Eating Outside Doubles the Deliciousness

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 I was a little nervous about riding a horse since I haven’t ridden in a long time. I could let it canter, though.

 However, I was able to manage it because my body was remembering it, and the chestnut-haired horse my husband introduced me to was gentle, smart, and easy to handle.

 The walk to the stable is indeed a bit of a long one, but it’s just the right distance if I urged the horse lightly.

 The horse isn’t currently in use, but its training will start in a little while.

 Before that, I was supposed to borrow it for a while.

 In fact, if the Master of the house says he’s going to use it, it’s his territory, so even if others had complaints, they’ll have to swallow them.

 Of course, I don’t want to push it that far, so I’m really only borrowing for a moment.

“It’s expansive!”

 As soon as we arrived, Michel exclaimed in a dumbfounded but impressed tone, as if he was voicing my thoughts.

 The others were naturally used to seeing it, so they didn’t say anything.

“Over there … you can see the horizon …”

“It’s vast, that’s for sure.”

 My Husband said lightly and dismounted.

 He immediately came towards me and gave me a hand to dismount.

 Quite the gentleman.

“You can play if you want.”

“Do you want to go for a run, Retzel?”

 For a moment, he seemed to be concerned about Licht, but perhaps he wasn’t getting enough exercise, so he left Licht with us and started running briskly.

 I’ve never seen it before, but he’s really fast.

 He’s already gone so far!

 Funnily enough, Licht is also running around.

 However, he doesn’t go as far as Retzel, and always remains within our sight.

 Even so, he seems to be having a good time, running where there’s no obstacle.

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“I can’t see Retzel anymore…Will he be okay?”

“He’s smart enough not to climb over the fence, and at this time of the evening, it’s almost impossible for anyone to see him, so I don’t think he’ll be a problem.”

 No, I’m more worried about the people in the territory than Retzel.

 What worries me the most is the reaction of the fiefdom populace when they see Retzel.

 I hope they won’t be too surprised and overreact…

 If there’s an uproar, I’d be sorry if the territory army immediately makes a move and appear,

 Anyway, if they meet a beast that big, I guess they’ll have to report to my husband first.

“He’ll be back sooner or later. Besides, if Risha calls him, he’ll come back, won’t he?”

“I checked to be sure, but even though I couldn’t see him, he appeared. I don’t know how far away he was, though.”

 I don’t know if my voice will ever reach a distance where I can even see the horizon, Husband.

“We’ll find out soon enough. For now, let him roam free.”

 After living in the wilderness for so long, they suddenly find themselves living in the midst of human life, which seems to be causing them a lot of stress.

 I don’t know what Retzel is thinking.

 Did he think it would be easier to raise Licht here, or was he kicked out of the pack?

 However, at least they are friendly to us, so they are accepted at the Duke’s mansion.

 Retzel casually carries heavy things for me, you know?

 He seems to know that he is a housemate.

 Of course, I don’t think Licht is thinking anything of it.

“Risha, come here.”

 Riding a horse is a light exercise.

 Even if I wasn’t riding much, I got somewhat tired.

 Perhaps sensing this, my Husband urged me to the desk and chair outside.

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 He’s holding the basket that he had strapped to the horse in his hands.

“I told everyone we’d have breakfast here, and had them prepare it. I’m sure the knights have brought enough for themselves.”

“T-Thank you.”

 He skillfully took the food out of the basket.

 It felt like we’re on a picnic.

 Small sandwiches that are easy to eat by hands, scones and other baked goods, and several kinds of jams. Other colorful hors d’oeuvres((appetizer or starter) and fresh fruits came out of the basket, and fruit juice as well.


 I was a little impressed.

 Somehow, I felt something special about this kind of food.

 It’s the excitement I had dreamed of as a child.

“…Did you ask Ragnard, by any chance?”

“No, why? I’m just doing what I think kids like to do.”

 He said he wanted me to experience things I couldn’t when I was a kid, but I mean ――

“You’re treating me like a child?!”

“Aren’t you?”

 I pursed my lips at my husband who smiled happily.

 Alright, he isn’t far from the truth, no?

 Haven’t I longed for events like this?! But even adults like to have picnics! If anything, it’s a way for women to socialize sometimes! 

“Even though the distance is short, you haven’t worked out in a while, so you’re probably starving. Besides, you didn’t seem to have much appetite yesterday.”

 I honestly wondered if he was watching me.

 Husband said I didn’t look like I had a good appetite, but I still ate as much as a normal noblewoman would.

 My appetite was a little low, but not enough to worry him.

 It’s all about feelings.

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 I don’t have the stomach to eat without reservation with a crowd of important people, milling about!

“Oh, I’ll――”

 I addressed him as he was about to pour a drink into my glass.

 However, he’s in control with his hands, so he eventually did it for me.

 It is perfect.

 I just sat there.

 Is it fine to have the head of the family do something like it?


 While I was watching my Husband’s deft movements, Licht, who had been running around, came pacing back and forth at my feet.

 He knew that I would get angry if he climbed on the table, so he kept moving back and forth underneath me. However, Husband easily picked him up and handed him to Michel to discard.

 Michel received him with a look that said, “I don’t have a choice,” and took him with him.

“Here, Licht-kun! Don’t disturb the couple. Let me take your food, then we’ll go over there, shall we? Oh no, you’ve gotten really heavy lately, haven’t you? Is it a growth spurt? Or are you just fat? It’s hard to tell when you’re a little too furry, but come on.” 

 Michel chattered with Licht.

 I knew I wasn’t the only one who thought he might be fat.

 Maybe I should limit his food intake a little. Or maybe let him exercise more…But, you know, he’s been playing so energetically at the Duke’s mansion, so unlike Retzel, I don’t think he’s lacking exercise.

 Maybe he’s eating too much.

 Whenever he appeals to a maid or a servant for a snack with those round eyes, he’ll get treats secretly.

 I must impose a total ban.

 I have a feeling that spoiling him because he’s growing up won’t do him any good.

“What’s up?”

“Ah, nothing…Thank you.”

 As I was thinking about the dietary restrictions for Licht, which was taken farther away, my Husband handed me a glass.

 I took it and thanked him for all his service.

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“Michel can definitely take care of Licht. After all, they seem to be kindred spirits.”

 It’s not that they’re kindred spirits, but they’re simply playmates.

 For both.

“Let’s eat for now.”

“Everything looks delicious.”

 It’s quite fun to eat outside, isn’t it?

 Every time my husband took a dish out of the basket, it made me swoon.

 I’m dying to see what else is in there, Husband.

“The cook at the mansion have been with me since I was a child, so we know each other well. He’s good at awe-inspiring dishes, but he’s also good at packing these playful baskets.”

“Did you often go on picnics and such, Husband?”

 The way he said it sounded like that.

“Not often, but children of my age were often lumped together, and we used to play together whenever we had time. Back then, we all used to barge into the castle kitchens and have them cook for us. The grandson of the feudal Lord was the head of the kitchen, so he would cook for us even when he was busy.”

“That’s a little surprising. I thought you were serious about your studies.”

 When I commented, he only shrugged.

“Playing with other children is part of socializing. I think we were just trying to blow off some steam.”

“So are you used to this kind of occasion?”

 The preparation was excellent.

 Husband said all he had to do was take them out, but I could tell he was used to seeing it all neatly arranged.

“I know you’ll get used to it. Then you can at least have a picnic anywhere.”

 That’s true, too.

 When we return to the imperial capital, I can enjoy a picnic in the mansion of the Duke of Lindbeld.

 Eating outside is different and almost addictive.


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