Qing Kai

Chapter 37

ou two haven't washed yet?" Her tablemate and his friend came over after eating with his friends, talking and laughing.

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"Yes." Lin Qing Kai responded casually.




Jiang Ling quickly removed her eyes from his face, twisted the faucet with one hand, and splashed some water on her face, as if she wanted to quickly dispel her blush and fast heartbeat.




The sound of water rang again.




His calm voice was still answering questions with his friends. However, his gaze casually followed her left ear and stopped at the tips of her fingers.




So Jiang Ling's felt even more chaotic.




There is something subtle shifting in her heart.




She is not stupid. Because she likes him, she is more sensitive to his actions. Every look and movement of Lin Qing Kai seemed to be magnified countless times in her eyes. The cold becomes colder, intimacy becomes more intimate.




It's very lethal.




When the four of them walked out of the canteen, Lin Qing Kai's mobile phone rang.




He took it out and took a look, but he didn't reply and threw it in his pocket again. But his friend was so close, he probably glanced at the words on the screen and asked: "You haven't told Chen Li that you are back in school yet? She asked us a few times last night."




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Jiang Ling's small alarm came on.




The girl that her tablemate pointed last time?




She was stunned, almost got slapped on the face by the curtain hanging at the door. Lin Qing Kai raised his hand to help her block it, "I told her not to ask." His tone faded.




The friend looked at Jiang Ling, laughed, and didn't answer.




Jiang Ling silently wrote down this sentence.




So, can she assume that although the girl is chasing him, he is not very interested in her?




Her tablemate gave her a reassuring look.




"I asked you questions during the meal," she was more excited than Jiang Ling, "His classmate said, you are the only one whom Lin Qing Kai took you out to hang out with them aside from his previous girlfriend!"




"Huh?" Jiang Ling didn't have time to be happy, and when she listened to her, she asked, "So when did you go out with him, I didn't know."




Jiang Ling felt awkward, lowered her head to read the English book, "There is only one time... and then we went out."



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Fortunately, she has a good personality and the tablemate didn't mind her hesitation every time.




After this, she concluded: "It feels very stable. You see, last night, he came to our class to wait for you for so long, but that Chen Li didn't even know that he was back."








Jiang Ling muttered inwardly. The time he took her out... was to do 'that'. It was the same as last night.




However, if she thinks about it carefully, if Lin Qing Kai really has a slight affection for her, Jiang Ling feels that she would actually not care how this affection came from.




Maybe because of their physical body's reaction.




But at first, she liked him only because of his appearance. After all, there seems to be no essential difference between the two?





She thought so.




With this thought in mind, she went back to the dormitory at night, and she quietly took her phone and surfed Baidu for a long time.




Why do boys give gifts and what is the meaning of giving earrings... It seems that after reading all the nonsense answers, one can draw a clear and affirmative conclusion.




In the end, she didn't find the exact answer but she was a little bit ready to move.


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She wants to give it a try.




At half past eleven, Lin Qing Kai should have not slept yet. Jiang Ling opened the chat box, pondered for a while, and then sent three words.




Are you sleeping?




As soon as she pressed the send button, she instantly regretted it again. The vulgar opening remark is like the deliberate question of a lonely old hooligan late at night.




She wants to unsend it. Jiang Ling pursed her lips: Just give it a try.




She sighed, lying motionless, staring at the screen.




One minute.




Two minutes.




Three minutes.




The screen had dimmed early, and her enthusiasm was getting weaker and weaker. She remembered Lin Qing Kai's actions after reading the girl's message. He glanced at it and threw the phone aside.




…It’s a little bit awkward.

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Her heartbeat was so fast that she was short of breath. Jiang Ling rubbed her hair frantically.




In the next second, the phone suddenly turned on.




She forgot to mute the sound, the ringtone jumped out along with the series of numbers on the caller ID.




"It's so late," Her tablemate was facing the small lamp while writing for her homework, raised her head, "Who is it?"




Jiang Ling covered the screen with one hand, got out of bed, and answered the question wrong: "My phone!"




She stepped on her slippers. After hesitating for a second between the bathroom and the balcony, she chose the balcony.




"Hey." She was still panting a little due to her frantic state.




Lin Qing Kai heard it and laughed very lowly, "Why didn't you sleep?"




He probably put on the headphones, the tone was very clear, and the sound floated so lightly on Jiang Ling's heart, and she was inexplicably settled.




The night wind is very quiet.




She leaned on the railing, looked at the yellow round street lights downstairs, and hummed softly.

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