Absolutely Do Not Want to Learn Martial Arts

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“What are you all standing outside for? Yu Fu is still sick, yet none of you is taking care of her?”

The group looked toward the source of the voice. It turned out that Gu ShuBai and Gu JiuGe had come, and the one who had spoken was Gu JiuGe.

He felt guilty because Yu Fu had fallen into the water. He was also very moved by how she had protected him, thus he was extremely worried about the slightest problem for Yu Fu.

The corners of Gu ShuBai’s lips slightly twitched, as he was a little surprised.

Gu JiuGe, who usually faced girls with a smile, was now speaking with a severity that had never been seen from him before.

This was abnormal. This was far too abnormal.

The maidservants looked at each other. In the end, it was Yu Fu’s personal servant, Yao Lan, who had the most standing to step forward.

“Young sirs, it’s not that we’re slacking off. It’s that young miss is feeling unhappy and did not want us to stay inside to take care of her.”

“Feeling unhappy?”

Only after the two began asking further did they find out what the noble young misses from earlier had said. It was inevitable that the two would feel incensed.

“Yu Fu has always treated people with kindness. Who knew that others would only treat her well because of her status. Now that they know the truth, they changed their attitudes too quickly. It’s hard to fault her for feeling heartbroken.”

Gu JiuGe looked toward Gu ShuBai with his brows furrowed, “How could this girl be so foolish? Even father doesn’t tell others about this, yet she herself revealed it. All throughout the capital, everyone only has eyes for nobility. I fear that this sort of thing will occur even more in the days to come.”

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“Forget it.”

Gu ShuBai looked at Yao Lan’s group, “Stay out here for now. We will go in and have a chat with her. That might do a bit of good.”

Saying this, he gently pushed the door open and stepped inside.

“Our young miss likes the eldest young sir the most. She will definitely be happy to see the eldest young sir.”

Behind them, Yin Ling quietly whispered with Yin Xue, as Gu JiuGe paused briefly then entered the room as if nothing was wrong.

Yu Fu was currently laying down in bed. Hearing some movement, she did not turn her head. She just stuffily said: “Didn’t I say to call me when my older brothers came? Why have you come again so soon?”

After saying this, there were no other sounds of movement. Yu Fu could not help but feel that something was off. Turning around, she found that Gu ShuBai and Gu JiuGe were both standing in the room, and both were looking at her while laughing!

Not realizing that the two of them had entered the room, her miserable expression remained on her face. This caused Gu ShuBai to feel quite a bit of heartache.

“Yao Lan said that you were feeling down, thus we came in on our own. It turned out that there’s a little girl facing a wall while reflecting on her actions.”

There were small chairs already next to the bed, and the two casually sat down. Yu Fu immediately sat up straight, her little face bright red.

“That’s not it. I only lay down because I was a little sleepy. Weren’t eldest brother and second brother entertaining those misses out in the front? How do you have time to come here?”

Yu Fu forced out a smile. The earlier feelings of misery had already been suppressed to the bottom of her heart; however, this was not enough to fool the two in front of her.

One of the two was 19 and the other was 20. If they could be fooled by a young child like Yu Fu, it would be a little too disappointing.

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The two exchanged a look. Neither planned on exposing her facade.

She was unwilling to express her sadness in front of the two. Put plainly, she did not want them to worry and did not want Gu HuaiJiang to worry.

“The marquis manor has never welcomed these guests in the past. They were allowed in for your sake. We simply hoped that they could help ease some of your boredom. Where is there any sense in us entertaining them? I see that they could not keep you entertained, so there’s no need to let them back in.”

Gu ShuBai’s casual mention of this caused Yu Fu to feel a little bit shocked.

Eldest brother definitely knew what had just happened. That’s why he said that he would no longer welcome those young misses.

“Right, why have third brother and fourth brother not come?”

Yu Fu did not continue on the previous topic. Instead, she looked outside but did not see Gu HanMo or Gu WenQing.

“It’s fine with third brother, but fourth brother promised me yesterday that he would come and visit me today.”

Yu Fu grimaced a little and lowered her head, muttering: “He even said that he would bring something fun for me…”

“Take a look. What is this?”

As if performing a magic trick, Gu ShuBai pulled out a chubby and small white dog from his broad sleeve. Holding it in his palm, it was not even the size of his hand.


Yu Fu was surprised and happy. Looking at the white ball in his hand, she immediately wanted to reach out to feel it.

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But the little dog was truly too small. She was afraid that she would hurt it, thus her arms remained at her sides, afraid to reach out and touch it.

The little white dog was very comfortable laying on Gu ShuBai’s palm. Sitting on its butt, it licked its paws and looked very cute.

Now, Yu Fu could no longer endure, reaching out and pulling it into her arms.

“Your fourth brother wanted to come with us, but third brother held him back, saying that his martial arts had regressed. As such, the two began training in the back yard. He entrusted this little dog to us to give to you. Sure enough, you like it.”

Gu ShuBai was observing Yu Fu’s expression. He never thought that a little white dog could make her so happy so quickly. Gu WenQing really understood Yu Fu’s feelings.


The little dog obediently lay in Yu Fu’s arms, letting out soft whimpers.

Yu Fu brought her hand over to its nose, and it sniffed her for a bit. It then stuck out its pink tongue and began to lick her hand.

She began to giggle, and Gu ShuBai could not help but shake his head.

This little girl was truly too easy to coax.

“Alright, you’re still recovering from an illness. You can play when you are better.”

Gu JiuGe picked up the little dog and gestured for Yao Lan to continue taking care of her. Yu Fu still wanted to continue playing but watched it get carried out.

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“Father mentioned wanting to bring a teacher to teach you embroidery and needlework. There was also something about zither, chess, calligraphy, and painting. As I see it, when you recover from this illness, it would be better if you trained in martial arts with us. With you being so frail, how can that be bearable?”

“What? Learning martial arts?”

Yu Fu shrank back a little and pitifully looked at Gu JiuGe.

“Second brother is a bully. I am a little girl. How can I learn martial arts? I won’t learn. It will definitely be full of hardships!”

It was clear just looking at Gu HanMo. He was the only one in the entire manor who spent all of his time training. He trained so much that he was unable to speak well, and his expression was always cold.

It was clear that learning martial arts was not a good thing.

Once she voiced her thoughts, Gu ShuBai and Gu JiuGe began to laugh, unable to hold back.

“Did you think that third brother is the best at martial arts in the manor? Aside from father, the best at martial arts is eldest brother. It can be seen that even with learning martial arts, it’s possible to stay elegant and graceful. As for you, it will just be for the sake of strengthening your body.”

Yu Fu was still a little afraid, thus she cast a pleading look at Gu ShuBai.

This time, Gu ShuBai did not act as she had hoped.

“Second brother is right. Your body is truly too weak. If training in martial arts can make you stronger, father can also feel at ease. What do you think?”

It seemed that the two of them had discussed this beforehand. They had not come to ask her opinion in the slightest.

Yu Fu angrily pouted and furrowed her brow.

“The head general definitely will not agree to it. I absolutely do not want to learn martial arts!”

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