There was a dead silence in the ward.

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Huo tingxiao's back was slightly stiff, and then his lips slowly lifted up, showing a smile that could melt the ice and snow. He said in a doting tone: "tired?"

Yun Weiyang immediately complained in a low voice: "tired, you don't know. You didn't eat much at night, so you have to be carried back to your bedroom. But then, your study is too big. If it wasn't for me, you might have been broken Well... "

Before the girl finished, the man grabbed the back of her head and gave her a kiss.

Girl a face chagrin of stare big eyes, completely didn't react to come over is how to return a responsibility, in front of eyes is a by magnified numerous times of handsome face.

Until the air in the chest is less and less, the man just let her go, eyes color slightly deep looking at her, tone faint: "who allows you to look at me like this?"

"It's not true

She was obviously complaining just now, OK!

Can't you see the sad look in your eyes?

This guy is too much! What's more, he is still ill, OK

Yun Weiyang pinched his eyebrows. "Huo tingxiao, you are sick now. Can't you be a beautiful man quietly?"

Huo tingxiao a pair of natural tone, "can't."

If he is not still ill, lack of physical strength, she thought he would let her go so easily?!

Then he's a real loser.

"It's not true

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Is this really Huo tingxiao?!

Did she inadvertently open up some amazing skills?

Yun Weiyang held his chin in both hands, with a sad expression on his face, and said: "ah, I suddenly regret it. I knew how good it would be for me to be reserved and cool."

Huo tingxiao picked eyebrow: "you try."

Yun Weiyang quickly waved his hand and said, "no, don't try, ha ha, what, are you tired or not? If you are tired, have a rest. It's almost dawn."

It's very serious. Why does she feel a little Not serious?

Huo tingxiao patted a part of the bed that came out empty beside him, "come here, sleep together."

Yun Weiyang suddenly opens his eyes and his forehead is covered with black lines. Although it's not the first time that he has been sleeping with Huo tingxiao, she has always been wary of Huo tingxiao, and even dare not sleep too deeply.

Now Is it really good?

After all, Huo tingxiao has such a beautiful face. She is really afraid that she will attack Huo tingxiao directly

Ah, how can I have such a beast's idea?!

Yun Weiyang scratched his hair. "Forget it. It's almost time. I'll go to work later. Recently, there are many things in the company."

The leak hasn't been solved, and she can't help going to work now. Besides, there are still many doubts.

Huo tingxiao: "I'll call you later."

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"It's not true

Do you want to be so sweet!

It seems that I can't escape this morning.

Yun Weiyang had to climb into bed obediently. He wanted to pretend to sleep, but as soon as his head touched the bed, he fell asleep.

Huo tingxiao has a touch of love in his eyes. His slender fingers caress her head. He has never been so satisfied as now. It seems that as long as she stays with him, he will really feel complete.

One hour later.

Yun Weiyang was woken up by Huo tingxiao. She rubbed her eyes, got up sleepily and got out of bed in a sleepwalking state.

"Well, Huo tingxiao, can I borrow your car? I'll just drive by myself today. " Yun Weiyang yawned because he had just woken up. In addition, he reduced his guard against Huo tingxiao. His voice sounded very soft.

Huo tingxiao looks at her in his spare time. Maybe beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Now he thinks Yun Weiyang is the best looking.

"I've arranged that you can sleep a little longer on your way to the company." Huo tingxiao said.

In her present state, he is really worried that if she drives, she will be killed.

Yun Weiyang didn't say anything more. After a simple wash, she changed her clothes. Last night, she left in a hurry and didn't bring anything. Qin ye asked someone to send her clean clothes.

"Then I'll go to the company first." Yun Weiyang said sleepily.

Huo tingxiao: "well, pay attention to safety."

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Yun Weiyang agreed and quickly left the ward. She went to the door of the ward and suddenly stopped. She said with an uneasy expression: "you should be good in the hospital. You can't go to the company or busy with business. I will let Qin Ye supervise you."

Huo tingxiao: "good."

Yun Weiyang then safely opened the door and left. She got on the bus. She suddenly realized that Huo tingxiao's promise just now was too straightforward. Could it be that there was something fishy about it?And at this time, the ward.

Huo tingxiao is lying on the hospital bed. Qin Ye looks at him in embarrassment: "boss, as soon as your body has recovered, the company's affairs will be left alone for the time being, and miss Yun tells me that you can't handle business. If you do this again, I can only complain to miss Yun."

No way, someone had to move yunweiyang out.

Now, only yunweiyang can hold his boss.

What a sin. He has been with Huo tingxiao for so many years. In the end, he can't match his wife's hair.

Huo tingxiao's eyes looked at him. After a few seconds, Qin Ye completely collapsed and said with a sad face: "can't I get the official documents?"

He knew that he was just a grass that nobody loved!

Huo tingxiao: "don't tell Weiyang."

Qin Ye

Ling Tian, with two legs up, sprang up from the sofa with a blue face: "in the early morning, don't abuse dogs!"

Qin yeyi finally found the expression of the organization, he can foresee that the next day will be spent in eating dog food.

Oh, my God!

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Why didn't the fairy who didn't eat fireworks still appear!

Imperial capital, Shaw international headquarters building.

General manager's office.

"What are you talking about?! Is tingxiao sick? How can you tell me now! " Xiao Yue Liu Mei a Cu, tone obviously some displeasure way.

Han Chen stands in front of the desk, a face calm way: "the news is blocked down, and there is no trace left outside, my people can't further verify, only know that he was sent overnight last night, so far has not left the hospital."

Xiao Yue frowns tightly, Huo tingxiao's body has always been very good, how can suddenly be sent to the hospital, still not home overnight?

Is something wrong?

However, there is no news from the outside world

Xiao Yue was silent for a moment. This time, he raised his head and said, "continue to check. If you have any news, report it to me as soon as possible."

"Well, I'll go out first."

Xiao Yue didn't say much. After Hanchen left, she walked back and forth in the office for dozens of times. Then she made up her mind. She picked up the mobile phone on the desk and dialed Huo tingxiao.

A few seconds later, Huo tingxiao's voice came from the other end of the mobile phone: "hello."

Huo tingxiao's voice doesn't sound abnormal. Xiao Yue's nervous tension suddenly relaxed. She immediately said with a smile, "tingxiao, I'm sorry to call you so early, didn't it disturb you?" "What's the matter?"

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