All the people of the ned Hogg Protoss are angry, out of anger!

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This is the headquarters of their nidhogh Protoss, not to mention a group of thieves. They are the protoss who dare not set foot here easily.

Now, it's a good thing that a group of thieves who come out of nowhere are actually wantonly stealing the treasure house of niederhogg in Julong mountain. It's unforgivable!


"Kill these thieves and let them know the consequences of running here and being wild!"

"Boom -"

tens of millions of nidhogh Protoss launched their attacks, and all kinds of attacks were like comets that cut through the sky and smashed into Monroe and others.

The mighty terror and power, the terrible destructive power that would sweep everything, changed the faces of puhaman and others.

"Master, help!"

Puhaman and others cry in their hearts.

In the face of trillions of attacks, although their strength has greatly increased, they have no possibility of resisting them. They can only hope for the great masters.

Menglei did not live up to their expectations. Two soft golden lights poured out of his eyes, sweeping away the terrorist attacks all over the sky, and slowly said, "time is still!"

"Hum -"

as far as you can see, the empty time is still, and all the attacks are frozen in the air.

"These attacks, give them back to you!"

Menglei converged the soft golden light in his eyes and replaced it with a brilliant silver. He said slowly again, "space conversion!"

Next second!

Monroe and others disappeared in the same place, while the trillions of nidhogh Protoss appeared in the place where they stood.

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Both sides Switch positions!

After that, monlay withdrew and time was still.

The rolling attack immediately continued.

"God horse situation?"

"No No

"Run away..."

"Bang --"


Nature is impossible to escape!

In a moment of overwhelming attacks, the ned HOGGS devour their attacks in despair, panic, and unwillingness.

There was smoke and dust, and flames were flying.

Thunder and lightning roll and ice twinkle.


"How could that happen?"

"Master, how did you do it?"

Puhaman and others are staring at the nedhog Protoss who are submerged by the attack, and their eyes are dull one by one. How can the other party's attack hit them?

"This is the law of space!"

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Meng Lei faint smile "only need to change the space of both sides, change position, they will inevitably bear their own attack!"

"The law of space!"

"No wonder it's so strong!"

"It turns out to be the law of space!"

Puhaman and others suddenly realized, but in their hearts they increasingly adored Monroe. First, the law of time, and now the law of space. The master actually understood the two supreme laws, which were too powerful and grand.

The smoke gradually dissipated.

The void returns to its original state.

Seeing the scene, puhaman and others were stunned. Countless nidhogs died miserably, or were blasted into powder, or were torn into pieces, or only half of them were left, or they were short of arms and legs. A few people who were still whole were covered with black and blue.

The scene was extremely miserable!

Sixty people were killed on the spot!

39 people are disabled!

The strength of the remaining 1 is still intact, but at the moment, these people are full of fear.

They are obviously attacking Monroe and others, but they are drowned by their own attacks.

This scene is too terrible, too terrible, too weird!


A super strong man with infinite strength approaching the great fullness has red eyes, and his eyes are filled with astonishment and anger. What is startled is that the attack just made is too strange, and the anger is that they have suffered heavy death and injury to the nidhog Protoss!


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So many Protoss are the mainstay accumulated over a long period of time, and they are the important combat power for the nidhog Protoss to dominate the earth.

As a result, the army was almost destroyed. How could he not be surprised or angry?

"Who are you

The super strong man glared at Monroe and others, "are you not afraid of Lord God's revenge for your provocation and humiliation of my nidhogh Protoss?"

"Revenge of the LORD God? Ha ha "I'm going to disappoint you. Your Lord God will never come back!"

"What are you talking about? "

the super strong are stunned.

Don't bother to explain, a dark spear shot out, instantly pierced the super strong man's eyebrow, killed him on the spot."Elder master!"

Seeing this scene, the rest of the people are about to crack their eyes, and their eyes toward Meng Lei are full of hatred, "fight with him! Avenge the elder

It's a pity that before they rush to meet them, they are covered with dark spears. Countless three colored spears, like a dense rain of arrows, drown the remaining strong ones.

"Puff, puff, puff, puff."

after a round of spear rain, all the people died.

"The rest is for you!"

Monley gave an order and left.


Puhaman and others looked at each other and moved in an instant. The master Department of niederhogg was dead, but their Godhead and space ring were left behind. These are treasures!

"Don't rob!"

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"Don't rob me!"

"I'm in a hurry if you want to rob me!"

A treasure snatching feast begins, and Monroe goes to the top of the mountain, where the private treasure house of Lord Nidhogg is located.

On the top of the mountain stands a towering palace, which is the temple of Lord Nidhogg. The hall is magnificent, luxurious and bright. The whole body is made of the most expensive God stone in the divine world. There are dozens of statues of gods and beasts on both sides, and the deepest one is a magnificent God seat!

Although the whole temple is extremely luxurious, Monroe has no interest in these things. He goes straight to the throne and presses a switch on it.

"Kakakaka --"

the light in front of the throne lights up, showing a transmission array. Monley enters into it, and then disappears in the temple. When he appears again, he comes to a strange space.

This space is not big, you can see the end at a glance, which is about 100 kilometers. It seems empty inside, and there is no life.

This space, at most, is a different space, not even the half plane, but it is not ordinary, because the private treasure house of Lord nidholg is here!

As the greatest God in the world, there are not many treasures that can enter the eye of Lord nidholg. Therefore, there are not many treasures stored in this different space. There are dozens of boxes, large and small, which make it very shabby.

Monray was a little disappointed, but still went to the first box to check up. The box opened and there was a crystal ball in it.

"Ding! Do you want to pick up the fallen objects? " The sound of the system's prompt sounds cold.

Monray a Leng, see crystal ball in front of quietly lying in front of a gray light.

"Pick it up!"

"Ding! You have successfully picked up the blood of the ten thousand touch snake. Are you fused? "

"The blood of a great snake?"

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