Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 237: 237

But just thinking that Luo Xingchen had such a big brother, Luo Xingchen really bought private property was found, she thought that the consequence is a little smaller, it is not so easy, be careful not to have an accident is the best.

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When the most important thing was settled, Luo Xingchen was relieved, and then sat down to talk to Su Tang about other things. "I've brought you the silver of soap before this time. It's Spring Festival. You'll need money."

When she was talking, she went outside and asked her entourage to come in with a small box. Then she asked the entourage to go out and open the box, only to see that there was golden gold inside.

"This is 330 taels of gold. If you change it into silver, it will be 330 taels. I will give you these for the time being, and the rest will be given to you by the end of the first quarter of next year."

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It's normally settled at the end of the year. Luo Xingchen specially asked people to calculate these profits for her. Luo Xingchen also knew that Su Tang didn't have much money in her hand, and she didn't take out the formula for soap. So she had to purchase raw materials by herself, regardless of how cheap the raw materials were. The output of so much soap must also be a lot of money.

Luo Xingchen thinks that since he came here, he can also reduce the burden of sucang.

Su Tang was really relieved to see the gold she had given herself. She had too many things to do and didn't have enough money. Otherwise, she would not borrow money from Song Yi. Now Luo Xingchen has sent the money ahead of time, which really lightens the burden on sucang.

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"Yes, so sensible!" Su Tang took a look at the box. There were 30 pieces of gold ingots and three pieces of silver ingots, which were equal to 33 taels of silver. There was no problem at all, so she closed it and put it aside.

Seeing sucang saying this, Luo Xingchen looked at her with bright eyes. "So, can you give me a reward for warming up the bed? Roast fish, grilled fish, sugar, my sugar, I haven't eaten it for a month. I dream about your roast fish!" Zhongyuan book bar

While talking, she looked at sucang expectantly, and she said, "this money was originally made by selling soap. You didn't warm my bed for me. What reward do you want?"

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"Now I'll warm you up, sugar. I'm so cute, so good-looking, I'm so sensible. Do you have the heart to starve me?" Luo Xingchen continues to entangle Su Tang.

Su Tang looks at her so frivolous, and is about to open her mouth to say something. When Yu Caihe opens the door, she hears what they say about warming the bed.

Su Tang and Luo Xingchen know what is going on between them. What Yu Caihe and others see is that a little girl and a young man say such words. Yu Caihe, who was also married before, opened his mouth and was surprised that their young lady was so powerful that she made such a beautiful young man warm up.

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For a moment, this is not startled, and then see Su sugar and Luo Xingchen are looking at her, Yu Caihe embarrassed standing here, do not know whether to go out or come in.

"What are you doing there? Milk tea is ready?" Su Tang saw her standing at the door, she knew that she had heard it, but she had bought all the servants. Otherwise, she didn't know what it would look like. Thinking of this, she glared at Luo Xingchen.

Luo Xingchen laughed, she didn't mean to. She said that people should not disturb her. Who knows when they were playing, Yu Caihe came in.

In Caihe quickly put the cooked milk tea up, "maid to miss and young master Luo to send just cooked milk tea."

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