It turns out that it's OK. Well, I ran away when I came here?

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God horse situation?

In the heart of doubt, Menglei directly caught a superior God for cross examination.

"My Lord, it is said that a divine crystal vein has been found in the Panlong mountains, and it is said that the mineral reserves are not low, which is estimated to be about one trillion tons!"

The upper deity was frightened, and the bamboo tube poured beans: "the Lord of the city sent the city Lord's guard to investigate. I went to see the excitement!"

"A trillion ton Shenjing vein?"

Menglei whole body huge shock, eyes flash a fine awn: "magic Luo, trillion tons of God crystal ore can produce how many God crystal?"

"There are about 10000 Shenjing in a ton!" Magic light way: "trillion tons of nature is 10000 trillion God crystal, just a small mine!"

"Ten thousand trillion crystal!"

Menglei's whole body was shocked: "a small mine can produce 10000 trillion divine crystal. What about the large mine with more abundant mineral resources?"

Menglei suddenly found that he went into a misunderstanding, the gods body is a god crystal, but there is no God crystal ore more?

Therefore, the best place to search for Shenjing is not the gods, but the crystal ore rich in Shenjing!

"Well, the mind is set!"

Monray patted his forehead and said to the God, "what's your name?"

"My Lord, little Emory Fillmore!" The upper God bowed.

"Take me to the Panlong mountains!"

"When you get to the place, it's yours!" he said

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"Yes, my Lord!"

Emory Fillmore was so shaken that it should have been.

"Lead the way!"


Panlong mountain is located in the northeast of the dragon city of Venus. It is more than 200 light-years apart. It is the farthest mountain from the dragon city of Venus. Because the mountains are deep and the valley is remote, few gods will go there.

However, today, with the news of the discovery of the crystal veins in the Panlong mountains, the whole dragon city of Venus is boiling. The city's main guards, the Protoss and individual gods in the city have moved out to the Panlong mountains.

Or to explore the situation, or to watch the fun, or want to share a share of

For a time, all kinds of flying artifact covered the sky and covered the sky and killed the Panlong mountains.

Menglei put out a flying boat, and then put puhaman and other people out, mixed in the middle of the large team, heading for Panlong mountains.

This aircraft was seized by him. Now he has nothing else. There are too many kinds of artifact to count. The God crystal and law source crystal can be collected into the system and turned into numbers. The corpse can be thrown to the golden tree in the tower of time.

Only artifact and other things can only be hoarded and accumulated over time. What Meng Lei has can open a artifact shop for sale.

Two days later, the brigade arrived at its destination. The rolling mountain range was like a giant dragon crawling on the ground, stretching to the end of heaven and earth.

A mountain depression in the Panlong mountains has gathered a large number of people and horses. When Meng Lei came here with his brigade Wu, he saw that the depression had been excavated.

A strong breath of divine power came out from the huge Tiankeng, and all the people on the plane were shocked.

"What a powerful breath!"

"This is Shenjing mine?"

Puhaman and others put out their heads and watched curiously.

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"My Lord, this is the Panlong mountains!" Said Emory Fillmore respectfully.

"Go, go down and see!"

Menglei waved away the aircraft and flew with the crowd to the excavated depression. At the same time, all the large teams came together.

Close to the sky, you can clearly see the dense light in the sky, as if the dazzling brilliance reflected by diamonds is extremely beautiful.

Obviously, there's a mine in the pit!

"There is a mine!"

"Panlong mountains really have mines!"

The gods were excited and discussed fiercely one by one. Although this crystal has little to do with most people, they can still benefit indirectly.

Mining needs people, right?

They can act as miners and earn benefits indirectly!

"My Lord, the news is true!"

Emery Fillmore was also excited: "Panlong mountain really has minerals, trillions of tons of God crystal ore, how much wealth must be

"Only if there is a mine!"

Meng Lei was very pleased, so he prepared to go up and have a close look. Unexpectedly, he was stopped by the man guarding the mountain depression: "this is the important place of the ore vein. All the people who are not allowed to approach here are forbidden to approach it."

Monley frowned slightly.

"My Lord, they are the city Lord's guard!"

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Emery filmollian explained in a low voice: "the city master's guard is the minion of the Lord of Venus. It is specially responsible for the security and management of the dragon city of Venus. Now it is obvious that it will occupy the sacred crystal mine in the Panlong mountains and take it as its own!"

"Take it for yourself? Ha haMeng Lei smiles. At this time, a high sounding dragon chant came from the distance, and saw nine strange beasts flying from the distance.

They have dragon head and lion body, covered with golden dragon scales, six feet under the abdomen, and golden wings on the back. They are majestic and domineering.

At a glance, monray recognized the identity of the nine beasts: six legged golden dragon!

Six legged golden dragon, with the blood of dragon and lion dragon, is a highly respected mount with great power and lightning speed.

It's a pity that the six legged Golden Dragon is very powerful and does not have enough strength. Let alone take them as mounts, they may be killed by the six legged golden dragon!

Therefore, the six legged Golden Dragon is very rare, let alone nine at once. However, it not only appears at this moment, but also exaggerates that:

there are nine chains on the neck of the nine six legged Golden Dragon. At the other end of the chain is a golden dragon driven by gold.

9. I'll drive you!

"Who's this big?"

Asked babus suspiciously.

"Yes! It's too much of a show

Puhaman also opened his mouth: "but don't say, nine head six legged Golden Dragon pulls the cart, it's really windy, driving out has a lot of face!"

"It's true..."

Everyone laughed, and Emory Fillmore was terrified: "everybody, keep your voice down, don't be heard, or we're finished!"

"Emory, who is this guy that scares you so much?" They asked in doubt.

"In our dragon city of Venus, except the Lord, who can make such a display?" Said Emory Fillmore, with a wry smile.

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"It's just the Lord of a city. What's so great about it?" Babus sniffed: "compared with our master, he is not a fart!"

"If you want me to say so, I should snatch these nine six legged golden dragons and let our master ride them. It's a waste of a city Lord!"

"That's it

Other people are also a bit unhappy. The master is a master who surpasses the level of Da Yuanman, but he is so low-key and introverted. He is just a guy who is not even Da Yuanman, but is so high-profile and domineering. It's very uncomfortable.

Emory fillmorton laughed bitterly: "you don't know that the Lord of the dragon city of Venus is not an ordinary man!"

"Not ordinary people?"

"Very strong?"

"Some big man of the nidhog Protoss?"

People wonder.

"Our city Lord's name is Venus niederhogg. He is not strong in his own strength, but he is the younger son of the great nidhogh Lord God. Although he is not very popular, he has a high status in the dragon race of niederhogg!"

Emory Fillmore explained.

"I grass!"

"Son of God!"

"No wonder it's so high-profile!"

"Bull force!"

"I take it!"

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