Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 236: 236

Su Tang looked at her pretending to be pitiful and pinched her chin.

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Luo Xingchen was surprised to look at sucang, "sugar, you are such a person, that Nu family is your people after, so three seven bar, three seven bar!"

This is also the deliberate twist with Su sugar, and then continue to say.

Su Tang was just joking. In fact, if Luo Xingchen didn't come up with these Chuang Tzu, many of her ideas would take longer to come true. Sanqi is also her idea.

Because Luo Xingchen is the second young master of the Luo family, her parents are not separated, so she can't have her own private property outside. Therefore, it means that these Chuang Tzu and production lines need to be managed by sucang. Luo Xingchen can't get more shares.

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But 30% is always needed. When the time comes, this little traitor will use the Luo family's market to help promote sucang. You can't give less. If you give less, you won't work!

"For the sake of warming my bed, I'm seven, you're three." Su Tang finally pinched her face with a smile.

Luo Xingchen heard Su sugar agreed, came to hold her "sugar ah, my sugar, you are the best."

Su sugar said, why do friends you know recently like to move around and cuddle.

"This is the title deed of Chuang Tzu. Tomorrow I will go over and transfer it to you." She took out the title deed and gave it to sucan.

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Su Tang took over and looked at it, then shook his head. "These Zhuangzi are not very useful. You can sell them and give them to me in cash. I'll buy some more Zhuangzi near Qingyuan County, and concentrate on them to manage them."

Luo Xingchen took out five Zhuangzi, not to mention anything else. Su Tang took a look at it and distributed in five counties. She was not very familiar with the geography here, but the five counties could not be very close. Such five Zhuangzi were not easy to manage, and Su Tang always felt that the things she got from Luoxing River were not so simple. 90 look at Novels

Although sucang and Luo Xingchen are open and open and cooperate with each other, the owner of the Luo family and luoxinghe are doomed to be the opposite, but sucang has not planned to meet each other directly in a short time.

In this way, all Chuang Tzu are located near Qingyuan County. Su Tang is very simple to manage. She is still in filial piety and is not convenient to go out. At the same time, because Qingyuan County is relatively partial, she just met Lu Wan'er. Although she only knew each other, it was not good enough.

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But at least she has a way to get in touch with Lu Xian Cheng, and maybe she can use it if something really happens. In this way, sucang has a stronger control and avoids the possibility of luoxinghe playing tricks from it.

Luo Xingchen heard sucang say, also nodded, "OK, then I'll let people run this matter these days, and I'll send you the silver after the new year."

Compared with using these Chuang Tzu directly to Su Tang, Su Tang's method is obviously more cautious. After all, it's her own private property. It's good to be cautious.

"Be careful with people." Sucang reminded her.

Luo Xingchen nodded, "don't worry, I know it in my mind."

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She has been reminded of the betrayal last time, and she will certainly pay attention to it carefully. This time is more important than the last time. If something goes wrong, she may be expelled from the Luo family, not to mention fighting for the position of the Luo family leader.

What may be fatal is that Su Tang will be very careful if she doesn't say so.

Su Tang knew that she knew in her mind that she would either not do it or do it without any problems. She also learned a lot about the rules of Qihuang state with Song Yi these days.

Parents in the same family, their own private property, if known, the consequences can be large or small.

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