"It's too easy for you, master! My admiration for you is like a continuous river! I want to learn that too! " Anruoxi immediately took out a small notebook and wrote it down.

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Yun Weiyang's forehead is covered with black lines. He is handsome for only three seconds. What he says is that an Ruoxi, a spicy chicken, feels young and suddenly appears a haze.

Yun Weiyang silently pinched his eyebrows, "little nine We're on business. You Can you be serious? "

Anruoxi didn't lift her, "I'm very serious. Don't you think I'm very serious today, master?"

Yun Weiyang's mouth twitches and doesn't care about her. Ouyang Qing, who is kicked to the ground, sits on the cold floor and begins to wonder who I am, where I am and why the two idiots in front of me are barking

"That I'm sorry, just now the conditioned reflex, the lower foot is a little heavy, are you ok? Would you like to call an ambulance for you? " Yunweiyang looks at Ouyang Qing, embarrassed to say. Ouyang Qing was silent for a few seconds. Then he got up from the ground and sat down in front of the sofa. After a long time, he said in a deep voice: "I can clarify this matter by microblogging, or I can compensate for everything I have, but Could you stop here and stop pursuing

Yun Weiyang looks at Ouyang Qing calmly, "I'm a person who always has principles and never wrongs others. But if anyone wrongs me, I won't give up."

Ouyang Qing's hands pinched, "I'm willing to take responsibility for this. What else do you want? I'm the one who said your qualifications were fake I've admitted it. Why don't you stop? "

Yun Weiyang shook his head, "because the person who framed me is not you at all. If you admit that the microblog was sent by you, what about the evidence? Do you always have those data on your mobile phone? Don't tell me you've deleted that nonsense. "

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Ouyang Qing immediately wry smile, puzzled asked: "these have so important?"? You just need to prove yourself innocent, don't you? " Yun Weiyang raised his eyebrows slightly and said with a low smile: "of course, it's important, because I know how great people are who are marching towards their dreams step by step, and also know the pain of not being understood and valued by others, or even being scolded, but you still step by step to trample those monsters under the feet of

" Your success depends on your own bit by bit. They are not qualified to deprive you of your life. "

Ouyang Xiu's back was tight, and a ray of light suddenly appeared in his gray eyes. His well-defined fingers were inserted into his hair, and his body was trembling gently. After a moment, there were drops of water falling down. Yes, she's right. In order to become a monumental figure in the design industry today, he has made ten times more efforts than ordinary people. Because his family is poor, he can only choose to leave school to earn tuition fees. In order to get the opportunity to go abroad for further study, he works hard to draw design drafts. He does not dare to fall down because he can only move forward on his own.

Those auras that others were born with, he has nothing, can only rely on his own hands to fight bit by bit.

Memory is full of my mind. He has come to those hard and desperate days. He wants to push Ouyang Qing to the top, so that everyone can know that he can still get ahead even though he was born in a poor family.

But now?

Ouyang Qing was sitting on the sofa when a big man burst into tears.

Time flows quietly

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An Ruoxi poked Xia Yun Weiyang's arm, and her eyebrows were almost twisted together. She murmured in a low voice: "master, father, how much did you do just now? You see, I can't see a man crying. Every time I see him, I have an impulse to rush to protect him. "

Yun Weiyang's forehead is covered with black lines. When people are sad, will you die if you don't speak?

After a long time, Ouyang Qing stopped. There was no trace of tears on his thin cheek, but in his slightly swollen and blood red eyes, something changed.

"Thank you." Ouyang Qing suddenly said.

Seeing him like this, Yun Weiyang knew that he was relieved. Then he coughed, "since you're OK, can we talk about business next?"

Ouyang Qing nodded: "come on, what do you want me to do?"

Yun Weiyang scratched his head and said, "there's nothing you need to do. I really don't think about qualifications. But I've applied for file transfer with the emperor. When the file is transferred out, I can prove my innocence. You don't have to worry about it, it's just..."

Ouyang Qing: "just what?"

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Yunweiyang considered the wording, and then said: "it's just that this matter will affect you more or less. I hope you can clarify in person that the microblog wasn't written by you. How about leaving the rest to me?"

Ouyang Qing heard the speech and was silent. After a moment, he said, "sorry, this microblog No matter what, she has accompanied me through the most difficult time of my life, so it should be the final compensation for her. "

Yun Weiyang is not surprised that Ouyang Qing will give this answer. After all, people who have loved hard don't want to tear their face too ugly.Yun Weiyang nodded, "it's OK, but I also want to remind you that you don't have to intervene in later things. No matter what I want to do, you don't have the right to stop it, and you can't stop it. If you still don't understand, don't blame me for giving you more lenient face." Ouyang Qing looks at Yun Weiyang quietly. The girl in front of him seems different from those he knows. She seems aggressive and inhumane, but she always leaves room for you. She is standing in front of him, clearly close at hand, but it seems that he can't understand her at all.

"Well, I owe you a favor for this matter. No matter when, where and what kind of situation you will face in the future, as long as you ask me, Ouyang Qing will go through fire and water and die." Ouyang Dao spoke slowly.

Yun Weiyang's eyes narrowed. Ouyang Qing's human feelings can't be easily owed. If he really needs help in the future, he can use them.

Yun Weiyang smiles, "this is just like the senior I admire Well, is your leg really OK? Shall I take you to the hospital? "

Ouyang Qing smell speech, face across a touch of embarrassment, no matter how to say, a big man was kicked to the ground by a woman, it is too shameless.

"No, it's OK. It's getting late. You should pay attention to your safety on the way." Ouyang Qing gave a dry cough.

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Yunweiyang no longer said more, with anruoxi ready to go, she went to the gate, suddenly heard anruoxi behind her mouth: "male god, how old are you this year?"

Ouyang Qing a Leng, "32 years old."

"Although you have just been dumped, do you have a fiancee or a child bride in your family?"

“…… No

"Oh, how many Suites do you have?"

"2 sets..."

"How much is the deposit?"

“……” Yun Weiyang rushed up and tugged an Ruoxi's hand, "ha ha, my apprentice is a fool. Don't take it to heart! She is a fool

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