Ch32.2 - Ran Away

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Translator: WhenEverIWantTo

In the past few days, Xu Ze had not been to the hospital, let alone going to find Yang Yan. He’d be stupid to ran to Yang Yan. 

He had basically finished adjusting his emotions. Early this morning, Xu Ze took the key and his phone and went out. He wanted to look at the baby from a distance. He only had one glance at the baby while in the delivery room. The baby was like a little monkey with a wrinkled body. He should look a little prettier after a bath.

Xu Ze first drove to the hospital and asked the nurse for the nursery room’s location. It only had been a few days since he gave birth. The baby should still be in the hospital. If not, then he would go to Yang Yan’s place to have a look.



As for what he’ll do if he encountered Yang Yan in the middle, Xu Ze’s current appearance was what he looked like in his original world, which was completely different from the ‘Xu Ze’ in this world. He believed that even if he and Yang Yan walked past face-to-face, Yang Yan would still not recognize him. If he really recognized fim, then this world would have a big problem.

Arriving outside of the nursery, there was a glass window outside that one could see the situation inside. There were a lot of cribs inside, with each having a baby in them. Looking around, Xu Ze didn’t know which one was his baby. He also couldn’t ask the nurse any more, unless he wanted to be exposed like this. 

Xu Ze walked to the side, turned the corner and thought that this was fine. He’ll wait until the baby was bigger. At that time he’ll find another opportunity to see the baby from a distance or wait a bit longer.


Then when Xu Ze was about to walk out of the corner, a person appeared in his sight.

The instant he saw Yang Yan, Xu Ze’s pupils shrank slightly. His face did not fluctuate, but a little ripple appeared in his heart. Yang Yan’s entire body appeared extremely gloomy, as if the surrounding light was avoiding him. His pupils contained deep darkness without light.

Xu Ze stared at him for a moment, before looking away. He followed Yang Yan’s steps and took a step back. After retreating, Xu Ze suddenly smiled because he remembered what the system said to him in the hospital. The system said that in these ten year, his luck would be at the level of a European Emperor.

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Since this was the case, even if he walked directly to Yang Yan’s side like this, the other party should not notice anything right?

There was another reason for this. That was, Xu Ze believed that if the so-called system could give him such a body that was the same as the original world, then naturally there shouldn’t be any connection to the past.

His other body had already become a corpse. If Yang Yan knew that his soul had come to this body, then that would be strange.


Xu Ze walked out of the corner and calmly walked towards Yang Yan. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Yang Yan’s gaze only had the baby in the nursery. Even if there was a person beside him and that person was his love, he only knew that someone walked over. However, he was even reluctant to peek over with the corner of his eye. There was only his and Xu Ze’s child in his eyes, in his heart.

We If obiibkfv Tjcu Tjc’r ilcf bo rluta jcv ibbxfv lcab atf cegrfgs gbbw. Lf fjrlis obecv j meaf ilaaif yjys. Ktf ilaaif yjys rffwfv ab yf riffqlcu klat tlr fsfr mibrfv jcv tlr ilaaif wbeat wegwegfv. Rb wjaafg tbk bcf ibbxfv ja la, la kjr vfolclafis meaf. Ktja ilaaif ojmf rffwfv j yla rlwlijg ab Tjcu Tjc. Pa’r pera atja We If vlvc’a xcbk ktja atf yjys ibbxfv ilxf klat tlr fsfr bqfc.

Xu Ze took out his phone and stood aside for a bit, then started taking pictures of the baby.

After taking them, Xu Ze didn’t stay any longer. He came here to see the baby. Now he even had pictures of the baby, which was already a pleasant surprise. 

Walking behind Yang Yan, Xu Ze glanced at the man out of the corner of his eye. It seemed that this person had lost quite a bit of weight in a few days. His face looked dark and his beard didn’t seem to be shaved whatsoever. The corner of Xu Ze’s lips raised. He didn’t express anything, nor was it possible to express anything. He hurriedly walked away.

Just as Xu Ze’s figure disappeared from the corridor, the baby in the nursery suddenly opened his eyes. After opening his eyes, his black eyes widened as he looked out of the glass window. He looked out before his mouth deflated and he suddenly began to cry.

When the nurse heard the baby’s voice, she immediately rushed over to pick up the baby and coax him. Just like when Xu Ze left before, the baby kept crying and cried till his face was flushed red.

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However, before Yang Yan was on the way back, unlike right now. 

So seeing the baby crying sadly, Yang Yan then entered the nursery after registering his information.

He carried over the baby from the nurse’s hand. Yang Yan wasn’t very good at holding the baby yet so the nurse taught him how to hold the baby. Yang Yan held the baby’s head in one hand and the baby’s butt in the other. He held the baby carefully and gently shook. At the same time, the voice coming from his mouth was extremely gentle: “Okay, baby, don’t cry, Daddy is here so don’t cry!”


Seemingly smelling Yang Yan’s scent, the baby blinked his tearful eyes and really stopped crying.

Yang Yan lowered his head and kissed the outside of the baby’s swaddling clothes. He took a deep breath. Yang Yan looked at the baby’s beautiful peach blossom eyes that were almost identical to Xu Ze’s. He only felt that the sadness that had been suppressed not long ago now surged out again. 

Xu Ze’s corpse was sent back to his hometown by Yang Yan in a specific car. Although Yang Yan loved Xu Ze deeply, he could not make assertions by himself on the disposal of the body.

After the body was transported back, Yang Yan called Xu Ze’s parents. The two were not told of what was going on, only a location.

And when Xu Ze’s parents came in front of Xu Ze’s body, seeing their son who was still alive during the New Year, yet died unexpectedly in the blink of an eye and the cold body that was lying there, neither of Xu Ze’s parents wanted to believe this fact.

They were strict with their son, their feelings were controlled and suppressed at all times, and their love for their children was not obvious enough, but after all, this was their own child. The parents had been working hard and saving a lot of money for their child. That money was naturally all saved for Xu Ze. 

However, no one thought that Xu Ze would return home in such a way.

Xu Ze’s mother staggered to Xu Ze’s side. Her hands were trembling as she wanted to touch her son’s face. However her fingertips stopped suddenly before touching Xu Ze’s pale face. She did not dare to touch it.

She wished that everything in front of her eyes were fake.

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Xu Ze’s father slowly stepped forward. Compared to Xu Ze’s mother’s shock, Xu Ze’s father was relatively rational, or just seemed rational. Father Xu put his arms around his wife’s shoulders and supported her from behind, suppressing the surging emotions in his eyes. 

“Who are you? Why did my son die?” Father Xu questioned Yang Yan’s identity and the reason for his son’s death.

The sadness in Yang Yan’s eyes made the entire person look gloomy. His voice was hoarse and intolerable: “Xu Ze died because of me. He died in the hospital. Died after an operation.” Yang Yan looked at Father Xu’s cold staring eyes. He saw the rage inside was currently tumbling.

Father Xu walked over, grabbed Yang Yan’s collar, and smashed his fist harshly into Yang Yan’s face.

That punch used a lot of strength and Yang Yan fell to the ground. He tilted his head and spat out blood. 

Father Xu walked over a few steps before Yang Yan got up. He grabbed Yang Yan’s clothes once more, his eyes were horribly scarlet red.

“My son was completely fine, yet killed by you just like this? You have to accompany his life! You pay him a life!” Father Xu couldn’t control his emotions and he roared at Yang Yan.

Behind him, Mother Xu grabbed Xu Ze’s icy hand as tears burst out.

Yang Yan wanted to apologize, but the words “I’m sorry” rolled around on the tip of his tongue. Facing Father Xu’s sad griefing expression, Yang Yan couldn’t apologize to Xu Ze’s father. 

He killed their child. It wasn’t something that a few apologies could make up for.

“I want to call the police and have the police to arrest you murderer. You killed my child! How can you scum get away with the law like this!” Father Xu took out his phone and called the police. He stared at Yang with a pair of fierce and abnormal eyes.


Yang Yan didn’t come back alone, there were other people around. Those people walked over but Yang extended his hand, telling them to stop.

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The group of people stood. The atmosphere froze for a moment after Xu’s father called the police, followed by Mother Xu’s bitter sounds. 

Mother Xu cried and cried, then suddenly turned around. She rushed in front of Yang Yan and began to hammer Yang Yan, cursing why it was her child who died, not this villain Yang Yan.

In the eyes of the husband and wife, Yang Yan brought back their son’s body. Yang Yan took the initiative to admit that it was him or Xu Ze, then Yang Yan was naturally the culprit. All the grief and anger were vented on Yang Yan.

Yang Yan’s face was scratched bloody by Mother Xu and his body was beaten constantly by Mother Xu. He did not fight back. Instead, because he was hit, the pain from all over his body made him feel that the self-blame and guilt in his heart could get some relief.

Yang Yan really wanted to die. On a certain dark silent night, while standing on the balcony, he really thought about it. 

He didn’t know that he loved Xu Ze this deeply and this densely. Xu Ze’s sudden departure seemed to also take away Yang Yan’s heart and soul.

Every day after that, when Yang Yan got up from the bed, the world he saw seemed to have suddenly lost color. From fresh bright colors to dull gray.

And only when he saw the baby would that color be a bit brighter.

The baby was exchanged by Xu Ze using his own life. Yang Yan regarded the baby as his life’s treasure. Xu Ze was already gone and the child already no longer had a papa. Yang Yan put away his thoughts of suicide. He still had to take care of the baby and let the baby grow up healthy and safely. 

The fist that fell on his body seemed to never stop, but Mother Xu was tired from hitting later. The strength of her fist became lighter.

This chapter is just sad. Even more sad. I don’t even have a funny dream like the lunch bucket from last week. I don’t remember anything other than clones(?) maybe.

This week’s update is just sad. I’m sad. 

Currently TLing Chapter: 32 

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