"It's no big deal. I just want to ask if you are free tonight. My parents want to invite you to have a light meal. It happens that there is foie gras just airlifted from country f today You see? " Xiao Yue had already thought about his speech.

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"I'm sorry, yun'er suddenly felt sick last night. Now he is still living in the hospital. I'll invite you to have dinner with your uncle and aunt another day."

Xiao Yue hears the speech and is completely relieved. It turns out that the delicate young master of the Huo family is ill again. No wonder Huo tingxiao goes to the hospital overnight and stays in the hospital all night. The young master of the Huo family is rarely known by the outside world. The Huo family deliberately conceals his existence. Only some people in the circle know something about him, but the specific situation is not clear. Even no one in the Huo family knows the origin of the young master, let alone who his biological mother is.

However, everyone knows that this child is just like Huo tingxiao's taboo, and no one dares to touch it.

Xiao Yue only knows that four years ago, Huo tingxiao suddenly had another child. However, the child has been weak and sick since he was a child. He often soaks in medicine jars. The hospital Huo tingxiao built himself is also for this child.

So Xiao Yue didn't think much about it, and immediately said, "well, isn't yun'er's body a big problem?"


Xiao Yue smile, "that's good, you also pay attention to rest, don't work too hard."


Xiao Yue told a few words, then hang up the phone, and then immediately dial Hanchen's mobile phone, notice Hanchen don't have to continue to verify.

"But I always think it's not so simple..." Cold Chen hesitates a way.

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Xiao Yue's face suddenly cold down, "Hanchen, you remember, you just need to do things according to my instructions. You don't have to worry about the rest. What Ting Xiao dislikes most is being touched by Huo Qiyun. I don't want to touch this mold at this time."

Now is the key time for the marriage of Xiao family and Huo family. She doesn't want to cause any trouble because of this.

In her eyes, Huo Qiyun is just a wild species of unknown origin. Even if Huo tingxiao values him now, in the final analysis, he is just a useless sick seedling. How much trouble can he make? Maybe it will die soon.

In the future, when she becomes the master mother of the Huo family, the offspring she gives birth to will be the upright successor of the Huo family in the future!

The cold Chen full face overcast cloud, the Mou bottom flits past a cold cold cold awn, "is, master."

Hang up the phone, Han Chen's face suddenly gloomy to the extreme, the eyes of the suppression of the killing idea suddenly burst into my eyes, Huo tingxiao

If it wasn't for the existence of that man, how could Xiao Yue's eyes not even contain his shadow!

Ha ha

In Xiao Yue's eyes, he is just a dog that can bite people in her pen.

The dog, always can only listen to the master's words, bite!

Imperial capital, N.S. headquarters building.

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President's office.

From last night to now, Huo HaoChen is in a completely confused state. His eyes are dull and he is in a trance. It is obvious that he was stimulated by last night's events.

"Dong Dong..."

There is a knock outside the office door, which brings Huo HaoChen back to reality.

Huo Hao Chen tired of knead to knead eyebrow heart, "come in."

The door was pushed open, ye Xiujie with a data bag in his hand, also came in with a tired face.

Huo HaoChen elbow on the edge of the corner of the table, fingers gently knead the temple, "something?"

Ye Xiujie put the information bag in front of Huo HaoChen, "Mr. Huo, this is the information you want, and my resignation."

Huo HaoChen fingers suddenly a stiff, this just raised his head, a face to explore the expression looking at Ye Xiujie: "what do you mean?" Ye Xiujie took a few deep breaths, and then said in a deep voice: "you can see from the information inside, this leak I can't bear to blame. It's my fault that has caused such a great loss to the company. I'm sorry. I accept all the blame and ask Mr. Huo to allow me to resign from all the positions of the company. "

Huo HaoChen heard confused, immediately opened the information bag, took out the information inside, quickly looked at it again, the more he looked, the more ugly he was. Unexpectedly, the company's leakage incident was such a thing.

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After Huo HaoChen read the information, his face became cold. After a long time, he said: "this matter has nothing to do with you, you are just being used, but now that it has happened We need to find ways to minimize the negative impact. "

Ye Xiujie gave a wry smile, "Mr. Huo, you know very well in your heart. Even if we find this, the document has been leaked. No matter how to recover it, the impact on the company can't be erased."

Huo HaoChen eyebrow micro Cu, ye Xiujie said good, leakage has been taboo, even if found out who leaked out, also can't completely eliminate the impact on the company.

Huo HaoChen was silent for a moment, "Xiujie, we have known each other since college. I believe that you have been following me since graduation. It has nothing to do with you, and I won't be angry with you, and now, I need you to do something for me."Ye Xiujie suddenly a Leng, eyes slightly red, immediately said: "Mr. Huo, please speak."

"Tell me first, is there anyone else who knows about it besides you?" Huo HaoChen asks a way.

Ye Xiujie shook his head with a bitter smile: "no, originally I wanted to confront Lin Yun, but after all, I really liked her."

Huo HaoChen nodded, "well, that's good, you tonight, for me to make an appointment with her, this matter, by myself to solve."

Ye Xiujie's face flashed a touch of pain. After a long time, he said in a deep voice: "good."

Huo HaoChen said: "don't blame yourself too much, if you feel tired, I'll give you a few days off, go out to relax and come back."

Ye Xiujie: "no, Mr. Huo, I will remember your kindness to me."

Huo HaoChen waved his hand, "OK, between you and my brothers, there is no need to say these polite words, you go out first."

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Ye Xiujie hesitated for a while, and finally said: "Mr. Huo, Miss Yun is a good person. If you really like her, I wish you success."

Huo HaoChen nodded, "good."

Ye Xiujie no longer said, turned away from Huo HaoChen's office. After ye Xiujie left, Huo HaoChen's face completely sank. He didn't expect that it was Lin Yun who did it. However, it happened just to his liking. He was worried that he couldn't find a reason to terminate his engagement with the Xiao family, but Xiao Qinglan personally sent this legitimate reason to his door.

Huo HaoChen scanned that information, immediately took out the mobile phone, dialed a telephone to go out.

There must be no more mistakes in tonight's business.

N.S. design department.

The company's leakage has been rampant for a long time. However, Huo HaoChen has not dealt with yunweiyang. In addition, someone deliberately fanned the flames behind his back, so it has caused a lot of waves in N.S.

N · s internal website, I do not know who sent a post, the following comments have long been fried.

"The trough! Sell company secrets and have the face to stay in the company? "

"Yunweiyang, get out of the company!" "This kind of spicy chicken doesn't deserve to stay in the company! Get out of the company

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