"What are you trying to say?" Yunweiyang's eyes were covered with blood, his eyes were scarlet, his fingers were clenched, his forehead was blue, and his voice was low, as if from the heart.

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Mu Shen raised his eyebrows slightly: "if it wasn't for the ghosts of the cloud people, no matter how powerful they were, they couldn't cover up the sky. However, the fire was too big. After the official announcement, the autopsy clearly said that there was only a little soot in their mouth and almost no soot in their abdomen. That is to say, there was a big fire At that time, they didn't struggle at all. Living people can't have no trace of struggle. There is only one official statistics about how many people died in the cloud clan. No one knows who else is alive except you three. The one who survived must be the insider who joined hands with Mu Tian. It's just that he should have changed his name and disappeared. It's not easy to find him It depends on Yunchen's ability. "

The cloud family is also an old-fashioned force. The family's influence is deep-rooted. If they want to overthrow a huge family at one stroke, they don't believe it. Besides, after the fire started, no one called the police. It was not until the fire burned half of the mountain that suburban residents found out that they called the police, but it was too late.

Yun Weiyang felt his bones trembling with cold, and his heart was frozen like volcanic magma, gradually forming a thick iceberg, isolating all the warmth.

Yun Weiyang didn't know what to say. His throat seemed to be blocked by something and he couldn't pronounce a syllable.

Kill the blood feud

These words, no matter which one, are enough for her to completely crazy.

She couldn't imagine what a terrible fire it was, or how an aristocratic family was annihilated in a fire.

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After a long time, she seemed to think of something at last. She suddenly raised her head, and her scarlet eyes were firmly locked on mushen. "You just said three Besides me and Yunchen, there is another Who is he? "

In my mind, there are many casual scenes, like a name hovering in her throat, but she can't believe it.

How can

Mu Shen's eyes flashed a little. In his dark eyes, he seemed to be confused. "You have guessed that the surname cloud is not common. Besides, he has seen you for a long time, but because of a lot of reality, he doesn't recognize you, and he doesn't want to, but he can't Dear, in order to let you live in the ordinary world, there are many people who bear too much blood hatred for you, even at the risk of being chased to death Every day, they live in fear and blood. They are tired. They don't even know which abyss they will go to, but they never want you to touch these things. They think it's better for them to bear the blood debts of their life. You just need to live in the sunshine and be a carefree ordinary person Are you really willing to let their wishes become empty? "

Yun Weiyang has never found that Mu Shen even preaches, which makes her unable to refute.

However, she has been stable for so many years. Why can they bear the blood feud? If she really stands by, how can she persuade herself not to care about those blood feuds for the rest of her life.

Yun Weiyang: "what I have shed is the blood of the cloud family. If I only want to be safe, then I really don't deserve to be a member of the cloud family."

Mu Shen was absent-minded for a moment. He looked at Yun Weiyang with complicated eyes. After a long time, he said, "I can give all the people of Mu family to you, but if you want to move other people of Mu family, I won't agree."

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In any case, he is the head of the Mu clan, and he has already stood on the side of yunweiyang to protect his weaknesses. Even the people of the Mu family don't care. This blood feud must be filled with blood.

Yun Weiyang raised his eyes, his eyes were full of tiny red blood, "I always have a clear sense of gratitude and resentment, do not indiscriminately kill innocent people."

Mu deep in the heart of that breath relaxed, to tell the truth, how cloud Weiyang insisted on against the whole Mu family, he will let her go.

He never regarded himself as a good person. He was willing to protect her, even if he wanted to be buried with Mu nationality. So what?

Mu Shen: "good."

Yun Weiyang suddenly said, "Huo tingxiao Did he know that for a long time? "

Xiao Yang thinks about it, but now he's not even.

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Mu Shen: "he really knows, and no less than I do. After Yunchen defected from the organization, Huo tingxiao was always protecting him. Otherwise, do you really think Yunchen alone can escape the pursuit on the black list? Of course, it's also the second one. "

It's true that Yunchen's force value is high, but in the end, it's hard to fight with two fists and four hands. If it wasn't for Huo tingxiao and song Shian's protection, Yunchen would be dead now, and there would be no residue left.

Yun Weiyang sat on the sofa, as if a little distracted. She always knew that Huo tingxiao had a strong external wrist, but never hurt her. Besides that, Huo tingxiao was perfect.Yun Weiyang was silent for a long time, then stood up from the sofa, "I should go back."

She said to leave, Mu Shen suddenly said: "stay, eat a meal and then go, I do hot pot."

Yun Weiyang steps slightly, and looks at Mu Shen. Mu Shen's face is a bit abnormal pale. It's really hard for such a sick person to connect with the blood stained Mu clan leader.

Yun Weiyang: "good."

Mu Shen suddenly smile, eyes curved, looks pleasing, "everything is good."

Yun Weiyang nodded, didn't speak, went to the kitchen to prepare.

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Song Shian and his group of melon eaters didn't understand what was going on for a moment. The owl leaned against the door frame of the kitchen door, arms around the chest, and said, "the boss is so sick, how dare he eat so spicy? Why not

"You know what! Even if the dead girl is feeding him poison, I don't think the boss will blink! "

"Or do you know the boss..."

"Why do I suddenly feel so cruel..."

In the kitchen, yunweiyang seems to have heard nothing and is busy quietly.

Maybe she and mushen both know that this is between them Last meal alone

The last lunch

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