Although Jiang Nian lived a hopeless life because of the loss of her big gold, she would never forget the benefactor who had helped her. Perhaps for Xue Hang, it was nothing more than mere talk with little effort, but for her, it was an unexpected and timely help that got her out of her dire situation back then and gave her a chance to make a comeback. So when she saw her benefactor, she immediately headed towards him, dragging her rumbling luggage behind her.

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She should always thank those who helped her.

Xue Hang was still wondering how his thighs were small. Jiang Nian, who was chanting “Benefactor benefactor” inwardly, walked over. He coughed slightly and looked at her with stern brows.

Jiang Nian politely greeted: “Hello, Mr. Xue.”

Xue Hang’s whole body emanated both maturity and elegance. He had an extraordinary appearance, and wore a white shirt and black trousers, which added a hint of casualness to his bearing: “Hello, Miss Jiang. ”

” Sorry to bother you, I just came to thank you for speaking up at the dinner party that night, for believing in your own intelligence and eyes, and not being deceived by Wang Jingjing’s poor acting skills, as well as completely shattering her plan to frame me. As expected of Mr. Xue, smart and wise, people could only admire your genius!”

Xue Hang: “………… ????? Cough!”   … So this is how you say thank you? Xue Hang, who had lived for thirty years, had seen countless flattering compliments and heard countless words of thanks, was finally shocked!

Xue Hao almost choked to death by his own saliva, his eyebrows jumped a few times, and his hand clenched into a fist against his lips to hide his momentary loss of composure. Even his assistant behind him could not hold back a few giggles, his head lowered, his tall body shaking and trembling, while thinking that keeping a straight face and enduring was really, very hard.

This girl was really clean and refined, not forgetting to boast about herself when thanking others.

Xue Hang replied: “I just don’t like seeing people scheming in front of me.” Besides, Wang Jingjing troubled Jiang Nian and pitted her just to attract his attention. Jiang Nian was only a stepping stone, and he also had his reasons to help her.

(T/N: he meant that since Jingjing irked him, he used Jiang Nian to teach her a lesson.)

Jiang Nian hummed seriously and said, “Then I won’t disturb Mr. Xue, I’ll leave first.”

Xue Hang: “En…”

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He watched as Jiang Nian walked away with her suitcase hollering behind her. Although she looked like a normal person when she talked to him, the despair hidden deep in her heart could not deceive him. the boredom in her heart for the whole world was alarming and made him wonder if Jiang Nian was suicidal ……

He said to the assistant beside him: “Go and inform the manager, let them to take care of Jiang Nian, and not to let reporters outside in to harass her.”

He didn’t want the next news about Jian Nian to be of her death.

The assistant looked at Xue Hang, finding his order unexpected, but nodded regardless.

This hotel was originally under the name of Xue Hang. So thanks to Xue Hang’s words, Jiang Nian was the guest of honor here.

In the period where Jiang Nian stayed in the hotel, she found that the service was excellent and that the privacy was garanteed. Even Sun Xu was almost angered to death when he couldn’t find Jiang Nian. He had recently been questioned by the police, and he guessed that the proof of him and Jiang Nian dating was handed by the latter for investigation. He understood that Jiang Nian wouldn’t dare to submit the case to the police if she wasn’t confident or didn’t have evidence. If he denied it ignorantly, he was afraid that his lies would be exposed soon after and then his reputation would go downhill, so he could only remain silent.

The only thing he could do now was to convince Jiang Nian to stop and not make a big deal out of it. So he did what he could, he reminded her of their memories together hoping to arouse Jiang Nian’s feelings for him; he envisioned his future with her; he pretended to be affectionate and pitiful in front of Jiang Nian …… but he still failed to sway Jiang Nian even an iota, she was determined to pull him to hell together! The most outrageous thing was that now she actually moved to god knows where and he couldn’t even get a glimpse of her shadow!


Because of her ‘disappearing’, Jiang Nian received several text messages from Sun Xu. Because of the lessons learned from the past, he did not dare to mention their relationship explicitly, fearing that these messages would become accusations against him in the future. As for the subtle one he sent, he could just say that he wanted to talk to Jiang Nian, to tell her not to act impulsively, what evidence was there to gather?

Jiang Nian just wanted to laugh when she saw these text messages. When she came over, the heroine’s halo had fallen to five points. If it was the original timeline, she would be drugged and sent to that pervert’s bed. Sister Chen wouldn’t necessarily sympathize with her, Wang Jingjing would not let her go, and President Meng was even more unlikely to give up of the fresh meat sent to his door! Sun Xu wouldn’t feel sorry for her, stand in front of her and shelter her from the wind and rain. Instead, he would despise her for being dirty and disgusting, and would give her the most fatal blow when she was in her most difficult time.

Jiang Nian was never a kind person. For Sun Xu, the more anxious, fretful and regretful he was, the happier she would be. Of course, Wang Jingjing shouldn’t dream about having it easy either, as her suffering added some color to Jian Nian’s otherwise gray and gloomy life.

The online public opinion was once again boiling because of Jiang Nian’s strong attitude and tone of voice. Wang Jingjing had already cried in front of the camera more than once. As long as she was asked about the matter of her and Jian Nian, she would shed tears delicately , then she would shake her head left and right and express that she would not respond. This gesture aroused many people’s pity and admiration for her generosity, so they comforted her and encouraged her. It even made the Weibo comments under Jiang Nianxin’s page directly soar to half a million, of course, most of them were cursing Jiang Nian’s vicious heart.

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“Jiang Nian is just bluffing. Even if she can prove that Sun Xu is dating her, she can’t prove that there is something between Sun Xu and me. As long as Sun Xu and I don’t admit to it, then she will never be able to turn over!” Wang Jingjing thought of this. Feeling confident, she told Sun Xu not to be too nervous. Even if his relationship with Jiang Nian was exposed, it would not matter. At most, it would affect his popularity and image. At that time, he should state publicly that he had not expected Jiang Nian’s character to be problematic, so he had broken up with her. Then, after a while, the public would naturally forget this matter.

With that said, Sun Xu became really at ease, as he didn’t want on his acting road to be stunted because of the matter between Jiang Nian and Wang Jingjing.

“Jing Jing, then we should meet less in the future.”

“Well, until this matter is taken care of we’d better not meet alone, lest we get caught in the act.”

“Jingjing, I wronged you.”

Wang Jingjing smiled and shook her head, saying that she was not wronged, which naturally caused Sun Xu to feel distressed. However, Wang Jingjing was very disdainful of Sun Xu in her heart. If her rebirth time was earlier, then she would not be entangled with Sun Xu, otherwise, how could Jian Nian have a chance of a comeback now?

After Wang Jingjing comforted Sun Xu, she went to see Sister Chen. In the past few days, she distinctly felt that something was wrong with Sister Chen. Every time she talked to her, the other party seemed distracted and absent-minded, despite the urgency of the situation. How could Sister Chen not worry? Did she regret now and plan to expose them?


Sister Chen didn’t dare to tell anyone what happened between herself and President Meng. How could she dare to expose such a scandal? She didn’t dare to make a bigger mess and could only suffer this loss. She was angry at Wang Jiangjiang’s bad idea, Jiang Nian had already fallen, so why bother to send her to President Meng? The one hurt was her in the end! While mad at Jiang Nian, this black lotus was even crueler and more ruthless, it is best to let the two dogs tears at each other!

(T/N: Ma’am, with all due respect, it’s TOO LATE! Taste Jiang Nian’s revenge *evil laugh*!)

Compared with Wang Jingjing, Sun Xu and Chen Jie (T/N: Jie leans sister), Jiang Nian’s life was much more relaxed. In addition to lamenting her desperate life every day, she had the strength to continue to express her despair by eating, drinking and filling her stomach, and, by the way, take time to deal with the little bugs in her way.

On this day, she went out to eat and drink as usual. She ate two steaks, a cup of mushroom soup and some salad. After eating her portion clean, she still felt that it was not enough, so she ordered a piece of matcha-flavored cake.

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Xue Hang almost became cross-eyed from staring at Jian Nian. Although he was surprised that Jiang Nian had such a big appetite, he still felt a little pity for her. This woman was full of despair, but now she turned her grief and anger into appetite to soothe her wounded heart…

Thinking about it this way, he could understand her circumstances, and hoped that she could soon get out of the shadow of being betrayed by her boyfriend and friends.

“I especially liked the steaks here before I went abroad. When I was not in the country, I always dreamt of enjoying the steaks here, and this time when I came back, I couldn’t wait to come over, and I also had the privilege to have a good time with Mr. Xue …… Thank you, Mr. Xue, for this pleasant meal.” The woman in a lady-length dress looked at Xue Hang with a gentle smile. She raised her glass, and Xue Hang withdrew his gaze and lifted his drink as a response.

He looked down, cut a piece of steak and put it into his mouth, “It’s good that you’re happy.” The
woman’s smile got even sweeter: “I’ve been abroad for four years. City Z has changed dramatically in recent years. I don’t know many places. So can Mr. Xue accompany me for a walk when you’re free?”

Xue Hang smiled: “Sorry, I may not have the time. Miss Wu, I think you should be able to understand that this meal was a result of the urging of the elders in the family, but I have no intention of getting married.”

Wu Han’s smile slightly changed to seem more appropriate: “Mr. Xue, if you say this the first time we meet, it will make me very sad.”

Xue Hang took a napkin and wiped his lips elegantly: “I will ask the assistant to take you back. I wasted your time today.”

Wu Han was smart. Although she didn’t want to waste this opportunity, she would stop at this point. Otherwise, if she insisted, she was afraid that he wouldn’t even remain polite towards her, so she could only leave. She stood up and looked at Xue Hang, who was handsome in his fitting suit and leather shoes, “Then I’ll go back first, see you next time.”

Xue Hang nodded: “Yeah.”

Seeing Wu Han walking away, Xue Hang rubbed his forehead, feeling an incoming headache.

He was 30 this year, and his family seemed to be afraid that he would become a ten-thousand-year-old bachelor. They kept introducing girls to him and urging him to go to blind dates. If he dared to refuse, he would be banned from going home for god knows how long. But as he was trying to alleviate his headache, he saw Jiang Nian again.

Jiang Nian had finished eating the little cakes and was about to pay the bill and leave, but the waiter told her that someone had paid for her. Jiang Nian was surprised. With her now so miserable, there are still people willing to pay for her? Where did this fairy come from?

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She looked left and right: “Who paid for my bill, if I may ask?”

The waiter carefully gestured to the side of the window. Jiang Nian followed his gaze, she saw a familiar figure wearing a dark suit and a bow tie under the window not far away. The handsome and meticulous man nodded slightly at her, while still holding a glass in his hands. The silver-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose made him look more polite and refined.

His temperament was remarkable, like that of a noble spirit.

It’s actually a good man (golden thigh)!

Jiang Nian found out that she was wrong. No matter how small Xue Hang’s thigh was, it was still a thigh much better than hers! Now that she was so miserable, she still had the right to dislike others. It is all because her husband in her previous life was too rich and spoiled her rotten. She must reflect…

He didn’t know if it was an illusion, but Xue Hang clearly felt that the darkness in Jian Nian’s heart seemed to brighten up a little. When she got closer, he even seemed to hear her inner voice laughing in delight.


…This is really pitiful, he thought. Probably because she was bullied so badly and betrayed so hard, that if you just give her a little help and a little bit of goodwill, you can warm up her heart.

“Benefactor!” ^^


……You just need to think about it in your heart, why do you have to shout it out! ! !

Ahhh finally a chapter with normal length! We’re back to one chappie per week (I’ll probably post it after two days)~

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