Lucky (Part Six)

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Yin Shuo had lived for 21 years, and this was the first time that he had been described in such a manner.

He had always been the most talented youth in the capital. Having been conferred the title of prime minister at a young age, he occupied a lofty position in the imperial court.

Yet Princess DanYang was publicly saying that he was lacking?

He laughed, “Princess, Yin JiYao told you that I was not good at riding and archery and that I did not want to come and compete. Princess insisted that I come and compete, yet now you look down on me.”

The cabinet was about to be established, and the prime minister was about to lose power. Even his “future wife” refused to give him any face in public.

Some people began quietly discussing this, “What is happening with Princess DanYang? She’s being a little too mean. First, it was the princess from Western Kun. Now, it’s Prime Minister Yin.”

“How does making Prime Minister Yin lose face help her? Husband and wife share the honors and disgraces. Does she think that humiliating Prime Minister Yin will allow her to make herself look better?”

“Prime Minister Yin really is pitiful. A perfectly fine civil official was forced to come and participate in archery, and he had to suffer humiliation.”

Princess DanYang faintly heard the discussion. Not only did she not hold back, but she went even further, “If you know that you are not good at it, why not put in some effort into learning? If you want to be this princess’ husband, it’s natural that you must be both a talented scholar and skilled in martial arts. Instead of learning to make up for what you lack, you make excuses. You’re really gutless!”

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There was an uproar. She actually said something so rude!

Kun YuYang asked Yu Fu, “Your Princess DanYang, is her…” She pointed at her head, “A little slow?”

Gu Xiang and Gu Yi burst out laughing, “Hahaha, you’re absolutely right. Her head is a little slow.”

Yu Fu seemed to have something on her mind, as she shook her head, “Normally, she can’t be considered smart, but she has never been this stupid before. She must have some sort of goal. Things are not as simple as they seem.”

Both a talented scholar and skilled in martial arts, she must be talking about Gu ShuBai, right?

Yin Shuo’s expression was livid. Being compared by his future wife to the person she loved, and she did not stop at mocking him. This was not something any man could tolerate.

He coldly looked at Gu ShuBai, and the latter had a heavy gaze, calmly returning a look.

His gaze told Yin Shuo that this was unrelated to him.

Yin Shuo thought for a moment and suddenly understood what Princess DanYang was trying to do.

He forced out a smile, “It’s me who was lacking in learning. If I knew that Princess DanYang liked people who were good at riding and archery, I should have put more effort into learning.”

Rather than get annoyed, he was actually able to smile?

Princess DanYang frowned. She searched through her mind for all sorts of nasty things to say, trying to make Yin Shuo look even worse.

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“There’s no need! For someone as lacking as you, this princess refuses to marry! Even if I marry you, this princess will never treat you well. You might as well just give up now!”

In the end, she was a princess of the imperial family. She had not heard the worst things shouted by angry wives in the marketplace, thus this was the worst that she could muster.

With the host leaving, the scene quickly turned ugly.

Some people wanted to go and say a few comforting words to Yin Shuo, but they were also worried that the wrong words would make him feel even worse. They could only leave in silence.

Some people took advantage of the situation to quickly leave. This would save them from getting caught up in a storm for no reason.

Even more people were happy to enjoy the show, feeling that the marriage between Princess DanYang and Yin Shuo was most likely over.

After suffering this sort of humiliation, what sort of man would obediently marry her? Unless he was a bastard, Yin Shuo was the dignified prime minister. He definitely would not need to do so.

“If it had been me, I would seek out His Majesty to ask for the engagement to be canceled! What’s the benefit of marrying a princess? If she’s like Princess Shanyin from the Liu Song Dynasty, having numerous male lovers, the husband would be nothing more than a cuckold and a bastard!”

“That’s right, to be insulted like this, even I would want to ask for the engagement to be canceled, much less someone of Prime Minister Yin’s stature.”

Everyone quietly chatted while dispersing, and Yu Fu smiled with her head down.

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“It turned out that she had such an idea in mind.”

Kun YuYang was currently shooting an arrow and turned her head, “What idea?”

With a whoosh, her arrow landed on the border of the red center, causing Gu Xiang and Gu Yi to clap.

A girl who could shoot so accurately was very rarely seen in Eastern Ling. But based on what Kun YuYang said, this was a very common thing in Western Kun.

With this stunning revelation, they could not help but fall deep into thought. The girls of Eastern Ling could not participate in court affairs or in the military. This was truly a pity.

Yu Fu thought for a bit about how she had been taught to move and lifted the bow, “It’s nothing. I really want to understand the instructions that you’ve given me. Watch me give it a try.”



Just as Kun YuYang spoke, Yu Fu’s arrow soared out and landed on the bullseye!


Kun YuYang loudly exclaimed, and everyone immediately turned to Yu Fu. When they turned to look, they saw Yu Fu lowering her bow.

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“Heavens, that was shot by Princess ZhenJiang?”

“How could that be? She’s such a small girl!”

People muttered that it was impossible, but everyone subconsciously gathered around to ask about the origin of the arrow.

Kun YuYang was very direct, “The one that landed off-center was mine. The one that landed in the very middle was shot by your Princess ZhenJiang!”

It really was her!

“Princess ZhenJiang really is the valiant daughter of a general’s family. She really has Lord Marquis Gu’s style!”

So what if she was not truly his daughter?

That she could be raised like this despite not being his true daughter was what made it truly incredible!

Yu Fu wanted to stop Kun YuYang but did not act in time. Faced with all of this praise, she could only hollowly smile, “I was lucky. I was just lucky.”

Through the crowd of people, Yu Fu looked over toward the archery ground. Yin Shuo’s back was slightly hunched, and he took advantage of being alone to leave on his own.

That figure was as lonely as could be.

Author’s note: For some reason, I added an extra part. Take a guess, do you think there will be a part seven?

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