"Monroe, what kind of creature is the serpent?"

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Monray knew that the inquiry system was fruitless, so he asked Morro for advice. There was nothing he didn't know about, an old antique who lived through the last era.

"Ten thousand touch snake?"

Mo Luo turned into black smoke and appeared in front of Meng Lei. He was surprised and said, "where do you know about the snake? Ordinary people don't know about this ancient creature!"

"If I'm right, the crystal ball in front of me should be an organ of the snake, most likely its eyeballs."

Monlay explained that other creatures would not drop the blood of the ten thousand touch snake. Only the ten thousand touch snake itself, or some organ of the ten thousand touch snake, would drop the blood of the ten thousand touch snake.

There is no doubt about that.

"You don't even know what the ten thousand touch snake is, and you can tell that the thing in front of you is the eye ball of the big snake? You are so funny

Monroe joked, and then looked at the crystal ball in the box. "You've got it right. This thing is really the eye of a giant snake!"

I'm covered with chicken feathers. I know by my ability. Well, Meng Lei has no good breath. "Tell me about the ten thousand touch snake, don't say these useless things!"

Moruo laughed and explained, "you should know that there are countless powerful creatures in the vast world, including gods, beasts, demons, demons, undead and so on, but these creatures, whether they are powerful or not, are all bred by planes."

"Therefore, we call these creatures plane life again!"

There is no doubt that the gods, demons and mortals are all bred from the plane.

"But in the vast world, there is a kind of life which is not bred by plane, but born in the vast void!" Moreau continued.

"Born in the void?" Meng Lei slightly stunned: "the empty world can also breed life?"

What's in the void world?

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No air!

There is no magic element!

No animals or plants!


Only endless darkness, cold and stillness, and Nothingness, such a world without anything, can even breed life?

"There is no absolute thing in the world!"

"Although the void world is a void, it is difficult to breed life, but there is a kind of life out of the void world!"

"What life?"

Monley asked curiously.

"The beast of the void!"

"The monsters of the void, a kind of terrible life born in the void world, are extremely rare, but any one of them has incomparably strong vitality and unparalleled terror strength!" he explained with a smile

"As you know, the vast void is a void, food is extremely scarce, and the environment is extremely bad. Even the God does not like the environment of the empty world. Therefore, you can imagine how terrible the life in this bad environment is

"How terrible are the monsters of the void?"

Monley asked curiously.

"The monsters of the void don't practice the law, they only repair the body, so they are very strong. But there are many kinds of them. There is a big gap between the strength of different kinds of virtual beasts. The most powerful one can fight against the Supreme Master!"

"Of course, there are very few monsters in the void that can resist the domination, and there are not many in the whole universe!"

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"Against the master?" "What a powerful body is that?" he said

"Strong, strong! Stronger than you think! The Titan, the bimon, the Colossus are the weak chickens compared with the monsters of the void

"You don't know how powerful the beast of the void is, but you should have heard of one person!" Muruo sighed


Monley wondered.

"King Cangmang!"

"Don't you know the name? If you don't even know the name, I will despise you! "

"Yes, I've heard of it. I've seen the ghost of him? I have also got the treasure he has accumulated all his life


Monroe was stunned. "Are you the one who got the treasure of the king and killed millions of gods and demons? "

monley was also stunned," how do you know? "

"Nonsense! You've been known all over the world for a long time

"At that time, I was still wondering if the king of Cangmang was resurrected, otherwise, how could the gods and Demons lose a lot of money?"

"Those are the gods and the demons are too weak!"

Monley gave a sneer.

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"Yes! Compared with you, they are really weak chickens

Moruo agreed and nodded, "since you have been in close contact with Cangmang king, you should know the horror of this guy?"

"The flesh is comparable to the Supreme Master. It's really terrible!" Monley nodded slightly.

"Do you know that king Cangmang is in fact a giant animal in the void?" Said Morro slowly.“(⊙_

Meng Lei's face was dull: "is the king of mangmangmang a monster in the void? Are you kidding me

"That's not true. To be exact, he is the God who took away the giant beast in the void!"

"The empty beast he took away is called the boundless beast. The mangmangmang beast is one of the most powerful virtual giant animals. The mangmangmang beast before he was an adult can resist the domination."

"King Cangmang Take away the wild beast

Monlay is a little bit unbelievable.

"Any powerful life rises step by step from the weak, and the empty giant is no exception. The king of Cangmang is lucky to find a giant beast in his infancy, and then succeeds in seizing it. Finally, he grows up to dominate that height."

"It's a pity that his rise threatens the status of the four masters. In the name of him, the four masters united with all the gods to kill him. It can be said that he has become a wild beast and defeated a virtual giant!"

"The four masters are shameless!"

Monley was a little angry.

"Without shame, they are not the four masters!"

Moruo shook his head and chuckled, and continued, "but they killed the king of Cangmang not only because he threatened their position!"

"There are other reasons?"

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Monley wondered.

"The beast of the void is different from the devil!"

"The gods and demons are not afraid of hunger and thirst, but the empty beasts are not the same. Even if they are strong, they need to constantly replenish food to ensure the energy needed for the operation of the strong and powerful body. The mangmangmang king who has taken away the vast beasts is no exception!"

"You can't imagine how big beasts of adulthood can eat! If you let him eat, the vast world would have been eaten up by him! "

"So he must die!"

"And that's why!"

Monley is a bit of a mystery!

"The monsters of the void can eat very well. Where they pass, they are often a piece of nothingness. Therefore, they are also called the great beasts of destruction!"

"Therefore, the virtual beast is the common enemy of the gods and demons. In order to resist them, the gods and demons may join hands!"

"Destroy the beast..."

Monroe was a little shocked.

"The ten thousand touch serpent is a relatively common kind of void giant beast!"

"The adult ten thousand touch serpent has a huge body as large as the lower plane, tens of thousands of heads and tens of thousands of tails, so it is called the ten thousand touch snake," he explained

"The size of a lower plane?" "It's too big!" said monley

"Big? Hehe, is that big? "

"You haven't seen a real huge virtual beast. When you see it, you won't say it's a big snake!"

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