Qing Kai

Chapter 36

Jiang Ling was delighted.

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She didn't expect that he would give her something. She has never thought about it.




She gripped the box extremely tight and strode in amidst the death gaze of the guard aunt. After a few steps, she stopped and wanted to look back at Lin Qingkai.




Across the fenced gate, he slowly turned around and headed for the boys' dormitory.




The shadow was pulled quietly by the light.




Jiang Ling felt like a flower bloomed in her heart. She pursed her lips and laughed, and suddenly the aunt yelled: "Come in so I can turn off the lights!" 




After one more look, she ran.




The door of the dormitory was lightly closed.




The chat is very lively. Jiang Ling pushed the door open, the sound stopped, and there was a subtle pause.




"I'm back." In silence, her tablemate, who was brushing her teeth, poked out her head from the bathroom, grinning, "It's pretty early."




Jiang Ling carried the small box behind her, "I was almost locked out from the gate."




Her roommates, who were silent, were like they were awakened, and started questioning her.




Were you with Lin Qingkai?




When did you meet him?

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Jiang Ling couldn't explain it in detail and wondered what she should say. While facing them, her hand was quietly rubbing against the bed, putting the box under her pillow.




Aside from her tablemate, everyone's curiosity has been suppressed for a while, so it was difficult to dismiss this topic. When a few people were noisy, they were mixed with various comments and exchanges on the school celebration. When it was almost quiet, it had been a long while after the lights were turned off.








Jiang Ling sighed.




She took out the small box and gently covered herself with the thin quilt. Half lying down, the phone light is adjusted to the brightest.




After opening, she sucked her breath.




Two small ones arranged on the satin box.




Very simple, but very delicate.




Two pearl earrings.




Jiang Ling took a picture and then closed it. The surface of the box is a solid color with no words. She opened it again and look at the two circle white pearls for a while.




They are really earrings.




When she ran back all the way, she couldn't wait to guess all kinds of messy things. She thought of wedding candy, chocolate, and even the little rose that fell out of the bridal bouquet.




She didn't expect this.


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Could Lin Qing Kai casually give such a thing? This is too hard to guess. Probably it was given at the wedding? But will the wedding ceremony give this?




There were constant ideas in her brain, and she couldn't confirm them. She curled on the bed, put her forehead on the box, and the corners of her lips silently curled higher and higher.




She can feel that it's a bit different for boys to give girls this kind of thing.




Such a difference makes her very happy.




So happy.




The next day, she was excited when I went to the cafeteria for breakfast.




After talking and laughing with her tablemate, she was looking for a seat and heard someone shout: "Jiang Ling!"




Lin Qing Kai's friend. He stretched out his arms and beckoned to her: "Come here and sit."




Lin Qing Kai, who was next to him, held a cup of soy milk and raised his eyes. Maybe he had just finished taking a shower, and the tips of his hair were slightly wet and extremely dark.




She just saw him closely last night, but when Jiang Ling saw him again, her heart still beat faster.




She took her plate and walked towards their table.




"Good morning." Lin Qing Kai looked at her.




Jiang Ling could smell the fresh smell of shower gel on his body, like mint. "Good morning." She sat down.



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She doesn't know if this friend knows about them, or what he exactly thinks about their relationship. But the person is pretty good.




For a meal, the friend was mostly talking enthusiastically with her tablemate. Jiang Ling didn't talk much at first, and Lin Qing Kai ate quietly.




He wore a white T-shirt with a loose neckline. When he lowered his head to drink, Jiang Ling accidentally recognized a very faint toothmark shape from his collarbone.




She was startled, the spoon in her hand almost knocked to the edge of the bowl.




Fortunately, the other two people failed to observe so carefully, only to see her face flushed inexplicably.




Her tablemate put her hand on Jiang Ling's forehead, "Is it hot?"




Jiang Ling shook her head quickly. "After eating, I'll wash my hands first." 




She ran away.




The sink slid by the window. She flushed her hands with cold water and patted her cheek again.




Her face is so hot.




After a while, the smell of mint shower gel approached, and the faucet on the left was also opened. The sound of water increased loudly.




"What are you nervous about?" Lin Qing Kai looked at her with a sideways smile, "No one knows that you bit it."




Jiang Ling's face became hotter, "That's also..."



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"It's okay," he said calmly, "It's almost gone, you're the only one who recognized it." 




It was really light. The main reason is that the one who made it knows it well and naturally noticed it. Jiang Ling bit her lip and turned off the water.




Lin Qing Kai was smiling but not smiling. His gaze turned to her earlobe, "Did you wear it?" He was asking about the earrings.




She wore it. She was happy for several minutes in the dormitory, before going out, she hesitated whether to take it off or not.




"It's so beautiful."




Jiang Ling was happy and polite when she heard this from him, "Thank you."




"But..." She was quite puzzled.




She has pierced ears. It was just when she was in high school. At that time, it was purely an adolescent girl's desire to follow the trend.




Later on, she wore earrings once or twice. The school etiquette was strict and they pay attention to student's clothes and the likes, so she stopped wearing earrings. After that, she didn't think about it again and didn't even pay attention to whether it had been sealed shut or not.




She almost forgot about it herself.




"How do I know?" Lin Qing Kai asked.




She squinted in the faint morning light, "Huh?" 




The two eyes met, and Jiang Ling realized it afterward. Her heart became numb and the roots of her ears became so hot.




He licked that place with his tongue.

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