Yin Shuo Suffers Humiliation (Part Five)

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Having offended Princess DanYang, none of the female guests dared to chat with her, thus she could only follow Yu Fu.

Yu Fu had a good feeling about her, “What should I call princess?”

“My name is Kun YuYang.”

What a boyish name. It was no wonder she was so free and bold.

It was just…

Seeing the strange look on Yu Fu’s face, Western Kun’s princess finally reacted, “Oh! You are asking about my official title, right? I originally had no title. Before coming to Eastern Ling, father Emperor randomly decided on one. I felt that it had no meaning, so I can’t really remember it.”

Yu Fu could not stop herself from laughing, “Princess really is a straightforward person. Since that’s the case, don’t call me by my title. My name is Yu Fu.”

“Your surname sounds really nice, and the same is true of your give name! My name sounds like it belongs to a boy. It doesn’t sound charming at all.”

“Your name makes me think of the wind blowing the soaring clouds along. It sounds both pretty and imposing.”

Kun YuYang scratched her head, “What soaring clouds? Slow down a little. I’ll write it down. If anyone ever says that my name does not sound nice, I will have a way to argue against them!”

She was born with a low standing, and even her title was granted randomly right before the political marriage, yet she maintained such a heart and candid attitude.

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Yu Fu chatted with her for a short while but felt as if they were old friends. This lasted until Gu ShuBai called her over.

“Yu Fu, didn’t you want to learn archery? Come here.”

She brought Kun YuYang along with her, “Those are my elder brothers from Marquis Gu’s Manor. Let’s go together.”

Marquis Gu’s Manor was famous in Western Kun. Everyone knew that if it was not for Marquis Gu’s Manor blocking the way, Western Kun would have broken through Eastern Ling many years ago.

Gu HuaiJiang’s title of god of war was known by all in Western Kun.

Kun YuYang felt a little reserved. The two countries had been at war for many years. Having fought on the battlefield for many years, could Marquis Gu’s Manor accept a princess from Western Kun like her?

Gu ShuBai and the others stood at the archery field. Seeing Yu Fu lead Western Kun’s princess over, they politely smiled at her.

“Does princess know how to shoot an arrow?”

The people of Western Kun were skilled in martial arts. Girls, like boys, could lead soldiers and fight wars. Kun YuYang, as a princess of Western Kun, it was highly probable that she knew how to shoot an arrow.

Sure enough, she nodded, “I know a little. I do not dare show my pitiful skills in front of eldest young sir.”

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Gu ShuBai pointed to an area nearby. A few young sirs from aristocratic families were preparing their bows and arrows, seemingly wanting to compete a little, “Princes DanYang wanted everyone to compete, and the winner would win a prize. It would not be good for me to not give her face. If princess has some time, I want to ask you to teach Yu Fu some archery.”

Saying this, he pointed at Gu Xiang and Gu Yi, “These younger brothers are too careless and don’t know how much strength a girl has. They are completely unable to teach Yu Fu.”

He wanted her to teach archery to Yu Fu?

Kun YuYang was overwhelmed by the favor, as she looked at Gu ShuBai and vigorously nodded her head, “I am grateful for the eldest young sir’s approval. Don’t worry. Leave Yu Fu to me!”

She was not at all reserved. She had only just become familiar with Yu Fu but was already calling her by name.

Gu ShuBai smiled and left Yu Fu to her before heading to the group of young sirs from aristocratic families.

Not too far away, Princess DanYang walked over to Yin Shuo’s side, “I know that Prime Minister Yin has not been in a good mood recently, so I specially invited you out to relieve your boredom. How about Prime Minister also goes to compete a little?”

Yin JiYao quietly sat to the side. Upon hearing Princess DanYang’s words, she could not help but feel shocked.

Yin Shuo was a civil official. It would be fine if he had been asked to write a composition, but how could he possibly compete against the sons of military families?

Had Princess DanYang invited him out to relieve his boredom or to humiliate him?

Yin Shuo simply said: “Many thanks to Princess DanYang for the love and care. The scenery of ChunHe Garden is very beautiful. Sure enough, my mood has improved a great deal just from looking at it for a while. As for competing in archery and riding, I shall refrain. Thank you for the invitation, princess.”

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“Ha, Western Kun’s princess doesn’t think anything of me, and Yu Fu doesn’t think anything of me, but that’s all fine. Even this princess’ future husband looks down on me. What is the point of me being a princess?”

Yin JiYao tried to help explain, “Princess DanYang…”

Yin Shuo had already stood up.

“If I do not go, princess will accuse me of looking down on her, and that is a burden that I cannot bear. Since that’s the case, I have no choice but to reveal my complete incompetence.”

The men of Eastern Ling were not proficient in martial arts. There were plenty of people who did not know how to ride a horse or shoot an arrow.

He was a civil official. Even if he was worse at riding and archery than others, it would not become a topic of discussion.

What was most frightening was that Princess DanYang did not just want him to lose face…

Five young sirs lined up in a row with their bows fully drawn. With a whoosh, the arrows were sent flying.

Gu ShuBai was only putting in thirty percent of his best effort, but his arrow landed directly on the center of the target. This brought out a round of congratulations from the crowd.

In this sort of competition, only with Gu ShuBai participating would there be no suspense when finding the victor. Yu Fu, who was currently learning archery, heard the commotion and ran over to congratulate him.

Seeing Yu Fu’s childish appearance, Kun YuYang was stunned, and Gu Xiang stepped forward to say: “Did you not know? Eldest brother and Yu Fu are already engaged. They don’t just have a brother and sister relationship.”

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It was no wonder when she looked at Yu Fu’s expression that she saw a girl in love and not just a younger sister.

“Huh, who is the one who couldn’t even hit the target?”

She pointed at a handsome young man in the crowd. He looked like a scholar, so why would he participate in this sort of competition?

Gu Xiang looked over and said with a smile: “That’s our Eastern Ling’s prime minister, Yin Shuo.”

“Yin Shuo, you’re a little too lacking, right? You can’t shift your shoulders and lift your hand. Of all these people, you’re the only one who couldn’t hit the target!”

Princess DanYang angrily called him by his name. It was clear that she felt that Yin Shuo, her future husband, had caused her to lose face.

Gu ShuBai looked over at Yin Shuo and slightly furrowed his brow.

Strange, why would he take the initiative to participate in this archery competition? This was completely different from his usual way of doing things.

Using one’s weakness to combat another’s strength. This was the dumbest way of doing things.

Even stranger was Princess DanYang.

No matter how displeased she might be with Yin Shuo, to show consideration to Emperor Ning having sanctioned this engagement, she should not try to humiliate him in front of so many people.

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