"Forget it. I'll have a showdown with you."

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Menglei bumped the main divinity on his hand and said lightly, "this master divinity is actually put here by me to attract you big fat sheep!"

"Why do you do that?"

Eight big round full face big change, suddenly have a kind of very bad premonition.

"To kill you, of course."

Monray grinned. "Recently, I'm a little short of money, so I can only operate on you!"

"Kill us?"

Hearing this, eight big round full seem to have heard the universe most amusing joke general, burst out laughing, "kill us? Who do you think you are? The LORD God above

"Not bad!"

"You hurt Armand badly, but what? Our eight great masters have joined hands, even the LORD God has faith to fight, not to mention you? "

"Boy, if you are wise, you will give up your divinity immediately and then leave immediately. If not, you will be scared out of your wits and there will be no place for you to die!"

"Ha ha!"

Monlay laughed, and no longer restrained himself.

"Bang -"

a powerful and powerful terror power broke out from Meng Lei, just like the smoke rising from the sky, and like a huge wave of mountains and seas, pressing on all sides in an instant, and pressing on everyone on the scene.

"Bang --"

it seems that the mountain of ten thousand Zhang is oppressed in his mind. The eight great Yuanman only feel an incomparable force on them, which makes them scared and unable to fight!

"What a terrible power!"

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"This is the power of the Lord."

"He is the LORD God

"My God! He's the God

The eight great Yuanman are terrified. They are the strongest existence under the LORD God, but they can't be compared with the LORD God.

Don't look at what they say. With the strength of 8 people, they have confidence to fight with the LORD God. It's just that they put gold on their faces!

Lord God!

It's not what they can fight against!

"It's time to get on the road, dear great consummation gentlemen!" Menglei slowly raised his right palm and said, "all the way, the gate of heaven will open to you!"

"Boom --"

the voice just fell, and the right palm snapped it.

"Spare me!

"Lord God, forgive me!"


The right palm falls from the sky, instantly submerges 8 big consummation, and then all the way to crush and fall on the earth.

Accompanied by a huge bang, the earth shaking, shaking, splashing dust all over the sky.

When Menglei took back his right hand, a huge pit of ten thousand feet long and thousands of meters deep appeared on the ground.

Eight dayuanman lay quietly at the bottom of the pit, soaked in blood all over their bodies, and their muscles and bones were broken. They were killed on the spot, and those who died could not die again!

"Ordinary Da Yuanman still wants to fight against the LORD God. What does he want?" Monroe shook his head, and with a quick move, he seized eight bodies.

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Familiar with the way to dig out the God, kill the spirit, the body to the golden tree.

"Eight great perfectionists, but only two big round gods!"

Monray played with 8 divinities, and was rather regretful that "one of them still did not have the ordinary big round divinity of promotion potential!"

Whether the great circle can continue to improve depends on the five basic principles of the integration of the big circle and the full moon.

If these five laws correspond to the five basic laws required by the five supreme laws, they can naturally continue to improve.

If it is not, there will be no further possibility in my life. It can only be a great success.

"Forget it. Take it first."

Monray did not give the two great round deities down, but collected them first, and then distributed them after getting more great perfection deities in the future.

"Eight Da Yuanman died like this!"

"Maybe they never thought that they would stay here forever in this way," Muro sighed

"Who can be blamed for being so blinded by profits?"

Monley shook his head and said, "let's go and empty the treasure house of the manna serpents in the desert, and then leave this place!"

"Do you know how to get there?"

Asked Moro, raising his eyebrows.


She read the memory of Queen manluo, and naturally knew how to walk in the desert

Half an hour later, Monroe arrives over the palaces of the manroes in the desert, and finds the treasure house easily.

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Shua Shua Shua ---

after a while, the whole treasure house is empty.

Monray collected all the things that could be collected by law source crystal, God crystal and other systems, while others were lost to puhamann and others.

Wealth 2198 trillion crystal

2198 trillion crystal wealth!After a series of actions, such as searching the Dragon elephant City, killing eight great consummation, and removing the treasure house of manluo snake people in the desert, he has accumulated a total amount of wealth, which is not far away from the 5000 trillion crystal needed by krypton gold, a supreme law!

"Keep it up!"

Monlay took aim and flew to the nearest city.

As he flies, monray cleans up the divinity and space rings that he received before, which are left by the eight gods who were killed in the great completion clearance.

There are their spirits in the divinity.

Space rings hold their wealth.

Moreover, they are at least masters of the later stage of the upper gods, so whether killing their spirits or searching for space rings, they can make a steady profit.

"Ding! Kill one angel with eight wings and obtain 900 million crystal

"Ding! Kill one king of Taikoo bimon and obtain 10.2 billion crystal

"Ding! Kill one giant elephant and obtain 9.1 billion crystal! "


After killing all the spirits in the divinity, Menglei got 11 trillion crystal and made a small profit. Then, he began to search for the space ring

Three days later, monlay arrived at the nearest city.

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According to the memory of empress manroe, this city is called Venus Dragon God city. It is a third rate God city built by the Dragon gods of nidhog. It is located in the border area of niederhogh continent.


That's right!

In front of us, this continent is the territory of the Dragon Protoss, and the whole continent is the domain of the Dragon Protoss. They are the rightful masters of this continent.

"Little fellow, you have entered the domain of the dragon race of niederhogg. Don't be so unscrupulous as before

Melo said with a smile, "it's better to be restrained. If you dare to play wild here, you will never be let go of the netherhogg dragon Protoss!"

"The nethogh dragon Protoss is one of the most powerful Protoss in the earth gods."

"Strong means wealth. As long as we rob the land of nidhog, we should be able to plunder a lot of wealth."

"I don't know why you want so much wealth?"

Moreau shook his head. "I have to remind you again, Lord Nidhogg lives in the center of this continent. You'd better be more restrained."

"Ha ha!"

Monray directly came to Venus Dragon God City, and then the same way, the use of powerful transmission magic, began to search for Shenjing.

It is worthy of being a third rate holy city. It is larger in scale, more powerful in strength, more prosperous in economy, and naturally bigger in Shenjing. In a short morning, the total amount of Shanglong elephant city that Menglei searched and scraped was the top of the three-day total amount of Shanglong elephant City, and the gap was not generally large.

However, as the search continued, in the afternoon, monlay suddenly found that a large number of upper gods in Venus had left.

"What's the situation?"

Meng Lei looks confused.

I'm here. Are you going?

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