Eating Watermelon

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Under the scorching sun, the martial arts hall of the marquis manor was quite lively.

In the shade of the winding hall, there was a row of armchairs. The young sirs of Marquis Gu’s Manor were presently sitting in the hall. From time to time, they would whisper to each other and let out a few laughs.

Their eyes were focused on the courtyard that was completely uncovered. In the wide courtyard, two rows of weapon racks were filled with swords and staves. On the ground, there was a short and dark figure.

In the middle of the courtyard, two figures- one tall, one short- were currently bathing in the scorching sunlight.

“Your lower leg needs to remain straight.”

Gu HanMo’s expression remained cold and did not reveal any emotions. Raising a hand, he used a stick to tap Yu Fu’s leg.

The hot sun did not seem to have any effect on him. Not even a drop of sweat appeared on his body. He just paced around in circles while observing Yu Fu.

Yu Fu was currently in the horse stance. Her little face was bright red from the sun, and large beads of sweat were dripping from her forehead.

When Gu HanMo tapped her leg, she immediately tightened her leg, her light mauve pants becoming wrinkled.

This was for the sake of teaching her martial arts. Gu HuaiJiang specifically ordered a few sets of clothes. The top and bottom were both cool and easy to move in.


Sweat had completely soaked the clothes, and Yu Fu pitifully looked up, staring at Gu HanMo.

Unfortunately, it was Gu HanMo.

If it was any of the five other brothers, it was likely that they would immediately become reluctant to have her continue training.

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It was for this reason that there were no objections when Gu HanMo was chosen to instruct Yu Fu.

“Third brother, taking the horse stance in the sun is too much suffering for Yu Fu.”

Gu Yi was unable to hold back and spoke up. A spark of hope was suddenly lit in Yu Fu’s heart, but she then heard him continue…

“Wouldn’t it be better to have her do it in the hall?”

Yu Fu: “…”

“That’s true. After all, Yu Fu is a girl. If her skin became dark from the sun, she won’t be able to get married!”


Yao Lan went forward to support her, but how could she support her?

Yu Fu’s entire body was numb. Since childhood, she had never experienced such suffering. If there was nobody to support her, she might have collapsed to the ground.

Gu HanMo, however, had no intention of showing any pity or love for girls. Standing behind her, he was like an icy mountain. He stared at her and did not allow her to escape.

“Eldest young sir, Lord Marquis ordered me to deliver a watermelon that has just been chilled!”

Just as Yu Fu was slowly inching toward the hall, they suddenly saw Qi Zhou arrive with a group of people carrying a watermelon.

The watermelon was in exceptional condition. It was large and round, and its exterior was a brilliant green with visible black stripes. It even had some beads of water on it.

It was immediately evident that it had been placed in a cold storage area to cool it. Only that would cause water to bead like that on the surface.

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When Yu Fu saw this watermelon, she became even more paralyzed.

“Then bring it over!”

Gu ShuBai pretended to not notice her greedy expression and had Qi Zhou bring it over to be cut open.

Qi Zhou snuck a look in Yu Fu’s direction and found it hard to suppress a smile. With that, he picked up the flat blade used to cut the watermelon.

Eldest brother had not called her to each the watermelon.

Yu Fu wishfully thought about it and could not stop herself from swallowing some saliva.

“Yu Fu.”

Like a sound belonging to nature, it was a rather low voice.

Yu Fu rapidly raised her head and saw Gu Xiang and Gu Yi rocking back and forth. Gu ShuBai’s face also had a slight smile.

“We will stop training for today. Quickly come and eat.”

With Gu ShuBai having spoken, not even Gu HanMo could stop her. Yu Fu quickly trotted over.

As for Lian Zhu and Lian Bi, both were staring in a daze.

Wasn’t Yu Fu just struggling to even move?

How could she run so quickly just now!

“Little Yu Fu, weren’t you unable to walk earlier? How is it that you’re now able to run?”

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Gu Yi mocked her but still hurriedly handed her a slice of watermelon, allowing her to be the first to eat.

Yu Fu received it and took a bite. The coolness permeated her core, and she shot a bit of a glare at him.

It was originally an even greater glare, but this was reduced by the cool watermelon.

“Little Yu Fu, you will need to remember in the future not to flaunt your few skills in front of a master. We are all people who have been trained like this from childhood. Whether you are truly unable to move or not is something that we can see at a glance.”

Everyone present knew that she was pretending. It could be seen that her pitiful appearance really did make him feel reluctant to have her continue training.

“I know that the head general and elder brothers are doing this for my health. In the future, I will definitely train properly and not slack off.”

Yao Lan came over with a handkerchief to wipe her hands. Yu Fu moved her hand, and a silver flower appeared in the palm of her hand.

It turned out that they were the poisonous needles that she often used.

“Little Yu Fu, what did you bring those things out for?”

Gu Yi exaggeratedly carried the watermelon away, fearing that she might accidentally poison the watermelon.

Yu Fu said: “Master once said that he would teach me some cultivation once I got a bit older. Like this, my poisonous needles will be even more effective and will be able to fly out like darts. Eldest brother, do you think I will be able to do it?”

This sort of thinking was quite good!

Gu ShuBai carefully looked at her poisonous needles and pulled one out from between her fingers. With a flick of his fingers, he sent it flying.

Nobody could clearly see where it had flown. The male servants ran over to the neighboring wing and found the needle stuck in a door.

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“It’s here!”

Everyone put down their watermelon and ran over to take a look. Sure enough, they found the silver needle stabbed into the wooden door of the wing. It was a full inch deep.

Yu Fu reached out to pull it out, but no matter how hard she tried, she could not pull it out. In the end, the silver needle was only pulled out by a male servant by covering it in a handkerchief and pulling with all of his might.

“Eldest brother, teach me that one! If I can learn this, I will also be able to help in the fighting if something happens!”

She gently tugged at the hem of Gu ShuBai’s clothes and seemed to be especially hopeful.

Gu Xiang and Gu Yi’s eyes were already glowing from this sight, “Eldest brother really is amazing. When did you secretly learn this? You didn’t even teach us? No good, no good, you need to teach us too!”

Gu ShuBai had been thoroughly surrounded and helplessly looked at Yu Fu.

“Who told you to fight? You are a young miss of Marquis Gu’s Manor. Nobody is worthy of having you personally take action. Who do you want to beat up? Eldest brother will just help you out.”

“There’s also second brother.”

Gu JiuGe took a step forward and looked at Gu ShuBai with a forced smile.

Gu HanMo faintly smiled. He did not speak, but his eyes expressed his views.

Gu WenQing nodded to him, “It’s naturally the same with fourth brother.”

“There’s also us! If anyone dares to bully Yu Fu, there’s no need for our older brothers to take action. We will beat them silly first!”

Gu Xiang and Gu Yi gestured with their young fists filled with ill will and spoke up, refusing to be left out.

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