 15 powers. You can imagine the power! It is said that... "

"What is it said?"

Monley wondered.

"It is said that the integrity of the heart of the higher plane is comparable to the supreme divinity. Whoever integrates the heart of the whole higher plane will have the power comparable to the supreme god of the whole world!" Monroe said with a smile.

"The supreme god of the world!"

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Monray's spirit was shocked.

After the lower God, the middle God, the upper God and the master, the Supreme God is the highest god in the world. You can imagine how powerful the Supreme God is!

The complete heart of the higher plane is comparable to the supreme divinity? Monray's eyes flash!

"It's a pity that a complete mind of higher plane can not exist at all, which also means that there is no supreme God in the world!"

"This is a balance in another sense," he said with a smile


Menglei laughed and said, "morluo, do you think this main deity belongs to the lower, the middle or the upper

"No, no, no! You are wrong

"There is a difference between the strength and weakness of the main deity, but there is no difference in the rank of the main deity!" said Moruo

"as like as two peas, each of them has the same size and size. The strength of the LORD God depends on his understanding of the supreme law! "

"To be specific, it's like this!"

"The God who only merges the divinity but knows nothing about the supreme law is the inferior God with the worst strength."

"The LORD God, who combines the divinity of the Lord and understands some supreme laws, is a better middle God; the master God who has a deep knowledge of the supreme law is the superior God!"

"The LORD God, who combines the divinity of the Lord and fully understands a supreme law, is the master!"

"All right."

He knew this for a long time. What he didn't expect was that he was totally connected with the God's personality irrelevant!

is as like as two peas!

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"You have understood the four Supreme laws. Although they are all superficial, they are somehow understood. If you fuse this divinity immediately, you will become the middle God."

Mo Luo licked his lips and said with a smile, "so, hurry to merge!"

Monray nodded slightly, and then said, "can no one who has become a God be integrated into the divinity of the Lord?"

When Moruo heard the words, he said without hesitation: "if there is no God, there will be no divinity, even the divinity. Of course, we can't integrate the master's divinity."

"That's a pity. I can't mix it up!" Monley said with a look of regret.

"Can't you merge with the Lord? What do you mean

Monroe was a little confused and immediately responded, "you Don't you mean to say that you haven't become a God yet


Monley nodded slightly.


Monroe was stunned. He looked at Meng Lei as if he were looking at a monster. After a long time, he said, "what kind of monster are you? It's not a God yet

"I am me, fireworks of different colors!"

Menglei smile, turn his hand and put up the main divinity. At this time, a fierce strong wind comes, and Meng Lei's body shakes and dodges away.

Look around, it's Queen manroe!

"Give up your divinity!"

The corner of her mouth is still bloodstained, but her fighting spirit and the killing intention in her eyes are increasing instead of decreasing. She stares at monley coldly."Give up your divinity!"

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Two snake elders also killed them.

"Traitor, I'll settle with you later!"

The empress of manluo gave them a cold look, and her eyes fell on monray again. This is the charm of the God, which can let the queen of manluo put down her hatred temporarily.

The two snake elders are embarrassed, but now they can't care so much. They stare at Meng Lei fiercely, and their killing intention is almost condensed into essence.

They simply hated Monroe. The LORD God had been taken away by him, which made them happy.

This is a big feud!

"Want the Lord? Why? "

Monrao looked at the three men with interest.

"The LORD God is the property of the manluo people in our desert. If you are wise enough, you will be killed in Pompeii desert and sleep in this wasteland for a long time." Queen manroe said coldly.

"Hehe, if you appear on your chassis, it becomes your thing? Although this is overbearing, there seems to be some truth in it! "

"In this case, I solemnly declare that from now on, the whole Pompeii desert is my territory. Do you have any objection?"


"Looking for death!"


When they heard this, they were furious.

Launch an attack!

"Snake dominates the world!"

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With a low roar, Queen manroe lifted up a huge golden snake shadow around her body, and then condensed into substance, biting Meng Lei.

"Latent snake hand!"

The snake man's right arm is long and turns into a purple python, swallowing it to Menglei.

"Kill the snake!"

The snake man and the old woman slapped her hands, and the cuff was like a laser gun, and spewed out countless poisonous snakes, biting Meng Lei fiercely.

"A little bit of work!"

Menglei slowly raised his right hand, fingertip gently, three color cold current gushed out from the fingertip, immediately spread, covering all directions.

"Kazam -"

the three color cold current looks ordinary, but at the moment of contact with the Golden Snake, purple Python and countless poisonous snakes, it shows the power of incomparable terror.

In a short time, the Golden Snake, purple Python and countless poisonous snakes were frozen and turned into an ice sculpture, frozen in the air and motionless.


"How could it be?"

After drinking, the two snake elders changed their faces. Their eyes were full of disbelief. They are super masters who are close to the great circle. Who can resist them?

However, Monroe defeated their attack immediately. What strength is this?

"Do you dare to touch the Lord's divinity with your strength? Are you not afraid that you will die and die, and that there will be no place to be buried? "


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