At The Entrance

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 After I prepared and headed to the entrance gate, my husband was already there waiting.

 Even though a man’s preparations are basically faster, I wondered how long he had been waiting for me.

 No, even though it is a man’s prerogative to wait, it is indeed uncomfortable to make him wait too long…

 My husband looked frustratingly good-looking in his black riding suit.

 I rather wonder if there are any clothes that don’t fit him.

“Sorry to have kept you waiting.”

“It’s nothing, let’s go.”

 The master has something in his hand.

 A basket?

 Licht, who was at his feet, sniffed something and was distracted by the contents of the basket. The contents must be food.

 Come one, have a little patience, Licht.

 That’s why you’ve been gaining weight lately, you know?

“Good morning, Risha-sama.”

 As I looked at Licht in disapproval, Michel appeared from the side, gabed in the uniform of the Lindbeld dukedom territorial army.

“Good morning, Michel. Are you coming with us?”

“Yes, since Claude-sama woke me up early this morning.”

 Oh, I’m sorry about that.

 Normally, he’d still be asleep at this hour.

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“Claude-sama is the head of the Lindbeld dukedom, and Risha-sama is the Duchess. It’s inadvisable to leave you somewhere unprotected.”

“Is there anyone else?”

“Yes, there are.I’m not the only one going with you, but I’m your only exclusive knight, so I guess it can’t be helped.”

 Even though his role is to protect the master and his wife, when the question comes to whose protection is priority, the obvious answer is the master.

 However, the bounds of exclusivity are not limited to that.

 Since I only have one exclusive guard at the moment, Michel will inevitably be my constant guard.

 My husband had given me some documents, but I couldn’t say for sure until I saw the others in person.

 I’m sure it won’t be a problem if my husband recommends them, but they have to be people who can work well with Michel.

“I’ll try to wake up later from now on.”

“I’d appreciate it if you could.”

 In the main gate, which was astir in the morning, my husband called out to me to see if I was ready.

“How fast can you ride, Risha?”

“Only in a canter. I haven’t ridden in a while, so I’d like to take it slow if I can.”

 There was no point in telling a lie.

 I’ve never ridden a horse since I got married, and my husband knows it.

 Please don’t expect me to be an excellent rider.

“Well, it was supposed to be a walk, so as long as we can get this pup walking, we’re good.”

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 That’s good to know.

 I pray that nothing like an emergency will happen.

 Horseback riding is one of the favorite pastimes of noblewomen, but not many people take it seriously.

 It’s usually a social activity, with a servant pulling the reins while riding comfortably.

 I’m good enough to ride by myself.

“Most of the people living in the Lindbeld domain can ride horses, so I was going to recommend it if you couldn’t. However, I see there’s no need.

 I see. Another war situation here.

 A horse is useful for escape.

 You can ride away, or you can have them pull a cart with your household goods on it. They may even gallop to deliver news.

 Hence, most of the people in the territory can ride.

“It’s also a horse breeding area.”

 In addition to the military horses, the Lindbeld duchy’s horses are also the best for farming.

 This is why they are so expensive. After all, they have different horsepower, and many of them are excellent.

 Then I thought of something and asked my husband.

“It’s not a war horse, is it?”

 I don’t have confidence in my ability to ride such a magnificent horse.

 My husband glanced at me as if taken aback with my question.

“I can’t give a warhorse to someone who’s only a novice. It’s dangerous.”

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 Ah, right?

 A warhorse is specially trained for war.

 I’ve heard that they have a surprisingly rough temperament.

“Oh, I can ride a warhorse!”

 Michel looked at my husband expectantly.

 Warhorses are expensive, so they are neither affordable nor necessary.

 Most of them are used in the Duke of Lindbeld’s domain.

 Some of them are delivered to the state army, but they are rarely sold in the market.

 In other words, you rarely get a chance to ride a war horse, and even less to have one.

“You’ll have to work for it.”

“Yeah. I think I’ve been working pretty hard. What do you think, Risha-sama?”

“If I say no…”

“I’m Risha-sama’s personal assistant. I’ve been doing a great job, haven’t I?”

 No, Michel, I think you’re just having fun stirring things up around you.

 You’ve just been playing with Licht lately.

 Licht, you think Michel is a playmate, don’t you?

“It can’t be helped. I’m new here, so I guess I’ll just have to be patient.”

 Yes, modesty is the best, Michel.

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 At the moment, you’re more of a talker than a knight.

 When we got to the front, the guards were ready to go.

 One of them is holding the reins of two horses.

 One was a well-built horse at a glance, with a shiny black coat. I thought it was definitely a war horse. There was something different about its aura.

 The other horse was smaller in size but had beautiful chestnut hair.

“Risha, come here.”

 My husband introduced me to the horse with the chestnut hair.

“He’s a little older, but that makes him smarter and calmer. He wouldn’t be intimidated by a large beast next to him.”

 That’s true.

 I don’t want him to be frightened with Retzel right next to him.

 At present, Retzel is at my side, looking around curiously, but calmly.

 Well, I’m pretty sure these beasts aren’t carnivores, so I guess everything will be fine.

 Speaking of which, although Retzel and Licht are herbivores, they seem to eat anything.

 They expressed dislike, but if something was all they had, they had no choice but to eat it.

 Surprisingly, his favorite food is fruit.

 They especially like dried fruits.

 They also like nuts.

 I’ve learned a lot about ecology, and I’m wondering if I’ll get in trouble if I conduct a proper research and publish it in neighboring countries.

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