Chapter 62 – Lovesickness

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Yu Hong was stunned. “Martial…”

He reacted quickly, noticing Jiang Xunyi’s black clothes as soon as he uttered the word, and he quickly turned to shout, “Who are you? You are so brave: you can even bother this young master as he gets comfortably interrogated? Get out of here!”

Jiang Xunyi was almost crying from his stupidity. He raised his hand and slapped Yu Hong’s head and said coldly, “After a scholar has been away for 3 days, you must look at him with new eyes[1]. Amazing. You now dare to tell your martial uncle to get out?”

Yu Hong was dazed from the beating. Jiang Xunyi knelt and dodged the knife flying over from behind and kicked it back without looking at it. He only heard a bang, followed by multiple screams, but he still didn’t look back. He looked down at the chain tied to Yu Hong’s body and sneered. “How capable.”

It was unclear whether his sneer was directed at Yu Hong for being stupid or the Flame Gate for being audacious. He raised his right palm and slashed down like a knife. The chain was immediately broken. With his left hand, Jiang Xunyi pinched Yu Hong’s neck and lifted him up. With his right hand, he swept his sleeves and knocked over an entire group of people. He loudly shouted over the deafening sound of the spiritual attack, “Are you hurt?”

Yu Hong shot upright as if it was a conditioned reflex and said loudly, “No, I can fight!”

“Okay, let’s go on!”

He spread his right hand, and the Extinguished Flower sword unsheathed sharply, sweeping toward the enemy in front of him fiercely, appearing as a ray of light in the air, before turning thousands of times, sprinkling red flowers of blood all over the area in a blink of an eye. The move really showed what it meant to “kill a bloody road.”

Jiang Xunyi attacked without mercy. After he came up, he started fighting without saying a word. The disciples of the Flame Gate lived in seclusion for many years, and it had been a long time since they have seen such a cruel figure.

A man who was relatively injured less with a bruised nose and swollen face struggled to get up from the ground. He shouted, “Who are you? Report your name!”

“Jiang Xunyi.” Jiang Xunyi took out the sword again and said lightly, “Unfortunately, it’s useless even if you know my name.”

His sword light flashed over, and the man fell to the ground.

Yu Hong had picked his saber up from the ground and was following from behind, but he didn’t have a chance to make a move. He only had time to wipe the blood off of his face and merely watched Jiang Xunyi’s brutal beating with a stunned look, understanding that his martial uncle had the spirit to do big things today. He had already received the news that Jiang Xunyi had not really died, but he didn’t quite understand the ins and outs of the matter. But now, he almost felt that he had been possessed by something. He pulled on Jiang Xunyi’s sleeves and stammered, “M-martial uncle… what’s wrong with you…?”

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Jiang Xunyi replied with a calm face, ” Itchy hands.”

Yu Hong was about to speak, when suddenly, his expression morphed to shock. He took two steps forward and stood beside Jiang Xunyi with his sword drawn, staring at the door warily.

Jiang Xunyi had also sensed a powerful and evil spiritual energy, sending an incomparable sense of oppression from the door to the two inside the house. The Extinguished Flower Sword seemed to feel the danger and began to tremble slightly, glowing with lavender light.

The system was really cheating. By how it pushed him into the scene, the one coming must be the boss of this level. He should have strictly arranged the strategy and tactics, but he was kicked out before he had gained enough experience. This is a losing rhythm.

Jiang Xunyi hit the blade of his sword, and the glow and buzzing noise were immediately suppressed by him. His eyes were fixed on the door, and he spread out a hand to block Yu Hong’s chest, pushing him behind him. He spoke firmly, “I don’t care how you showed up here. If we get into a fight later, don’t come up and help. If you have the opportunity to run down the mountain, you must first ensure your safety. Did you hear me? If you don’t even run away, you can just stop being a disciple of the Hidden Spirit Sect. Just find a mountain valley and bury yourself there!”

The window lattices on all four walls made a horrifying creak before they shattered. Yu Hong was both stunned and anxious, and he said hurriedly, “Martial Uncle, then what will you do?”

The pressure was getting stronger and stronger, but the figure still had not appeared even after long. Jiang Xunyi already had to pull Extinguished Flower out of her sheath to fight the pressure with his sword-qi, his wrists trembling slightly. His tone was also hurried. “Stop talking nonsense. You’re jusy a kid; who cares about what I do? I tell you, your Master Yun is at the foot of the mountain now, just care about going to him. Give this to him, do you hear me?”

Actually, Yu Hong was not much younger than Jiang Xunyi, but he was part of a different generation from him. Ever since he was a child, he had gotten used to listening to his teachings. He also knew that he wouldn’t be of any help here, so he gritted his teeth and clenched the piece of cloth Jiang Xunyi handed over tightly as he responded, “Yes!”

At the same time as this answer, the purple barrier coming from his Extinguished Flower sword exploded, unable to withstand the opposing force of the two sides. Jiang Xunyi leapt back from the aftermath of the burst, then, while in the air, sent Yu Hong’s body away. He said in a low voice, “Hurry and go.”

Yu Hong was thrown out without gentleness, and he rolled on the spot before standing up, dizzy. As he heard the sound of swords clashing behind him, he remembered Jiang Xunyi’s instructions. Fearing that he would not be able to move when he turned his head, he gritted his teeth and rushed down the mountain.

After Jiang Xunyi said those three words to Yu Hong, his internal breath diverged, and his chest immediately surged with blood. A mouthful of blood almost spurted out, but he was afraid that Yu Hong would not leave, so he swallowed it again. This was the first time in Jiang Xunyi’s life that he encountered such an opponent who could force him to be like this without even showing his face.

After the aftershocks from the bursting barrier dissipated, a figure appeared in front of him. However, his face and body were hidden in a black mist, and it was difficult to see clearly. Even the sword of the opponent seemed to be just a foggy shadow, vaguely taking the shape of a narrow knife. It didn’t look amazing, but with an unusually strong force, it struck down towards his head.

If it had been before, Jiang Xunyi would not hesitate to raise his sword to meet him, but things were different now. Even if Du Heng’s body was full of spiritual power, his arm strength could not keep up, so he dare not to counter the attack.

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Pushing hard on the ground with his right leg, his entire body slid out of the gap between the sword and the shadow with his back facing upward.

However, he didn’t just dodge. The moment he passed by, Jiang Xunyi flicked his finger. The strength of his finger was far worse than the force of the opponent’s move just now, but the position was just right, like a drop of thick ink splashing into the water, releasing the force on the knife in an instant.

The opponent seemed a little surprised, and the sword’s momentum slowed slightly. Jiang Xunyi took this opportunity to attack immediately. The gleaming edge of the sword had a sharp chill, emanating a glow. It carried an unwavering strength, which rushed down.

However, after using such exquisite swordsmanship, the color of surprise in the other’s eyes only grew stronger and stronger. Suddenly, the opponent swept across and slashed towards his calf. Jiang Xunyi jumped up and simply stepped on the blade with his toes fiercely, spinning in the air. His sword energy carried the firelight and shot towards the opponent’s neck straight.

Unexpectedly, the man’s sword didn’t have time to block it, and instead, his hand turned around and directly grabbed Jiang Xunyi’s blade. A “clang” sound like steel rang out, and the long sword in Jiang Xunyi’s hand flew out. The skin between his thumb and index finger cracked, and blood flowed down his fingers.

He strained quickly and immediately slammed a punch, stricking the opposite door.

However, as soon as this trick was used, he whispered “not good” in his heart!

In the dim light, he could only faintly see a mirror-like thing swaying in the palm of the man. The saber that Jiang Xunyi had thrown aside, for reasons unknown, flew up and cut his own chest.

The severe pain almost swallowed his mind. At the last moment before his consciousness disappeared, he vaguely saw a face he had seen before. The three-character name turned in his mouth, but he could no longer spit it out.

On the other side, on the days Jiang Xunyi went up the mountain, the other outer disciples were having a good time.

Zhuo Zhengfan had a mild temperament, and he didn’t make things difficult for people very often. In addition, most of the people here were of low birth and didn’t have the stinky young master values of Jiang Xunyi, and thus did not have high requirements for the quality of life. Although the food and housing weren’t good, they couldn’t be worse than their homes, so they were calm.

The only restless person was Yun Xie himself.

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“You say, before we came, didn’t the Taoist say they would teach us to cultivate immortality? He even added that immortals can live forever, so how come even after these many days, no one is here to teach us cultivation, ah?”

After the two people ate their meal, they leaned against a big rock and soaked in the sun. One of the dark-skinned teenagers used a straw stick to pick his teeth as he elbowed his companion.

“Aiya, how would I know? Just be content; this kind of life is good. I heard that the disciples in the past had to do work every day and got beaten up. That is to say, Senior Brother Zhuo who came to take care of us this time has a good heart. We two can secretly slack off.”

At first, the man was not convinced. “I know that Senior Brother Zhuo is good. I’m just angry. We are all just starting out, so why does that malignant star get to do whatever he wants? Everyday, he doesn’t eat with us or sleep with us, whatever. But it seems that even Senior Brother Zhuo doesn’t pay much attention to it. What is up with him!” 

His companion smiled slyly and said in a low voice, “Look at his appearance, can he be on the same level as us? The one with the surname Jiang who came with him before looked better than a woman, with a small waist and a small white face. He just arrived and entered the inner sect. If I had to say…”

“If you had to say what? Talk louder, I want to hear, too.”

The two people had been talking warmly when suddenly there was a very nice voice behind them. Both of them felt a chill behind their backs. When they turned their heads, they saw the one they called “malignant star” standing with a smile and crossed arms. His face was so beautiful he did not look like a mortal, but in their eyes, it was like seeing a monster.

The dark-skinned teenager who spoke at the beginning jumped up and stammered, “H-Hello, Senior Brother Yun.” 

Yun Xie smiled kindly and sat down beside the two of them. Suddenly frightened, they rolled and climbed back several steps.

Yun Xie picked up a stone from the ground and threw it up and down twice. As if he was just playing, he crushed it into powder. “Hey, why are the two brothers running? How good the sun is here, let’s talk about the sky! What were you talking about so happily just now, why don’t you add me?”

The dark-skinned boy’s companion looked sullen. “Brother Yun, we were wrong.”

Yun Xie said unhappily, “You are not right: We are all in the same sect, and yet you still disagree with me like this! Come and sit together, don’t be afraid of me!”

The two teenagers were almost scared to tears by him. At this moment, their savior Zhuo Zhengfan came over from behind and said with a calm face, “Did you come here to chat and chew on your tongue? How decent! Go and fill all the water tanks in the yard. If you can’t finish, you are not allowed to sleep!”

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Of course, the ancestor Yun Xie was not included in this “you”. Yun Xie stood up with a smile, and the two teenagers had already run away until there wasn’t a trace of them.

Yun Xie said, “Zhuo Zhengfan, I finally wanted to chat with people for a while, but I was disturbed by you again. You are really boring.”

Zhuo Zhengfan has long since lost the freshness of reuniting with him after a long time. He found that this man has not changed his personality even after many years, and he could still make people angry enough to stamp their feet. “Yun Xie, is this chatting? If I didn’t punish them today, I’m worried that you will eat them alive. Didn’t they just gossip about Xunyi behind your back? Is this necessary?”

Yun Xie said indifferently, “It’s boring to stay with you, Zhuo Zhengfan. I tell you, if your side is not ready within three days, that’s it. I don’t care even if the sky falls, I’ll go up the mountain to find A’Xun.”

This difference in treatment shouldn’t be this obvious. Even knowing that Jiang Xunyi’s status is unmatched in Yun Xie’s mind, Zhuo Zhengfan’s heart still felt inevitably choked. “You put too much emphasis on sex… No, that isn’t right, it should be friends before friends[2]? Pei, what I said is…”

He was unable to complain, so he could only change the subject in an annoyed way. “I have already arranged the route and guards. We can act in two days. I say, what are you worrying about? You know better than me about Xunyi’s ability. You should worry about the people of the Flame Gate. He has always acted cautiously, nothing can go wrong.”

Yun Xie listened calmly, and slapped his hand on the big tree beside him. “I hope so.”

To the shock of Zhuo Zhengfan, the big tree crashed to the ground.

Yun Xie clapped his hands, and the feeling of depression in his heart from his inexplicable worries was lifted a lot. “Zhengfan, sorry, I have been a little irritable lately.”

People suffering from unrequited love were too terrible. Zhuo Zhengfan dare not provoke him again and waved his hands again and again. “It’s okay. You…”

Yun Xie closed his eyes, took a deep breath, showed a smile, and said, “Okay.”

Zhuo Zhengfan ran away without looking back.

[1] 士別三日當刮目相看 – a saying that means someone can change a lot in just 3 days.

[2] 重色轻友 is the original and it basically means hoes over bros. But Zhengfan switched it to 重友轻友 which is bros over bros since Yun Xie and Jiang Xunyi are just bros right now. Poor Yun Xie haha

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