"General Xiao?" Yun Weiyang tried to shout.

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The slender figure stood there like a sculpture. In the dark, a pair of dark eyes looked at the cloud like looking at the prey.

Why did he come here?

Since that incident a few years ago, he has rarely left the main villa at night.

The dark night can easily arouse his dark, bloodthirsty and cruel mood. He doesn't want to be regarded as a monster. Even though he is now at the top of the mountain and can shake the clouds and rain with a wave, he still can't get out of the shadow cage formed by that incident.

Even if his mood is out of control to the extreme, it is most likely to ask Qin ye to tie him up and shut him up in a dark room, so that no one can see him. When the day comes, he will be free.

But tonight, he came here. When he saw Yun Weiyang's face which was slightly panicked, he suddenly felt at a loss.

Huo tingxiao hesitated for a moment, then walked towards the direction of yunweiyang, and sat down beside yunweiyang.

Yun Weiyang suddenly feels a sense of coldness. She carefully glances at Huo tingxiao. The other side is tense and doesn't seem to have the intention to open her mouth.

Well In this situation, should she take the initiative?

However, what if Huo tingxiao is annoyed? Although she doesn't know much about Huo tingxiao, this man is gloomy and moody

"Well Do you have insomnia, too? " After a struggle, yunweiyang carefully asked.

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"Well." Huo tingxiao's voice is extremely hoarse.

Yun Weiyang scratched his head. "Well, I've learned a little massage before. Do you want to try it?"

After that, Yun Weiyang wants to slap herself to death. Which tendon is wrong, and she will take the initiative to provoke the devil?

What if he is in a bad mood and pinches her to death?

Yunweiyang, yunweiyang, are you funny!

"Are you afraid of me?"

Huo tingxiao's voice is extremely hoarse. There is something surging in Xiangyun Weiyang's eyes, as if he would burst into tears at any time.

Yun Weiyang glanced at him with a sad look on his face. Isn't that nonsense!

Suddenly someone hijacked her. She didn't call the police because she had excellent psychological quality!

If it hadn't happened five years ago, she might have tried her best to call the police or even run away. Now she knows that at any time, she can only choose to protect herself, and no one will care about her life and death.

She is the only one in the vast world.

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"No, I just think you It's too cold. " Yunweiyang suddenly said.


The next second, Huo tingxiao suddenly put out his hand to clamp Yun Weiyang's chin, forcing Yun Weiyang to look at him. In the dark, there was only a vague outline left on his chiseled cheek, and his scarlet eyes were staring at Yun Weiyang.

Yun Weiyang is tense all over and looks at Huo tingxiao warily. Once Huo tingxiao changes, she will never wait to die. She doesn't want to die. Although life is very difficult, she never wants to die. She still has a lot of things to do. She wants to stand at the top and let everyone look up to her!

In her scarlet eyes, the girl's vigilant face was reflected. There was a trace of consternation in Huo tingxiao's eyes. This woman, she really

Bloodthirsty, cruel, uncertain, like a cold-blooded monster, even he was afraid of such himself.

Huo tingxiao let go of Yun Weiyang's chin, "are you not afraid that I will strangle you?"

"Yes, of course I am." Yun Weiyang took a few deep breaths, and then said sarcastically, "but what about fear? I'm afraid you won't strangle me? I can only face everything by myself, always

"From now on, I will protect you." Huo tingxiao suddenly said.


If the devil doesn't kill her, she will be Amitabha.

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However, even if you know that this is a lie, but at this moment, she still takes it seriously, because at this moment, she really needs a little warmth to make herself look less lonely.

"You Can I have a rest? "

Time seems to be suddenly static down, Huo tingxiao a face calm look to the cloud is not central, dark eyes, there is no trace of ferocity.

“…… Oh

At the moment when the voice fell, Yun Weiyang felt that there was a heavy weight on his shoulder. The man leaned on her shoulder and then closed his eyes gently. A wave of fatigue from the bottom of his heart made him feel as heavy as a kilo. But when he leaned on the girl, the fatigue seemed to be swept away.

In his breath, there was a unique faint fragrance. Smelling the fragrance, he fell asleep quickly.

Yun Weiyang sat there motionless, so what's the situation now?!

Huo tingxiao fell asleep on her shoulder?

What should she do now?

Is it rape before kill or kill before rape?Yunweiyang head in a mess, who can tell her how to do? Urgent, online, etc

Villa 6 is the villa of Qin Ye's family. Because of the failure of hypnosis, Qin Ye is also like a big enemy. He has been afraid to sleep. He sent someone to pay attention to the movement of Huo's family.

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Study, balcony.

Qin Ye stood on the balcony, his dark eyes staring at the direction of the Huo family, and his eyebrows were frowning. Once Huo tingxiao had something unusual, he had to go there immediately.


Qin Ye's mobile phone suddenly rang, and immediately he took out his mobile phone and quickly picked it up.

A few seconds later, Qin Ye's face suddenly changed, "what? Boss went to the guest villa? I'll be right here! "

Hang up the phone, Qin Ye immediately left the study in a hurry.

Qin Ye soon arrived at Villa 8, and more than a dozen people in black were already waiting for him.

"Brother ye, Xiao has been in for a long time, and there's nothing moving inside. We're worried..." A man at the head came to report to Qin Ye immediately.

Qin Ye's face was a little gloomy, and he burst into a rage and said, "are you blind? When did the boss leave the villa? If there is something wrong with the boss tonight, you all go to Xiaowei camp for me! "

Xiaowei camp, a mysterious and huge organization founded by Huo tingxiao, has many different organizations, and this organization is only under Huo tingxiao's command.

"We can't blame him for this, Mr. Xiao He evaded our patrol and hacked all the surveillance. If we hadn't found abnormal surveillance, I'm afraid we still don't know that Xiao has disappeared. "

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