Chapter 61 – Seeking Danger

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The object was small, only a piece of the Marrow-Washing Jade that had peeled off. It was firmly wrapped in a piece of black cloth that let out a faint golden light. Even when Rou Rou knocked on the piece of jade just now, the cloth was still wrapped around.

Jiang Xunyi knew that the cloth was a piece of the robes worn by the former host of Yan Xiang Temple when he was ascending. The Marrow-Washing Jade was a thing of yin and evil. Without such a restraint, even Rou Rou’s spirit would be swallowed.

Rou Rou whispered, “Although my brother was an outer disciple, he was able to go up the mountain by chance, risking his life to retrieve a piece of this thing. He was able to send this home after many twists and turns, but he himself never came back.”

Jiang Xunyi frowned slightly and didn’t rush to look at the jade, instead using one hand to reach for a handkerchief. However, just as he was about to pass it over, he realized that Rou Rou did not shed any tears.

She only raised her head and said very seriously, “I am lowly capable. I will not mess up, and I will not mess with you. After… my brother passed away, I am the only one left for my parents. I don’t want to die, but I want to contribute anything I can. No matter what the result is, it can give his spirit in heaven solace.”

Jiang Xunyi put his palms together and solemnly promised, “Then please, trust me.”

Rou Rou glanced at him deeply. Jiang Xunyi continued, “How did you come up? Can you return by yourself?”

Rou Rou replied, “Senior Brother Zhuo asked me to give Senior Brother Song something. I took his token and came up. A girl like me doesn’t attract much attention. By the way, he said to please be careful and proceed cautiously.”

Jiang Xunyi let out an “En”. Rou Rou added softly, “This is from Big Brother Yun.”

Jiang Xunyi looked at what passed over and saw that it was Yun Xie’s jade sect master authentication ring. As he took it into his hand, he could not help but chuckle and say, “It’s just him that is troubled. Please tell Yun Xie that everything is fine, and he should worry less and just follow Zhengfan to do things.”

Rou Rou lowered her gaze and nodded. “Then I will go down the mountain.” She turned to leave.

Jiang Xunyi watched her take two steps, then suddenly called out, “Miss Zhu, I heard that Zhu family has a collection of books called “Hundred Lian Manual”. It was recorded in the book that the Marrow-Washing Jade can actually be attracted to the **[1] of one’s heart and move, right?”

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Rou Rou paused and said calmly, “Although we are currently in a cooperative relationship, my brother was martyred through his sacrifice, and I owe you nothing.” 

Jiang Xunyi replied calmly, “I know, I just wanted to ask. You don’t need to answer.”

Rou Rou stared at him for a moment, but she didn’t say a word. Finally, she turned around and left. Jiang Xunyi smiled and didn’t push her. However, after just two steps, Rou Rou suddenly paused and said, “You are right.”

After saying that, she hurried away without stopping again.

At this time, the night was desolate, so desolate that one could almost smell the scent of dawn. Jiang Xunyi pressed his hand on the black cloth, hesitated for a few moments, and finally did not uncover the jade. He backhandedly put the Marrow-Washing Jade into his arms and shouted, “Shijiu!”

Qi Shijiu ran over immediately, so fast that it seemed that he had been waiting for Jiang Xunyi’s call with all his concentration. However, when he arrived in front of him, he cowered and stopped three steps away as if he felt that he was too lowly and thus didn’t dare to get closer to the god of his heart.

Jiang Xunyi looked at the stubborn little boy for a moment, then shook his head awkwardly, “If I tell you not to follow me, you still wouldn’t listen, right?”

Qi Shijiu raised his head anxiously to speak when he heard that the other’s tone was off. It was a pity that the person he faced never gave others a voice. Before he opened his mouth, he was chopped on the side of his neck with a palm, and his head dipped down in a daze.

His last impression was a pair of cold hands supporting him and the indifferent fragrance of pine branches drifting from the bottom of his sleeves.

Jiang Xunyi put his arms around Qi Shijiu and hauled him back to the room like a chicken. He put him on the bed, thought about it, then tore off a piece of his shirt and tucked it in his arms. This way, even if he didn’t come back, Zhuo Zhengfan would naturally save Qi Shijiu after seeing this piece of clothing.

Then he hesitated for a moment, then tore off another piece of cloth, bit his finger and wrote a few lines on it. He originally intended to stuff it into Qi Shijiu’s arms, but after pausing for a moment, he took it back and turned around to leave.

In fact, after meeting Rou Rou, Jiang Xunyi had already quickly made a decision. After arranging everything, he immediately went out, quietly skimming over the roof. At this time, he had changed into the black robe of the inner disciples, which just happening to help him blend into the night without showing a trace.

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Looking down from his high vantage point, it seemed that all the trees and houses had fallen asleep, and it was quiet all around. In the cold late autumn night, every exhale became white mist and floated away.

Jiang Xunyi stretched out his hand and touched the fragment of the Marrow-Washing Jade in his arms. He used his fingers to twist the covering lightly and a ray of evil energy appeared from the top like a thread. He placed it by his lips and blew lightly, and a straight silver wire appeared in midair, flickering as it extended to the west.

Just as Jiang Xunyi stretched his waist, the sound of the patrol disciple’s footsteps rang out nearby. He quickly lowered his body and balanced on the ridge of the roof. A layer of cold frost had formed on the roof, and the coldness seemed to be soaking into his bones through his skin. He was listening attentively to the other person’s walking route, but suddenly he fell into a daze, as he felt that the energy value of the system had depleted a bit.

Undoubtedly, this must be because of something Yun Xie did. Jiang Xunyi couldn’t help but smile as he thought of it. After a while, when it was quiet, he jumped up suddenly and moved towards the west like light smoke.

There were dangers everywhere here, and it was impossible to discern whether there were any high-level masters around, so Jiang Xunyi did not dare to use his spiritual power. He was entirely dependent on qing gong[2]. When he reached the end of the silver line, he waved his sleeves and dissipated the evil energy. He used both hands to support himself on the roof then threw himself forward, grabbing the eaves of a room before letting his body drop. His figure swayed slightly, and then his whole body had slipped silently into the side corridor.

This move was beautiful, but when he walked here, Jiang Xunyi could clearly feel the cold and evil air. It seemed that the temperature in this place was much lower than in other areas, and his chest was wet with dew. A thin layer of frost has formed on his clothes, causing it to stick to his body, making it very uncomfortable.

He slowed down and walked across the corridor with his hands clasped behind his back and the black corners of his clothing floating in the air. His footsteps were so light that no sound was heard. After walking for a few steps, he suddenly stood still, opened the window of a side room and jumped in.

When Jiang Xunyi entered the room, the Marrow-Washing Jade made a teeth-rattling “Creak” in his arms. Jiang Xunyi bit his finger and made a dot on the fabric wrapped around, then whispered, “Seal!” 

The noise gradually disappeared, but the uneasiness in the air became more and more intense.

With the little moonlight coming from outside the window, Jiang Xunyi quickly turned around to observe the small room, only to feel that everything was normal. He pondered for a moment, and suddenly he had an idea. His fingers tapped on the wall and the floor.

Everything was solid.

Jiang Xunyi’s brow furrowed, and he glanced at the sky outside. Even though he was always calm, he still couldn’t help but feel a little impatient. As he was thinking of a solution, there was suddenly a muffled noise from his sleeve.

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It felt like the sudden vibration of a phone during the college entrance examination. Although it was not sharp, it could be heard clearly in the silence. Jiang Xunyi was so scared that a cold sweat almost broke out, and he quickly reacted, holding down his wide sleeve. A bit of a sword’s hilt was exposed – what made the noise was the Extinguished Flower sword he held there.

This was the sound of recognition made between swords of the same sect. Fortunately, Jiang Xunyi moved quickly and didn’t let this sound alarm anyone. However, his eyes lit up. He spun around abruptly and slammed his head against the screen behind him.

His body penetrated the screen without any hindrance, and in a blink of an eye, he had appeared in another space – there was actually an extremely well-hidden barrier.

After passing the enchantment, he saw a long corridor in front of him. A faint light came from the end of the corridor, and a person was shouting, “You bastards without any conscience! Don’t think that this will make the little master afraid. I tell you, if you have the ability, don’t let me get out alive, or else I will let my little uncle know and you will be annihilated again and again in a blink of an eye!”

Jiang Xunyi heard this stupid scolding style, and even though he was in a dangerous place, he couldn’t help but facepalm. He couldn’t bear to look – this voice belonged to his Martial Nephew Yu Hong.

He knew the nature of this kid too well; he could still swear in full force here. It must be that there was nothing life-threatening for the time being, and he will simply ignore him for now, instead standing outside and carefully looking at the surrounding environment.

He wanted to be cautious, but the conditions did not allow it, as the system that hadn’t spoken for a long time appeared again: 

Urgent mission: rescue Yu Hong and ensure that he is out of danger.】

This is the first time that the system has added the word “urgent” in front of the task. Jiang Xunyi couldn’t help but freeze. It was his martial nephew, so even without the system’s reminder, he would’ve saved him. However, the main problem now was how to save him. There were dangers everywhere, so he couldn’t just rush in and kill people recklessly. He was neither the Hulk nor the boss of the Axe Gang[2].

“I understand, wait a minute, I’ll…” 

The system alarm suddenly sharpened:

Warning! Warning! Asking the host to perform the urgent mission immediately!】

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Was this not persuasive enough.

Before Jiang Xunyi’s words were finished, he staggered as if he was pushed hard by someone and fell straight through the door where Yu Hong’s voice came from. The noisy surroundings fell silent and gazes came from all over like a searchlight.

What the hell, this was cheating!

Unfortunately, Jiang Xunyi was cheated and almost slammed into the ground with his head. Even as he almost fell, his mind was racing – the system was so anxious likely because energy has been lost in the past few days. The ambiguous task offinding out the truthhad been delayed, and thus energy was no longer available. The system had to rely on this so-called “emergency task” to regain energy.

As thoughts ran through his mind, several violent shouts were heard next to him. 

“Where did he come from?!”

“Who are you?”

“Hurry up, grab him!”

Jiang Xunyi stepped sideways to avoid the swords, turning over and leaping over several people’s heads to land near Yu Hong.

[1] ** – As always the author censors bad words so just think of what fits

[2] 輕功 – Basically Chinese martial art parkour

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