Yunweiyang takes a look at anruoxi. Anruoxi picks up her eyebrows, and then gets on the car with a swagger. Yunweiyang also gets on the car and drives the car in.

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After driving into the community, the car kept walking inside for a few minutes before it stopped in front of a building.

"Ouyangqing's house is on the 17th floor of this building. Shihuhu, are you sure you want to go up?" She asked.

Yun Weiyang glanced at her, "if you don't want to go up, wait for me in the car."

An Ruoxi sighed, "forget it, I'd better join you. You can't fight alone if you don't have to do it when you get it."

Yun Weiyang's face collapses. I really want to thank you for being so considerate!

Anyway, they got to the 17th floor smoothly. As soon as they got out of the elevator, they heard a burst of shouting in a room, "get out of here! Liu Mengqi, I think Ouyang Qing is blind, and I like a woman like you! Get out of here

At that time, Yun Weiyang and an Ruoxi were standing at the door of the elevator, listening to the familiar roar. Their first reaction was, shit, Ouyang Qing, this is a blue sky! Is it green?

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It's really retribution, ha ha ha ha!

A few seconds later, a door on the left side was pulled open. A charming woman in a red dress came out of the room leisurely, and then walked into the elevator without expression. The elevator door closed and ran downstairs directly.

Inside the gate, Ouyang Qing fell to the ground on both knees, holding his hair in agony.

Yun Weiyang frowned slightly. Although Ouyang Qing made her black this time, she still felt a little sympathy when she saw this scene. After all, no matter which man was green, the psychological shadow area may directly affect his happiness in the later half of his life.

Yunweiyang and anruoxi step by step to the gate, Ouyang green head also did not raise the roar: "are you deaf? Didn't hear me tell you to get out of here Who are you? "

Cloud Wei Yang picked pick eyebrow, "I am almost black by you out of Xiang, you don't know who I am?"

Ouyang Qing was stunned when he heard the speech, and immediately stared at Yun Weiyang with a vigilant look on his face. The sad look on his face disappeared in an instant.

Ouyang Qing stood up from the ground, with a cold face, "fair and comfortable, it's no use for you to come to me, I won't withdraw that microblog!"

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Yun Weiyang's eyes narrowed dangerously and gave a cold smile: "fair? Do you deserve to tell me justice? "

Ouyang Qing gritted her teeth, "why don't I deserve it? Am I wrong? Your qualifications are fake and you have to leave school for one year without any reason. How can such a person become a winner! I'm just cleaning up the black sheep When Yun Weiyang heard the speech, a cold smile appeared on his lips, and his voice was as cold as iron: "because you have been suspended from school for one year, so in your mind, you hypocrites should be rubbish. Should you be thrown away? Mr. Ouyang, do you know that you can destroy a person's life with a false accusation

Ouyang's face turned pale for a long time, and then he snorted coldly, "don't talk such nonsense in front of me. It's an indisputable fact that making a fake qualification is making a fake! I I didn't do anything wrong! " When yunweiyang heard the speech, he immediately showed a strange smile, "what an unexplainable Then, Mr. Ouyang was just an ordinary student of the University. At that time, you had to apply for suspension of school for half a year because of your livelihood. At that time, why didn't Mr. Ouyang say that his qualifications were fake? Well

Ouyang Qing was like a cat whose tail had been trampled on. His face suddenly sank, "you Who the hell are you? How can you possibly know it Yun Weiyang's dark eyes firmly locked on him, "if you want people to know, unless you don't do it, I'm just curious. Mr. Ouyang is also a retired student. Why do you accuse me of fake qualifications? As I can see, so far, you have never mentioned this point in your resume What do you think will happen if I send your information to Weibo? " In this world, there is no absolute fairness. You think that if you treat each other sincerely, you can get back the same sincerity, but the result is often unsatisfactory. So she gradually learns to smooth out the edges and corners one by one. Since she is not good at writing, she should use martial arts, even if it is to kill, what about that?

She didn't come here to be bullied.

Ouyang Qing's face turned white and his whole body trembled madly. In order to get to this day, he paid a price different from ordinary people. However, the half year's suspension of school has become the only stain in his life. To this day, he still dare not mention it to anyone.

How does this woman know?

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Ouyang Qing's eyes are about to burst into flames and stare at Yun Weiyang, "do you threaten me?"

Yun Weiyang said with no expression: "I'm just treating people in their own way. Does it mean that Mr. Ouyang thinks that my chest is as wide as the sea, and I'm still indifferent despite your slander?"

Ouyang Qing stood there stiff, as if he had a root at his feet. His cold eyes were staring at Yun Weiyang, as if he were experiencing the last struggle.After a while, he gave a wry smile. He put his long finger into his hair and said in a hoarse voice: "in that case, you can make the news public. Anyway Sooner or later, it will come true. It has been torturing me for 13 years After all, paper can't hold fire. "

Yun Weiyang was silent for a few seconds, and then he looked at Ouyang Qing, "for a woman who betrays you, is it worth defending her like this?"

Ouyang Qing's back suddenly froze, staring at Yun Weiyang in disbelief, "you What are you talking about! What do you want? "

Yun Weiyang said with no expression: "injustice has its head and debt has its owner. I just want to know who hurt me."

Ouyang Qing gritted her teeth, "I sent that microblog. I did all this. I framed you. Can you revenge me now?"

Yun Weiyang sighed, "Ouyang Qing, do you think you are a man? Or do you think that if you defend her, she will be grateful to you? You are just a piece of chess in her hand. Do chess players have real feelings for their pieces? "

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"You Shut up Ouyang Qing roared. His forehead was blue and his whole body was full of violence.

Yun Weiyang's eyes were burning. "Ouyang Qing, a man like you You deserve to be green headed all your life. "

At the moment when the voice fell, Ouyang Qing's body rushed over, and his fist hit the cloud.

Seeing that the situation was not right, an Ruoxi immediately called out: "Shi Huhu, let Oh, my God, and this kind of operation?! Shihuhu, you are so awesome

Before ouyangqing's fist touched yunweiyang, she was directly staggered by yunweiyang. Then she raised her right leg like lightning and kicked ouyangqing to the ground.

There was a heavy noise in the room. Ouyang Qing was lying on the ground, staring at Yun Weiyang. Yun Weiyang smashed his mouth and said, "I haven't moved my muscles for a long time. It's really It's amazing. "

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