"How dare you touch the Lord's divinity with this strength?"

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Monterey is not looking down on these three guys, even if they don't meet themselves or others, they don't have any chance of winning.

Even worse for them.

"Don't talk nonsense, give up your God!"

Queen manroe yelled: "the master deity is the property of our desert man Luo snake people. If we don't hand over the master divinity, we will not die!"

How about the strength?

This is the God of God!

Step up the ladder!

She will never give up!

"Give up your divinity!"

Two old snake men also roared.

"A toast is a penalty if you don't eat or eat!"

Monley snorted coldly, and in a flash he reached the queen of manroe.

"How fast

Queen manroe's face changed dramatically. However, before she could react, she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen. The next moment, she directly flew out.

Menglei, like a ghost, appeared one after another in front of the two old snake men and kicked them out in the face.

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"Something beyond your capacity!"

Menglei snorted, and was ready to leave in a flash. Unexpectedly, at this moment, a shrill sound of breaking the sky suddenly came from afar, carrying a very terrible pressure, and in a blink of an eye, he came to the front of him.

She has a pair of sharp horns on her head, a long tail behind her, round ears, blood red eyes, purple black lips and pale skin.

See this person, monray some consternation, this is so much like a previous life in a cartoon Felisa, it is a real life ah!

It's like that!

Felisa is just a fake character. He can't appear here. In front of him, this one should be a frozen Protoss, a big round frozen Protoss!

"What about the God? Where is the God? "

The bloody eyes of "Felisa" fall on monray and the three snake men. Their eyes are full of greed and desire. He has reached the end of his life and is basically impossible to move forward!

But he will be a God on the top of the world Bigger!

"Big round full!"

The three snake men's faces suddenly became extremely ugly. First, Meng Lei, the unfathomable master, came to a great consummation. Their hope of getting the divine status became increasingly dim

"Old man, what have you done?"

The snake man old woman roared angrily: "the Lord's divinity has already arrived. If you didn't fight with me, how could you have ended up in such a field?"

"Hum! Do you want to blame me? "

The old snake man directly refused to go back: "I let you for a lifetime, endure you for a lifetime, but in the end you treat me like this, I am blind!"

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The two old snake men complained to each other. "Felisa" was dissatisfied. He snorted coldly, and a terrifying force of terror overthrew him!

"Say it! Where is the God? "

"Felisa" cold channel.

"The Lord has been taken away by him!"

Queen manroe coughed up a mouthful of blood and pointed to Monroe. Her anger was suppressed in her beautiful eyes. Since I can't get it, you can't get it!

"Good! Indeed, he has taken away the God of God The old snake man spoke.

"The Lord is in you?"

"Felisa" immediately looked at monley, greedy eyes: "quick, give it to me!"

"The Lord is indeed in my hands, but why should I give it to you?" "You have to give me a reasonable explanation," he said

"Explain? Howl, howl

"Felisa" grinned: "give up your divinity, I can spare you from death! Otherwise, there will be no place for you to die! "

"Kill me? I'm afraid you don't have the strength! "

Monray sneered, and stepped out to "Felisa" in front of him. He looked at each other. There was a shock in his eyes. How fast!

The next moment, monley's fist suddenly fell on his abdomen!

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"Boom --"

a huge force gushed out. "Felisa" snorted and flew directly out. Monray appeared behind him like a ghost, and kicked him in the face

Looking at the "Felisa" flying backwards, monray sneered and shook his head: "everyone can say big words, but without the corresponding strength to support, it will only become a sad joke!"

"Hiss ~ ~"

the three snake men were stunned. They looked at Meng Lei as if they were looking at a monster. It was a big round, the great perfection of the frozen Protoss, and they were totally beaten by Menglei!

"Who the hell is he?" Empress manroe's mind turned: "only the LORD God can crush the great perfection like this! Is he some god? "

Although the main god is high above the earth, the God is the greatest existence in the world, and the statues, portraits and appearances of the main God will eventually spread out!Therefore, many strong people still "have seen" the LORD God, but Queen manroe vowed that she had never seen the LORD God of Monroe!

"Damn it! Damn you

"Felisa" is stable, with blood red eyes staring at Monroe. His killing intention is almost condensed into essence. When did he suffer from this kind of loss?

It's intolerable!


"Felisa" roared, suddenly burst out a purple cold current, turned into a majestic purple ice dragon, hit Menglei hard.

It's the gift of the frozen Protoss - Jiuyou xuanbing!

The power of nine secluded ice is not much said. It not only contains the extreme low temperature, but also can freeze everything, even the space can be frozen!

This is not, purple ice dragon all the way, emitting amazing low temperature, the surrounding space is frozen, imprisoned.

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"Not good!"

Feeling the terrible power of the purple ice dragon, the three snake people's faces changed greatly, and they quickly retreated to the distance. The ice dragon was so terrible that they didn't want to be affected by the pond fish.

"At last I see the authentic nine secluded ice!" Menglei did not dodge, but showed a smile on his face: "it's just a pity..."

With that, Meng Lei stretched out his finger and touched the ice dragon's nose. With a click, the purple ice dragon seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer and broke into pieces.

"Do you think it's over? Seal it

"Felisa" seems to have had a prediction, only to hear him roar, countless pieces of broken ice directly submerged monlay, and then quickly closed.

"Click, click --"

a purple cage is formed, and monray is directly frozen in it. "Felisa" snorts coldly, and the purple cold current bursts out all over the body, and begins to strengthen the ice prison!

After a while, the ice prison was completely reinforced, and "Felisa" was relieved: "I was imprisoned in my Jiuyou ice prison. You can't come out for a while! Now, get out of here first! "

With that, his eyes fell on Queen manroe and the two snake men, and a strong sense of killing flashed through his eyes.

"Not good!"

"He wants to kill people!"

The three snake men changed their faces and ran away. They didn't have the courage to face a great perfection. It was not what they could fight against!

"Want to escape? It's late

"Felisa" sneered and flicked, and three purple ice needles shot out, instantly penetrating the back of the three snake men, killing them on the spot!

The three snake men were angry and wide eyed. They were unwilling to fight for the master's status. How could they even take their lives

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