Country m, abandoned city.

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The night is low, but the whole house is as bright as day. Looking around, there are dazzling torches everywhere. The flames are flashing, giving people a very strange feeling.

Outside the old house, in a dense forest about 3 kilometers away.

There are four or five hundred people in full readiness. They are all fully armed and well-trained. They are all vigilant and stare at the old house of Jing family not far away.

"Sir, look Are we going to step in? " A middle-aged man in a military green uniform asked in a deep voice.

The Lord stood in a low position, holding a miniature telescope in his hand, and smelling that he was not angry, he said: "there are Mujia people ambushing, and those who are working on it are Xiaoye's people, putting in a fart hand!"

He is also very angry. The two families join hands without any news in advance. It's like they suddenly parachute down. Even he is unprepared. Even if the Jing family is ready, I'm afraid they can't return to heaven.

Tonight, the king's family is doomed to fall, but he, the so-called Lord of the city, can only take people to watch on the wall, and then he has to clean up the mess for them.

Although the abandoned city belongs to the "three no matter" zone, he has to explain to his superiors for such a big disturbance, which is really a big trouble.

"Do you want to report to the superior?"

The Baron frowned for a long time, then waved his hand, "no, wait for the higher authorities to investigate. This is the time to report. Don't you make trouble for yourself?"

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"Yes, sir!"

The Baron was too lazy to talk any more. He picked up his telescope again and looked at Jing's house.

At this time, everyone in Jing's family is under control. Some Jing's family, who don't know anything, have completely collapsed. Although they don't have any real power, and they don't think they will be able to stand out in the family one day, they have been treated with dignity since childhood. They have never seen blood or such a scene in their life.

"This What's going on... "

"Who are these people? Will they kill us... "

"Why, how could that be?"

"What about the patriarch? What about the little patriarch? Where are they? "

Screams of panic, clamour, like trying to turn the whole day around.

At this time, a middle-aged man with a walking stick, followed by several middle-aged men, came over with a gloomy face.

"Patriarch! Help

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"Patriarch, help us! We don't want to die! "

These young people have never seen a bloody fight. They are vulnerable. Their hearts can't bear the slightest disturbance.

"Yunchen, what do you mean? What do you want to do when you break into my old house without authorization? " Jing Xuan's face was gloomy. He took a few steps forward and stopped opposite Yunchen.

The wind is cold, as if with a sharp blade, cloud dust in black, expressionless standing there, hands holding a black knife.

Cloud dust smell speech, labial horn hook hook, "those who collude with Mu day, destroy cloud clan, besides you, who else?"

Jing Xuan's face suddenly changed. He couldn't believe it. He stared at Yun Chen, "what are you talking about! What collusion with Mu Tian? What cloud clan? I don't know what you're talking about? "

Yunchen gave a sneer, waved his big hand, and fell the knife. A young man kneeling beside him, his arm was removed by a sharp long knife, and warm blood splashed on the young man's face. His face turned pale, and he even fainted before he could cry.

The young man didn't have time to cry out, but there was a scream all around him.

Cloud dust coldly glares at Jing Xuan, "in those days, did you also treat my people like this? You don't say it, do you? If you keep a secret, I'll abolish them. You can try. Am I joking? "

Jing Xuan's face turned white, and a thin cold sweat oozed from his forehead. "You're crazy! You are breaking the law... "

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Yunchen sneered: "breaking the law? Now you know it's against the law? Jingxuan, don't you think it's funny to say that? Today, none of your Jing family can walk out of this gate completely, but don't worry, I won't kill you. I want them to live in this world like mole ants and forgive you for the crimes that your Jing family committed in those years! "

He doesn't kill these wastes. Death is too cheap for them. He wants them to live and live to repay their sins.

Rao is Jing Xuan. He can't help feeling numb when he hears Yun Chen's words. Yun Chen It's a complete lunatic!

Damn it!

Jing Xuan almost crushed the stick with his fingers. His face was gloomy. He gave a cold smile: "Yunchen, don't deceive people too much! Even if my family is not what it used to be, you can't help it! Come on

Jingxuan's voice fell, but there was a dead silence around him. In addition to the howling cold wind, there was only the flickering sound of hunting fire.

Jing Xuan's face turned black and trembled: "impossible! How could you... "

Cloud dust lips a hook, pull out a smile, but this smile does not reach the fundus of the eye, see the person back a burst of cold.Cloud dust: "you personally cultivate dark Wei, I have already dealt with clean for you, none left."

Jing Xuan was shocked. How could it be!

Those dark guards are wanted criminals who have been kept by him for many years. They are also his last mace. These people are used to the desperate life of licking blood. How can they be easily removed?

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However, none of the dark guards came out. Even if Jing Xuan didn't want to believe it, the facts had already been placed in front of him.

Jing Xuanmu bared his eyes and stared at Yunchen, "you! How dare you kill people in public! Do you still have kingcraft in your eyes

Cloud dust seems to hear a big joke, sneer a few, "King clan chief also have the face to tell me Wang fa? You'd better keep these words underground and talk to the king of hell! "

Jing Xuan's face suddenly changed, and he yelled: "dare you! If you kill me, you will never find out what happened in those years! "

Yunchen: "what if I can't find it? As long as I kill you, even if it's revenge for the cloud clan, as for the rest, I can't manage so much! "

Jingxuan's eyes are as big as a bell. Now he has no time to think about whether Yunchen dares to kill him. He just wants to live, but to live, he has to sell the secret of that year

Jing Xuan clenched his teeth. "I can tell you the truth of that year. I can say anything, but I also have conditions..."

Cloud dust roughly cut off his words, "do you think you can negotiate terms with me? Or are you willing to sacrifice yourself for the sake of Jing family to make them live soundly? "

His words, as if detonated some boiling point, the young people of the Jing family, almost cry for Jing Xuan's help.

After Jing Xuan, the middle-aged men finally wavered

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