Ch32.3 - Ran Away

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Translator: WhenEverIWantTo

The police car came very quickly. After seeing the scene in front of him, he asked what the situation was. 

Mother Xu was sobbing and choking while her voice was out of breath. Father Xu hugged Mother Xu as he told the police about the general situation, pointing to Yang Yan and saying that the other party was a murderer.

The police saw that Yang Yan’s clothes were expensive and that he was also handsome and tall. However, at this time he looked like a mess and there was blood on his face. Yet his expression was calm, so he went over and asked Yang Yan what happened.



Yang Yan didn’t say much. He handed the death certificate about Xu Ze issued by the hospital and some related information to the police. Since he came back with the corpse, Yang Yan thought about the possible situation in advance.

When the police saw Xu Ze’s death certificate. It proved that Xu Ze was accidentally killed after an operation and had nothing to do with Yang Yan. The police handed over the papers to Father Xu. 

After receiving the paper, Father Xu looked at it carefully. When he saw that Xu Ze had undergone a c-section then never woke up again, Father Xu couldn’t hide his shock.


He slowly raised his eyes to look at Yang Yan who stood across from him. He couldn’t understand why his son would have a c-section surgery.

In fact, Yang Yan didn’t want to tell Xu Ze’s parents about the child. Knowing that their son was pregnant and gave birth to a child like a woman, based on Xu Ze’s parents’ conservative ideals, they definitely wouldn’t easily accept it. But now that Xu Ze had left and the baby was Xu Ze’s child, Yang Yan knew that as the baby’s grandparents, they had the right to know about the baby's existence.

This little life should meet his other family members.


The baby was held by a professional nanny and sat in a nanny car. The car was not parked here but parked at a spot farther away. Yang Yan gestured towards the other side. The car door opened and the nanny carefully held the sleeping baby as they got off.

The baby already passed a full moon. He was a very healthy, lively and naughty little cutie. In theory, it was best not to take the baby out, but Yang Yan still took him. A nurse from the hospital was arranged to accompany and help take care of the baby’s body.

The nanny came over with the baby in her arms while deliberately avoiding Xu Ze’s body. After coming over, she didn’t get too close but stood at a farther position.


Yang Yan raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth as he said to Xu Ze’s parents, “That is Xu Ze’s child. Mine and Xu Ze’s child.” 

The husband and wife looked at each other, shocked by the sudden appearance of this matter.

But even if they were shocked and felt unbelievable, they still walked towards the baby.

The baby’s small body was wrapped in a swaddle and his face was covered with a small soft towel. The towel was a little distance away and would not hinder the baby’s breathing.

Mother Xu gently removed the towel and a very cute and tender white face appeared in her sight. 

Very strangely, at the moment of seeing the child, there seemed to be a voice telling the husband and wife that this baby was their grandson.

Mother Xu gently touched the baby’s little hand. The sadness in her heart because of seeing the baby seemed to split open a hole at a certain instant.

Xu Ze’s funeral was handled quickly and the coffin was buried not long after.

Standing in the cemetery, Yang Yan saw the dark coffin sinking to the bottom. He knew that from now on, he really lost Xu Ze and Xu Ze would never come back again. 

Xu Ze’s parents did not forgive Yang Yan. Even if they knew that Xu Ze’s death was not directly caused by Yang Yan, they did not give Yang Yan a good face at all. Even when Yang Yan carried the child to their home, expressing to the two that he’ll be filial to them in place of Xu Ze, and if he had more children he would let the baby follow XU Ze’s surname, surnamed Xu.

In the eyes of the husband and wife, the child was Yang Yan’s seed. Although the baby was indeed cute, it couldn’t hide the fact that Xu Ze died because of giving birth to the baby. Half of Yang Yan’s blood was flowing in the baby’s body, so it couldn’t be regarded as the seed of their Xu family.

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The husband and wife asked Yang Yan to leave. They didn’t need him to be filial to them. They had nothing to do with each other.

Being kicked out of the house, Yang Yan was standing outside the door. The baby had drank milk just before coming over. At this time he was sleeping soundly with his little mouth pouting. 

Yang Yan bowed in the direction of the closed door then left with the baby in his arms.

Walking downstairs, the car was parked on the side of the road. When Yang Yan was about to get into the car, he suddenly stopped. He found that someone seemed to be looking at him. Yang Yan looked all around. Pedestrians came and went, but no one looked at him.

It must be his own misconception. At some points, Yang Yan would have a kind of feeling that Xu Ze was still alive somewhere he didn’t know.

He knew that feeling was a misconception, but Yang Yan was not going to do anything about it. Because at least he could use this way to give himself a bit of psychological comfort. 

The car took Yang Yan and the baby away.

In fact, as long as he looked at the back of the car at that time, he would be able to see a familiar face. A face he had seen in the hospital’s nursery room not long ago.

But unfortunately, fate destined him to lose his love forever.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

We If tjv yffc yjmx j ofk vjsr yfobgf Tjcu Tjc jcv tjv yffc rajslcu lc j tbafi cba ojg ogbw atf tbwf. Ktf fcagjcmf ab atf mbwweclas mbeiv yf rffc ogbw atf tbafi klcvbk. Pc atf gbbw, We If tjv rffc atf qjgfcar bo atf bglulcji tbra ktb kfca lc jcv bea ogbw alwf ab alwf. 

Xu Ze had a brief contact with the husband and wife during the Chinese New Year. At that time, he was wearing the shell of ‘Xu Ze’. To him, the affection he had for the two of them were probably a little more than strangers.

Him coming here was just to wait for a result. Waiting for the original host’s body to be transported back by Yang Yan for burial.

The European Emperor’s attributes were loaded on Xu Ze by the system, so he was very lucky. Xu Ze didn’t wait for a few days before Yang Yan arrived.

To Xu Ze’s surprise, Yang Yan also brought back the child. Xu Ze couldn’t hear what Yang Yan and the husband and wife said since they were far away. However it was obvious that the husband and wife knew the child was born to him. 

But it seemed to be due to the relation to Yang Yan, the couple did not accept this child.

To be honest, it was fine if they didn’t accept it. After all, if the child was really brought up by them, it’s afraid that it would be the same as the original host. It was very difficult to change a person’s ideals. Once it was deeply ingrained, it was impossible to change it again.

After the burial, Xu Ze walked into the cemetery once every person left. He stood in front of a newly erected tombstone with a familiar smiling face on it. The smiling face belonged to the original host, not Xu Ze.

At the start, Xu Ze had asked the system where the original host’s soul had gone. The system told Xu Ze that the original host had gone to another world. 

Afterwards Xu Ze did not ask any further questions. It was enough that he knew the original host was doing well in other worlds.

They were all independent individuals with different fates. Occasionally, the strings of fate had a little intersection. After the intersection, they should be unrelated once more.


When Yang Yan took the baby away in the car, Xu Ze walked out. His smile was soaked in his bright eyes.

After that, Xu Ze knew that whether it was Yang Yan or the baby, their strings of fate should also be separated. 

Baby, I have been your papa for more than nine months. I hope you will be healthy and happy in the future!

This was Xu Ze’s only hope for the baby.

Although Xu Ze and that other father and son lived in the same city, even driving between them only took a few dozen minutes, they never met again nor did they have any intersection.

Xu Ze was essentially a designer. Although he had several million in his hand, enough for him to last ten years, and at the same time adding the attributes of the European emperor let Xu Ze win lottery tickets, gambling and win it all, but Xu Ze’s desire to add on to the huge wealth was actually not so strong. 

He was only staying for ten years. After ten years, he would have to leave this world. He as a person had too much money and nowhere to spend.

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And a day after another was spent doing nothing other than just spending money. He seemed like he was wasting time.

Xu Ze used his expertise to pick up some jobs on an online platform. The value of people was reflected in the creation of value. After going back and forth, he met friends on the Internet. Friends on the Internet sometimes had better compatibility than in reality.

If after a few talks that were incompatible, then they’ll just cut off contact. 

Some of the friends he knew were from the local area. Once they got to know each other, they naturally made an IRL appointment for dinner or to play around.

The friend Xu Ze knew seemed to have bright personalities and could be considered complementary to Xu Ze.

When they first met, his friend didn’t believe Xu Ze when they saw the real person, thinking that he was not Xu Ze.

Because in his eyes, most of the designers should be big guys. Unexpectedly, Xu Ze was not only not, but just based on his appearance, he could make his debut as a star directly. 

Xu Ze smiled: “Forget about being a star, I’m not interested in the entertainment industry.”

He had known the friend for more than two years before the two finally met offline.

Everyone chatted and they often met for dinner. The friend was also single but recently, he was chasing a girl and asked Xu Ze to go out and accompany him to choose Valentine’s Day gifts for the girl.

Xu Ze joked with his friend: “You know I like men and you asked me to help you choose?” It was obvious that the wrong person was chosen for choosing a girl’s gift. 

The friend didn’t take it seriously: “You have a good eye, unlike me who can’t pick out anything special.”

Xu Ze raised his eyebrows: “Isn’t it because I’m handsome?” So whatever he wore was suitable for him. The so-called clothes were entirely due to Xu Ze’s handsome appearance.


“Please be a bit more humble.” The friend gave Xu Ze a look of contempt.

Xu Ze shook his head, occasionally bickering with his friend put him in a happy mood: “That won’t work, I’m born with this face.” 

“Ah!” The friend nearly rolled his eyes.

After eating the small hot pot, the two went to the store downstairs together. They saw a boutique shop not far away and planned to go in and have a look.

As they were walking, a one-two year old little baby ran over from the side. He ran too fast and didn’t notice someone in front of him. It also happened to be a corner so the baby bumped into Xu Ze.

Woo! The baby’s head hit Xu Ze’s leg and it hurted. His eyes were red immediately. Xu Ze looked surprised as he bent down to ask if the baby was okay. 

The baby sobbed a sound, but even if his mouth was deflated and his eyes were red, he didn’t cry out.

And when Xu Ze saw the baby’s clearly familiar peach blossom eyes, his heart skipped a beat.

“Little Ze, don’t run so fast! Now look! You’ve bumped into someone!” After more than two years, when he heard a familiar voice once more, Xu Ze only felt that this city was too small. When Xu Ze raised his eyes to look over at the other party, his pupils suddenly shrank.

The author has something to say: 

Happy! The chasing wife crematorium is a real crematorium oh~ Abusing for a chapter or two couldn’t be called abusing, right?

Once I’m done feeling good from abusing, we’ll transgrate to the next world.

The next world is tentatively a wealthy old man. I have already thought about the outline in my head. It’s stimulating dog blood, Huzzah huzzah!

Gong and shou would have something similar to an adoption relationship. Not father and son, since I dare not write that. 

It’s just the age difference being a bit big.

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That end was very convenient. Why would Yang Yan take the baby out shopping on this day? Even if he did, were there no bodyguards or something? You’re rich for goodness sake!

And why TF would Yang Yan let the 2 year old baby run around? Little children aren’t that fast at that age, so he definitely could’ve caught up IF his eyes were on him at all times, WHICH THEY SHOULD BE.

Seriously Yang Yan, you’re just a bad parent. Where tf is your overprotectiveness and paranoia? 

Also just in case you couldn’t tell, the remaining chapters until the next arc are also just sad. This is why I want to TL a fluffy and sweet novel.

On a “light” hearted note, the three dreams were great… Those that read my one-day late notice on discord should already know what’s up.


June 1, 2022:
























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June 2, 2022:








June 5, 2022:














Currently TLing Chapter: 33

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