The eight great successful talks let the gathering of many strong people want to crack the liver and gall, dare not to do any hesitation, run, for fear of running slowly!

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"These eight damn assholes!"

The strong are really afraid and hate, they are clearly far away, clearly have given up snatching the Lord's divinity, eight big round full but still do not intend to let them go, the heart is also very vicious!

Now, however, it is useless to complain. They can only escape as fast as possible and save their lives.

But the following facts proved that it was a hell level mission to escape in the pursuit of eight great consummation.

Eight big round full directly launched the attack, they did not display how powerful the bottom of the box means, just released the God's realm.

"Hum --"

the divine realm spread rapidly, covering tens of thousands of kilometers in an instant, and directly shrouded the strong people who fled in all directions!

Then, all the strong are locked in the same place and can't move any more. No matter how they struggle and how to release the big moves, it's useless!

They are all lambs to be slaughtered in the great and full kingdom of God. The gap is too great!

"My Lord! Spare your life

"Pardon me, my Lord

"Let me go..."

The strong ones begged for mercy, and even some of the top ten Protoss, such as angel Protoss, dragon Protoss, Titan Protoss, etc., but useless!

What is a kindred?

It's not like God!

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As long as they become the main God, even if the whole Protoss is destroyed, it doesn't matter. They can create a Protoss by themselves!


Eight dayuanman are not soft hearted, an idea flashed, many of the imprisoned strong people have exploded, fried into a ball of blood fog.

In an instant, thousands of strong people fell down!

The most amazing thing is that all the people who can come here are the later stage of the upper gods and the more powerful super strong ones. It is really amazing that such a powerful existence suddenly falls down!

"It's too cruel to let go of one's own people!"

Hidden in the dark, Meng Lei was shocked by the ruthlessness of the eight great consummation. He was simply insane!

"They are all great perfectionists. They are really standing at the top of the pyramid. They are unscrupulous and unrestrained. What is killing a few gods of the same race?" Monroe didn't care.

"Does not the LORD God of their people sin?" Monley frowned slightly.

There are many ten gods among the strong people who died. This is the elder level strong one. They were killed by Da Yuanman of his family. Is the LORD God not angry?

"Little fellow, the LORD God is so high that he can't take care of these things?"

"What's more, the only one who can really enter the eye of the LORD God is great perfection. The so-called elder is not even a mole ant in the eyes of the LORD God!"

"All right."

Meng Lei shakes his head and his mind spreads quietly The next second, just killed super strong people instantly disappeared.

They have been sent to the tower of time by Menglei. After all, they are tens of thousands of super strong people. Their lives and their own wealth are definitely a wealth, which can not be wasted.


Many corpses disappeared under their eyelids, which naturally attracted the attention of eight great perfection.

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They don't take these corpses to heart. What really alert them is how strong is it that someone can take away many corpses without their notice?

Will it threaten the Lord's divinity?

The eight great Yuanman are most concerned about the God of God!

"Gula? Or Noah? Since you are here, don't hide your head and tail! " Said Armand niederhogg, the great circle of the Dragon Protoss.

There are 10 great perfection in the earth's divine world, which happens to be 10 of the top ten Protoss. Eight of them are present. Only Noah of the eternal Protoss and Gula of the frozen Protoss are left!

Therefore, Adelman guessed that most of the visitors were these two people, but unfortunately, there was no response.

"What? Not coming out? Or do you want to hide behind and be a fisherman? "

Armand was a little discontented: "give you another chance and get out at once, otherwise, don't blame us to join hands to deal with you!"

"Hum -"

the void was shaking slightly, and a person appeared quietly. Eight big round eyes were like electricity and fell on this person in an instant. But to their surprise, the visitor was neither Gula nor Noah, but a strange face that had never been seen before.

"Who are you?"

He asked, with the gentle and round eyebrows of his angel, who was full of light.

"I'm sorry to disturb you."

The comer is not other people, it is Meng Lei: "I am just a passing melon eating crowd, you rob you, don't care about me!"


After hearing this, Armand, the Dragon Protoss, didn't say a word of superfluous nonsense. He shot it out of thin air and wanted to directly kill monray.rubberneck?

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There's no need to eat melons here!

So die!

"Ha ha, I have a big temper. If I don't agree with you, I will do it!" Menglei chuckled and shook his head. He patted his right hand and met him.

"Looking for death!"

Seeing that Menglei is so understatement to meet his attack, Amand's heart hummed coldly, and a flash of anger flashed in his eyes. Looking at the whole world of gods, no one dares to despise himself like this except for the Supreme God. Menglei is the first one!

"Die for me!"

Armand increased his strength and vowed to make Menglei's palm into meat paste. However, with the collision of his two palms, Armand felt as if he had hit the Taigu mountain. A sharp pain came from his right palm, and then his whole right arm burst open.

"Ah --"

Amand uttered a shrill scream. It was like a shell coming out of the chamber. Seven big round men were shocked to see that there was nothing left in Armand's right arm, and the flesh and blood on it had been completely blown away and turned into blood mist!

"How could it be?"

"Who is he?"

"When will there be more masters in the divine world?"

All of a sudden, the eyes of the seven great consummation looking at monray are full of horror. Armand, as a giant dragon deity of niederhogg, is very round and powerful. However, compared with this guy in front of him, his physical body is not enough?

"The tone is so big, I think it's strong, and the strength is not so good!" Monley shook his head slightly, rather disapproving.

"You Who the hell are you? "

Armand stabilized his body, staring at Monroe, startled and angry.

"A passing melon eater!" Monlay repeated, and then said, "do you fight or not? If you don't, I'll go!"

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Whether you go or not has something to do with whether we fight or not?

8 was unable to make complaints about the big circle, but he didn't answer. "I'm going away," he said, shaking his head.

Said, monray moved to the main divinity in front of, holding the main divinity to leave, this can make 8 big round full to the gas: "want to go, can leave the main divinity!"

Shua Shua Shua -

the 8-digit full circle was dispersed in an instant, surrounded by Menglei, and was not allowed to leave.


Monley raised her eyebrows.

"Sir, you may leave, but you must leave the Lord."

"This is our stuff!" said miles doldi coldly

"Let go of the Lord!"

"The Titans" roared from Chester Dawson's urn.

"Your stuff?"

Monlay laughed: "this thing is clearly the bait I put here to fish. How can it become your thing? How ridiculous

"You put it here?"

"Bait for fishing?"

"Don't you..."

Eight big round man's face changed dramatically.

"Forget it. I'll have a showdown with you."

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