"Xiaoxiaozi, is it still the same tonight?"

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Lingtian walked past, dare to call Huo tingxiao like this, he is the only one in the world.

At that time, for this title, he had several fights with Huo tingxiao. Although he didn't win, he insisted on saying so. Huo tingxiao had no choice but to let him.

Huo tingxiao has finished washing and changed into a black nightgown. His tall and slender body is emitting a faint fragrance.

He sat down on the edge of the bed, looking a little tired. Today, he has not slept for three consecutive days, and his body is reaching its limit. He also feels very tired, but he just can't sleep normally. Once he lies down, he will wake up.

"Four hours." Huo tingxiao said in a hoarse voice.

Ling Tian frowned slightly. "You haven't slept for 3 days. I'm afraid it's a little less in 4 hours. If you go on like this, your body won't be able to support you."

Long term serious insomnia, coupled with busy business affairs, even normal people can not endure for long, not to mention Huo tingxiao, who is already ill, if he goes on like this, he will run out of oil faster.

"Shut up." Huo tingxiao voice slightly cold, "these things, do not need you to teach me, you do this on the line."

Lingtian wants to talk and stop, but Huo tingxiao's face is gloomy. He doesn't say much anymore. He says helplessly: "well, let's start now."


"Close your eyes and imagine that you are in..."

Half an hour later, Ling Tian found that hypnosis failed tonight.

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"No way, how could it be? I even took out the unique skill of pressing the bottom of the box. How can I fail! Xiaoxiaozi, let's try again... "

Ling Tian is eager to grow grass in the corner now.

This is not scientific!

Although Huo tingxiao suffered from severe insomnia, he used to get it done in half an hour at most every time. How is it today?

Can it all fail?

This is not smashing his signboard!

How can he stay in the imperial capital in the future?

In order to save his face and dignity, he felt it necessary to try again.

Huo tingxiao glanced at him and waved helplessly, "go out."

Ling Tian shakes his head, carefully looks at Huo tingxiao, and says tentatively: "try again, I promise I will succeed!"

Face and dignity

Go away!

He may be out of work In this way, he will have to go back to inherit the family business. His freedom and rights will be deprived. He doesn't want to do that!

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Huo tingxiao eyes color micro deep, "no need."

How many meanings does this sentence mean? Just don't let him hypnotize this time, or don't let him hypnotize in the future?

Lingtian wants to say something more, but Huo tingxiao seems to be in a bad mood, so he sighs and runs out like a gust of wind.

The top priority is to discuss with Qin Ye about how to save the embarrassment of unemployment!

As soon as he came out of Huo tingxiao's room, he saw Qin Ye standing in the middle of the corridor.

"Lingtian, how about boss?" Qin ye asked.

Ling Tian scratched his head awkwardly, "well, has he had something on his mind recently?"

Qin Ye glanced at him, "is there a problem?"

"No, I failed to hypnotize him just now I always feel that he seems to have something on his mind. This level of hypnosis may have no effect on him. "

Hypnosis failure?

This has never happened before. After all, Lingtian's medical skills are trustworthy. This hypnosis is Lingtian's best skill. Why did it fail this time?

What's on your mind?

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I don't know if Yun Weiyang's business is a matter of mind

"In that case, go back first." Qin Yedao.

Ling Tian glanced at Qin ye with a sad face and said, "OK, I'm going to think about life quietly."

Qin ye took a look at Huo tingxiao's room, but he didn't dare to disturb it. After seeing Ling Tian off, he ordered people to guard carefully and went to have a rest.

Qin Ye's family is next to Huo's villa. The two families are separated by a wall. He doesn't worry about anything, but Huo tingxiao doesn't dare to sleep too long if he can't sleep tonight.

Xiao Huo got up from the bed, still unable to get up.

At the moment, the villa where yunweiyang is located.

The backyard.

The sky is dark, occasionally dotted with stars, and people are very small under the vast night sky.

Yun Weiyang, wearing a light white nightgown, sits quietly on the steps of the backyard. She looks up at the dark sky, as if in a daze.

Tomorrow is the day when Han Jingli and Yun Yiyi are engaged. The teenager she has been chasing for more than ten years is finally going to marry someone else.

Nanke has a dream.Although she has given up, but really to this day, she is still a little sad.

And her sadness is not because Han Jingli has changed her mind, but because she once thought that she could die for Han Jingli, but now, she seems to have been numb for a long time.

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In this world, no love can last forever.

Will she fall in love again after such an unforgettable relationship?

Even she doesn't know.

Han Jingli, these three words once filled her pale and pathetic life, but now, little by little, she wants to erase the mark that he filled.

But no matter what, she will still wish him happiness, after all, is the man she once loved, but from then on, she and his life, can no longer have any intersection.

Yun Weiyang sits quietly on the steps, leaning his head with one hand. It seems that tonight is doomed to insomnia.

I don't know how long later, Yun Weiyang noticed that there seemed to be a slight sound of footsteps behind her. After that, she was afraid of the dark, and her nerves became extremely sensitive. She subconsciously turned to look behind her, and suddenly burst into a slender figure.

…… Huo tingxiao?

How did he come here so late?

Although she didn't know much about Huo tingxiao, she also heard Qin ye and Huo's servants talk about Huo tingxiao these two days.

Huo tingxiao is extremely eccentric and irritable. He is not sure whether it is sunny or cloudy. Especially at night, Huo tingxiao is completely different from the day. Therefore, when Huo tingxiao goes back at night, he never leaves the main villa where he lives.

In their narration, Yun Weiyang easily sums up that Huo tingxiao is a cold and merciless devil.

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