I was so surprised that I became a stone, while my dress became damp with the little boy’s saliva. 

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“Hey, Kid… what are you doing?”

Felix took the little boy in his hands from me, who was doing nothing but standing still. 

The already angry kid struggled harder and shouted as soon as he went to Felix’s arms. 

The disturbance in the middle of the road drew attention towards us. 


The people’s eyes that was judging us was also burdensome, but I was more worried about the little boy who was struggling to get out of Felix’s arms. 

I hurried up to Felix. 

“I’ll take him. People might think we’re some kind of  baby kidnappers.” 

Maybe the kid’s parents will also think of us as kidnappers. 

I took the little kid with such a ridiculous thought. 

Felix gently handed over the little boy. 

It was very short, but in the meantime, the little boy looked exhausted. 


However, the child did not calm down even after being held in my arms. 

I patted on his butt, his shoulder, back, but the whining remained. 


“What’s wrong with you kid ? I really don’t know why you’re doing this.” 

Oh, I wish we could communicate. 

I wanted to cry when I saw a little boy crying. 

In this frustrating situation, all I could do was pat the little one on the back waiting for him to calm down. 

Once again, the little boy buried his face in my arms and mumbled. 

At that moment, he became calm as if he had calmed down, so I stayed still. 

“Okay. Good, good. If you can calm down like this, everything will be fine.” 

But the little boy soon looked up at me with eyes full of tears and once again began to….


Why baby…Why….Why are you crying.

Why does it pains my heart when I see you cry.


It’s very unfair. 

I was the one who should be crying.

All I wanted was a quiet holiday.

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But today every people I saw from senior to the lady in the cloth store, think of me as a liar.

Why am I taking care of an unknown baby….

Please….someone……take care of the baby.

“ Wait….Wait a minute.” 

I calmed myself down and looked at Felix.

Felix, who was looking at the little boy and me took a couple of steps back, headed somewhere, leaving an unknown message to the little boy or to me…….… 

I followed him in fear of crossing the road alone. 

Without noticing that I was following, he continued to look around and strode. 

It was then…… 

A woman who was holding her daughter, who looked about five years old, came near me and looked at the little boy. 

‘ Who……Is she someone who knows this baby.?’

While I was wondering who she was, she opened her mouth and said 

“He must be very hungry. When did you last give him milk.?” 


I asked back looking at her with puzzled voice and strange eyes. 

“I think the baby is whining because he’s hungry. If it’s because there’s no suitable place, would you like to go to my house? It’s right in front.” 

“No, it’s okay. I was on my way to the accomodation. Thank you for your concern.” 

Leaving behind the favor that felt somewhat uncomfortable, I hurried to the place where Felix. 

But I couldn’t see him anywhere around me.

I looked around.

Soon I saw him walking out of a store. 

As soon as I found him, I walked faster towards him. 

“Elly. Why are you here? Didn’t I told you wait.?” 

He snapped bluntly, but I decided to ignore it right now. 

Instead, I proudly confessed what that I discovered . 

“Felix, I found it. He’s doing this because he’s hungry”. 

“I know.” 

“ Wha….”

He showed a paper bag in his hand saying so. 

I was surprised at the moment that he knew, but soon I realized it wasn’t that surprising, since he had young siblings.

So, of course he would have seen them cry. 

“What’s that?” 

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I asked while looking at the paper bag in his hand. 

Felix showed the envelope instead of answering. 

It was filled with blueberries. 

“Blueberry?Are you going to feed this to the little boy?” 

“It won’t be a meal, but he won’t cry for a while if he eat this.” 

Felix picked up a blueberry, while I turned the little boy towards him so that he and the kid could face each other. 

“Hey Kid. Look here.!” 

He muttered as if the little boy was of his age. 


Fortunately, the kid showed interest. 

The little boy looked at the blueberry in front of him for a moment and reached out for it. 

As soon as Felix put blueberries in his hand, the little boy clenched his fist. 

Purple juice flowed down the chubby and white forearms. 

I don’t think he gave you the blueberry to do that, kid! 


The little boy kept fiddling with blueberries, perhaps forgetting that he was hungry. 

The flowing nectar soaked the sleeves of the green clothes in green. 

“No, that’s not how you do it.” 

I thought he would raise his voice, but Felix explained it unexpectedly calmly. 

“This is for eating. My siblings play like that, too, but… “

Looking at the blurred words, he must have remembered his younger siblings playing with nectar all over their bodies. 

He frowned for a moment, then soon relaxed his face and put a blueberry in the little boy’s mouth. 

“This is how you eat it.” 


The little boy who was looking at it had already flattened and put blueberries attached to his palm in his mouth. 

At that moment, the little boy’s eyes grew bigger. 

He quickly munched his mouth and shook his feet back and forth. 


Felix put blueberries in the hand of the little boy, who was begging for more. 

The kid was greedy. 

As soon as he put blueberries in his mouth, the little boy reached out to Felix, covered in purple, even before he could chew the previous blueberry in his mouth. 

The war of nerves between Felix, who told him to eat slowly, and the little kid who tried to put all blueberries in his mouth to burst, continued throughout the trip to the accommodation. 

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As I was staring at it silently, clothes covered with saliva suddenly came into my eyes. 

Come to think of it, the kid is still young, so shouldn’t he be breastfeeding?

Obviously, the woman I met earlier also talked about milk. 

I asked Felix directly. 

“What should we feed him? The baby… He’s breastfeeding.” 

He gave a clear answer, unlike me, who was seriously contemplating. 

“He’s a 9 ~ 10 month old kid, you can feed him soup or other baby foods.” 

“Really? Can we do that?” 

“Lindsey and Tony have also eaten other foods together since they started to have teeth. The question is whether he eats other food or not.” 

Felix’s expression of looking at the little boy while saying that looked somewhat solemn. 

Felix, who told me the room after arriving at the accommodation, immediately went down to the restaurant on the first floor, and in the meantime, I managed to dress him up with a new clothes and played tag with the little boy. 

The little boy dressed in clothes that fit him crawled around the accommodation and explored. 

The room was clean. 

There was a large bed, and a long sofa was located opposite it. 

And in front of the window, there was a round table and two chairs. 

Felix came into the room while kneading his stiff shoulders and arms since he kept feeding the kid, until we reached the accomodation. 

On the tray he was holding, there were bowls of various soups, large spoons, teaspoons, and water. 

There were exactly four types of soup. 

On the surface, it looked like button mushrooms, sweet pumpkin, broccoli, and corn soup. 

I muttered to myself as I watched Felix put the tray on the floor. 

“Why do you have four types of soup?”

“What if we buy one and the kid does not want eat it.” 

Felix replied in a way like it’s a common thing. 

Unlike our question of whether the little boy will eat soup, fortunately, the little boy showed interest in the soup and crawled towards me as soon as he saw the soup in my hands. 

The little boy sat on my leg as if it was natural. 

It was so natural that I couldn’t feel the incompatibility. 


When I felt awkward about the heavyness felt on my legs for a while, the little boy couldn’t hold it in for a moment and jumped up and down. 

“Okay, Okay…. I’ll give it to you.” 

First, I picked up a bowl and spoon containing the most normal-looking button mushrooms soup. 

I managed to avoid the little boy who reached out like an arrow and scooped up the soup. 

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After cooling it down properly by blowing out the breath, it was put in the little boy’s mouth. 

It was only after I checked the temperature with my lips as Felix ordered. 

The kid, who ate the soup without a sound of mouth, quickly frowned. 

The soup flowed out of the cute mouth. 

Perhaps it wasn’t enough to just spit it out, the little boy rubbed his tongue with his finger. 


“Why? Is it not good?” 

I can’t give up here! 

Once again, I tried to scoop soup and feed the little one. 

However, the little boy turned his head with a hateful look. 

“It can’t be helped then.” 

After wiping the dirty little boy’s chin and hands, I put corn soup in his mouth this time. 

The kid, who ate it with a curious face, spit out the soup again. 


“Huh…The kid has a very picky taste.” 

Felix, who was sitting in the chair and watching us with his arms folded, clicked his tongue. 

I was speechless when he said that, so I had no choice but to say it. 

“Don’t talk about others.You’re the most picky eater in the kingdom.” 

Felix’s picky eating has been so famous since childhood that even our mansion employees knew, and everyone in the Christian mansion was struggling to feed him because he ignored anything that didn’t suit his taste. 

His appetite still hasn’t changed, so he sometimes skips meals all out, when he finds food he doesn’t like in the cafeteria. 

“Compared to you, the kid is fine.” 

Once again, I wiped the little boy’s face and fed him sweet pumpkin soup, but he even spit it out. 

All that was left was soup with chopped broccoli. 

Broccoli soup is my favorite soup, but I wondered if the kid would really eat it. 

I don’t think it would taste good for babies. 

Even the corn soup and sweet pumpkin soup, which has a sweet taste were rejected. 

“ Mamamuuuuumuuuuu”

While I was thinking, the hungry kid whined again, so I gave him the broccoli soup in his mouth. 


Something amazing happened then. 

The little boy munched his mouth and moved his legs from side to side. 

The cute feet clapped like clapping hands.

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