The young guard knight, who was quietly listening to me, showed a confused expression. 

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He seemed to be trying to manage his facial expression in his own way, but in the end, he sighed softly as soon as I finished talking. 

“Yeah, my explanation might sound a little weird…but I really want know whether there is any report about missing children” 

It’s not that I don’t understand his mind. But that absurd thing happened to me! 


The little boy broke the awkward silence. 

The young knight, who was staring at my face, asked, looking at the blanket shaking because the kid was wriggling. 

“about missing children……?”” 

“Yes! Is there any kind of report about a missing child?”

“There isn’t any case of kidnapping or suddenly disappearing, but there was a report yesterday that a person lost his child in a complex square because they got separated in the crowd.” 

“Only that ?” 

I asked in an excited voice without realizing it. 

“Was the missing one a baby?” 

“What kind of baby are you talking abou…” 

“A baby boy whose only few months old. He can’t walk yet, but he got two teeth up and down. Ahhh….his hair is blonde and his eyes are blue.” 

I lowered the blanket slightly covering the kid. 

It’s much better to show him than to say it.

The young knight looked at the kid’s face. 

On the other hand, the little boy, who peeked out his head, looked at him and soon turned his head with a sound.

“ Babaabuu….” 

“The child who was reported missing is five years old. And that baby…”

The knight blunted his words. 

While he was hesitating looking at the little boy’s head, a man who seemed to be his colleague came from his behind and talked to me. 

The beard on his chin was not knight-like, he looked more like a mercenary. 

“Lady, I can’t say anything because I don’t know the circumstances, but isn’t it a mean thing to do to your own family.” 

I slightly frowned at the sudden remark. 

“What’s so mean?” 

I was just trying to find the little boy’s family. 

If that’s the case, shouldn’t I be complimented that I’m doing a good job? 

It’s been a hectic day since the morning and I brought the kid all the way here! 

Without knowing how I felt, the man added with a slightly elevated voice. 

“In addition, this is a security guard station not a nursery.” 

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What? Nursery ? 

As soon as I heard the word, I knew what he was thinking. 

I shook my head so fast that I was surprised and exaggerated. 

“It’s not like that…! I wanted to find the real parents of this little kid…”

“We know. There are often people like that. It’s hard to raise a child because of personal reasons, so they bring them here like you . Just take little look at the two of you —  it clearly says that he is your son. Why are you lying so poorly — How can a baby who can’t even walk go missing?” 

The way he looked at me was not good. 

Perhaps he branded me in his head as a mother with no blood or tears trying to abandon her own son. 

How can something so unfair happen? 

“It could be kidnapping….”. 

“Can I take that as a confession that the lady kidnapped the child ? If you want to confess, please come this way and tell us how and why you kidnapped him.” 

Listening to his tone, it seemed that he was silently threatening to take the child back with me before arresting me as a kidnapper. 


The misunderstanding of mother would be better than that of a kidnapper, but it was so unfair. 

“If I say that….. I wake up this morning and a baby I have never seen in my life was playing next to me…………, you……. won’t believe me…………., right?” 

I hesitated and asked with a crawling voice. 

Obviously, falsehood was not mixed at all, but it sounded like a lame lie even to me. 

The man with the beard, who I thought would be angry or annoyed, looked at the child silently with a serious expression, unlike a while ago. 

The little boy, who was looking around the building with an expression of wonder, buried his face in my arms as soon as he made an eye contact with him. 


It seemed like he was scared of the scary looking knight. 

The knight who saw it spoke with a serious look. 

“Excuse me, Does the baby have a father ? If you’re doing this, to find him, we’ll find a way to help you somehow. No matter how hard it is, wouldn’t that child still need a mother?” 

“No, it’s okay.” 

“It’s not okay, We’ll really help you.” 

“It’s really okay. Thank you but I’d rather decline. Thank you for worrying about me.” 

I got out of the security guard station saying something that I didn’t mean. 

“If you need any help later, please come back!”

I heard cheers from behind my back, which made my already depressing mood, even more depressing. 

“How can I find the parents of this kid ?” 

I stood in front of the security guard building and stared around blankly. 

Contrary to my mixed feelings, the downtown area, where the festival will be held in earnest as of today, has been noisy since the morning. 

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Street vendors began to do business one by one, and people who came out to eat breakfast walked busily on the street. 

Some of them were already screaming with their drunk faces. 

Perhaps all the sights were amazing, the child opened his mouth again and looked around. 

“ Euuuuwiiiiiiii”

The small boy jumped up and down in my hand with bright eyes. 

It was just a cute sight when some stranger sees it, but I felt a little grumpy for some unknown reason and pinched the kid’s cheek slightly. 

Of course, to the point where it doesn’t hurt… 

The little boy pouted his lips and looked up at me. 

“ Mauuuuuuuu”

“Do you know the kind of trouble I’m facing because of you?” 


“I suddenly became your mom.” 


“ Ahh….Why am I complaining to a child.”

“That damn Felix, why isn’t he coming?” 

Before we broke up, we promised to meet in front of the security guard station. 

Come to think of it, I felt that he was a little cold-hearted earlier when he rejected the proposal to go together into the station, but now I felt very fortunate. 

If I went in with Felix, we would have become heartless parents. 

“Did you find his family?” 

Felix, who appeared about ten minutes later, asked the most important question as soon as he saw me. 

I shook my head helplessly. 

“I couldn’t find. There wasn’t any report about looking for a baby.” 

“If they were going to report it, they would have done it earlier.” 

“Maybe they don’t know he’s gone”. 

Felix shook his head this time. 

“It doesn’t make sense that they didn’t know even after this much hour has passed.” 

“Maybe they haven’t reported it yet. They might have been so flustered that they are searching by themselves all this time.” 

However, he shook his head firmly again. 

“If that were the case, wouldn’t the first thing they do would be to report that the baby is missing?” 

“They might be too panicked that, they might have forgot…” 

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“I don’t think so. That’s not something to forget. If Lindsey or Tony suddenly disappeared, The first thing I would do,  is to run to the security guards.” 

“Is that so?” 

I had nothing more to say, so I stared down at the child. 

Where the hell are you from, kid. Where are your parents? Don’t you miss your mom? 

There were many things I wanted to ask, but I couldn’t ask because the little one had a bright face. 

Even if I asked, there was no way that the kid would answer. 

Felix also looked at the kid for a while and came up with a different hypothesis. 

“Maybe the parents aren’t looking for him.” 

“What does that mean? What do you mean they’re not looking for him..” 

“That’s if the kid didn’t just disappear.” 

I couldn’t understand what he was talking about. 

“What does that mean?” 

“What if the parents knew that the child would disappear? Or if it’s the kid’s parents who used movement magic on the kid….….” 

“Are you trying to say………….the parents abandoned the kid?” 

“There’s a possibility.” 

At best, I thought the reason for the appearance of the little boy was because of the wrong magic while being involved in an accident while using magic to move to another place, or because of using wrong coordinates while using magic. 

There was no assumption in my head that someone would have intentionally abandoned the child, even the parents themselves. 

“Come to think of it, the security guard said earlier that there are often parents who abandon their children.” 

I felt like it wasn’t someone else’s business. 

I hugged the little guy who was busy looking around even though such serious stories were coming and going. 

Does the kid know that he might have been abandoned by his parents?

As soon as I thought about it, I felt sorry for the little one for some reason, so I changed the subject, even though the kid can’t understand me. 

“By the way, what did you do to be so late?” 

I deliberately asked in a blunt voice. 

I thought there was something he had to buy or just because he had something to do, but it wasn’t….since I saw Felix’s hand were empty. 

“I made a reservation at the Lodge. There weren’t rooms in many lodges since it was a holiday, and besides, I also had to think about the little kid, so I barely got it because I didn’t have many options.” 

“What’s with the lodge reservation”? 

“A room to stay until the last day of the holiday.” 

“…. for whom.?” 

I wondered what he was talking about. 

It’s not like we are some kind of travellers who came to the city to enjoy the Maxmas holidays, we can go to the academy by carriage in 10 minutes, they why the accommodation? 

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Felix calmly opened his mouth seeing me not understanding. 

“If we can’t find his parents, we have to keep him until professor comes. Can you take care of him alone in the dorm?” 

“Ah… .” 

Of course, I was not confident. 

I finally knew what he meant. 

Felix can’t enter the women’s dormitory, so it’s impossible at the academy even if he tries to help. 

“If you get it, let’s go back to the dorm first. Let’s go and think about what to do.” 

“But before that…”. 

 I blurred the words at Felix, who was about to walk. 

Felix turned and looked at me and waited for my words. 

I looked down at the kid. 

I saw the little kid who looked having difficulty to move because he was wearing bigger clothes. 

“I think we need to do something about his clothes. We can’t keep him in this clothes.” 

“That’s true.” 

Felix nodded as if saying I was right.

We walked down the street to find a clothing store. 

Fortunately, we were able to find a store that handles children’s clothes quickly. 

I was excited without realizing it and focused on choosing a dress that suits the child while looking at the child’s body. 

Felix stood with his arms folded in the corner with a blunt look. 

Perhaps he would do the same, even if he went to buy his own clothes. 

The kid lay on the child’s bed prepared at the shop and stared at me. 

The owner, who was a middle-aged woman had been helping me all the time, turned her head and smiled at the child who kept staring at me.

“I guess you’re giving him new clothes since it’s a holiday.” 

“Mmmm, yeah. Kind of.” 

“What about this?” 

The lady put a lemon-colored clothes similar to the color of the child’s hair on the child’s body. 

While lying down, the kid bent and stretched his knees and shouted. 


The lady laughed as if she found it cute. 

“Oh, do you like this? How can you be so pretty when you smile? You must be pretty because you take after the beauty of your mom and dad. Right?”

The lady said those words while looking at me and Felix alternatively.

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