I looked at the lady with a puzzled look at her words. 

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What? Mom and dad? 

Although I was treated as a mother by the security guard knights, this is different. 

First of all, I don’t like being treated as a couple with Felix. 

And there was no reason for the kid to resemble us, who were complete strangers to him. 


“Hahahah….look at you. Do you like your mom and dad that much? Your mom is pretty, so you’ll be more prettier when you grow up.” 

I’m sure the lady is praising us to make us feel better, but unfortunately its having an opposite effect. 

There will not be any parents who wouldn’t happy when told that their children is pretty because they resemble them. 

Even If the kid’s parents heard that, the corner of their mouths would curl up. 

But the problem was that me and Felix were not the parents of the kid. 

As soon as we heard that, instead of smiling, we rubbed our arms as if we had promised each other. 

I showed Felix the scene of me rubbing my arm. 

We rubbed our arms as hard as if we were playing a game. 

This was a kind of our secret code for saying ‘ I don’t like this’ 

It started from when we were young. 

Our parents and adults around us used to say mischievous things sometimes. 

– Elly, who are you going to give that flower ring to? Isn’t it for Felix? Hehehe 

– Elly, who are you going to marry when you grow up? Isn’t it Felix? Hahahahha

Elly, how does it feel to see Felix after a long time? Isn’t he more handsome? 

Aaaaaah I hated that….. 

Probably Felix too, heard something similar. 

Adults may have said it because it looked cute for them when a boy and girl of same age always hanged out together, but we, the parties involved, had no such thoughts. 

Because of that, whenever we hear someone talk about as if we are romantically involved, we used to express to each other that ‘ I don’t like this’ by scratching the arm. 

“ Since your dad is so tall, in the future you will also be tall and handsome.” 

Not knowing how we felt, the lady continued her praise. 

I’m sure that she misunderstood because no one comes to buy baby clothes this early in the morning unless they are parents.

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However, without giving time for us to correct the misunderstanding, the lady lay next to the cradle bed and talked skillfully with the babbling kid, who couldn’t even understand what she was saying.

“Baby, you like it when your parents buy you clothes, right? Unlike what you’re wearing right now, this dress will fit your body and you will be comfortable.” 


The little boy replied eagerly, wriggling his hand. 

When we first entered the store, I thought the little kid would cling on to me the whole time, but he seems to have opened up to the customized conversation method of the lady. 

“Isn’t this the first Maxmas holiday of your life. How is it ? Spending the holidays with mom and dad, do you like it?” 


“Hahaha….Are you saying yes.? The more I look at you, the more I think that your eyes look exactly like my dad’s.” 

She looked at Felix and the little one alternately. 

Felix scratched his arm again with a crumpled look and pointed at the lady with a wink at me. 


I couldn’t understand his signal, so I asked him ‘what’ only by moving my mouth, without emitting sound. 

Felix sighed and pointed his finger to his chest, then to me, and finally to the little boy in order. 

Then, the two index fingers were overlapped to form an X-shape. 


I understood what he meant this time. 

When I nodded, Felix also nodded his head once as if giving me a signal. 

We spoke almost at the same time. 

“It’s my younger brother.” 

“It’s my nephew.” 

I had to doubt Felix’s answer. 

He just said he’s his younger brother, right? 

A kid who looks like his son…..he said his younger brother? 

Why is your younger sibling coming out here? 

I was dumbfounded and desperately pressed down the resentment I was trying to bounce off. 

However, Felix crumpled his impression as if he was scolding me. 

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Why do you look at me like that?

No matter who looks at it, nephew is more plausible than brother. 

While we were having a staring contest, the lady looked at our faces with a quite surprised look. 

“Isn’t he your  son?” 

“No, how can I have a child this big at my age?” 

“I see. I thought he is your son because he looked a lot like you.” 

She laughed awkwardly, looking at both of us. 

I didn’t know where the hell we looked so alike, but I also laughed awkwardly because I couldn’t argue. 

I thought she’d clear up the misunderstanding and move on quietly.


She didn’t ignore our slip of the tongue. 

“What do you mean by younger brother and nephew?What kind of relationship are you two… “

“Nephew?Hahahah. Did I say nephew?” 

“Yes. A while ago, I heard you say he is your nephew…” 

“ Oops, I said it wrong. He’s not my nephew, He’s our brother.” 

Fearing that Felix would say something again, I quickly resolved the situation before he opened his mouth. 

But the lady didn’t seem to believe the words straight away. 

That expression — it was definitely similar to the people at the Security guard station. 

The lady slowly alternated between me, Felix, and the little boy. 

In particular, she observed the two men as if she going to tear them apart . 

Then, as if he had come to a conclusion, she nodded her head with a cool expression. 

“That’s right. Siblings always tend to be alike.” 

For some reason, it seemed like a tone to persuade herself rather than to understand. 

The lady wiped the little boy’s lips twinkling with his saliva with a handkerchief and winked at me. 

“It won’t be easy to take care of your brother, so it must have been hard.” 


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An ominous feeling passed by. 

Presumably, various stories from romance novels might be floating in her head. 

A story about a sudden accident at a young age, when parents didn’t officially give permission to marriage and the couples run away from their hometown. 

A story about young couples who barely raise a baby with the help of others. 

A story about young couple that lies to everyone that their son is their younger brother since they became afraid of the bad rumors running around about them. 


I wanted to correct her thoughts, but it was clear that it would be futile. 

I roughly picked out two clothes that looked good on the kid, handed them over to Felix, and ran away from the store. 

After a while, when I looked at Felix, his expression was surprisingly calm. 

I thought he would grumble with a distorted face. 


I couldn’t let it go. 

“How can you he is your brother. How old are you and the little boy”? 

When I saw Felix giving a palm-sized rabbit doll to the little boy, I asked him like I was arguing. 

The the rabbit doll was given by the lady as a birthday gift to the little boy. 

As soon as the child received the doll, he took it to his mouth. 

“My younger siblings and I are pretty much far apart in age. So it does make sense. What doesn’t make sense is you saying him as your nephew. Which aunt or uncle brings their nephew to buy clothes in the early morning?” 

“The older brother and older sister coming to clothing store with their younger brother is a lot weirder”. 

Felix sighed and shook his head as if he had given up the argument. 

“ Don’t worry We’re not going to see her after this anyway, Since we bought clothes, let’s hurry up and go before it gets crowded.” 

“What if we need to come again? I was going to buy the cloth that’s used to carry the babies, but it was sold out. I was expecting my arm to not hurt if I buy that.” 

The thought of depressing over a cloth, made me feel like I had really became the mother of a child. 

Felix, who was ahead, turned back and reached out to the little boy, but was immediately rejected. 

The little boy dug further into my arms and sucked the rabbit toy’s ears. 

We tried to go straight to the accommodation, but the kid didn’t seem to like that. 

Even after playing with the doll, he was mesmerized in observing the surrounding. 

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whenever he saw something interesting, he lifted his hand and shouted, while jumping up and down 

When we tried to ignore his action and just go, he began to cry out loud. 

He isn’t a little kid, he’s a little king. 

My arms became a kingdom ruled by the child. 

He did not even think that he would fall out from my arms. 

It felt like we’ve been watching the festival for about an hour. 

The little boy got a block toy at a store, crying and begging to Felix. 

At that time, the little boy smiled with a look that seemed like he had conquered the entire world. 

After that, he handed over the rabbit doll as if throwing it to Felix and placed the wooden block into his mouth. 

In the meantime, when he saw something interesting, he turned his head around and focused on sightseeing. 

Suddenly, the little boy who was having so much fun began to whine. 


He looked up at me with a somewhat desperate look. 

But I couldn’t understand the babbling of the little boy, who was rubbing his cheek in my arms. 


His cheeks, reddened by the cold air, twitched as if they were about to cry. 

“Kid, what’s wrong with you?Is it cold since we’ve been outside for a long time? 


The gentle kid suddenly threw the block he was holding onto the floor. 

“What’s wrong with him?” 

Asking me, Felix patted him on the back, but the kid’s struggle only got worse and worse. 

Eventually, he grabbed my hem tightly with two small hands and buried his face on my chest. 

Felix, who was picking up a block that fell on the ground and dusting it, opened his eyes wide. 


But this time, I also had no choice but to open my eyes wide. 

The little boy brought his mouth near my collarbone and began chewing it.

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