Jiang Nian sat down in front of Xue Hang. Although the latter’s thoughts were churning, he was calm on the surface. He called the waiter to order Jiang Nian a piece of cake and a glass of juice, which Jiang Nian very much obliged to eat. The benefactor bought it for her! She of course has to give him face and chew carefully, eat bite by bite, and finish it all!

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Xue Hang had a headache when he saw her eating earnestly, a mouthful at a time. He was rich and was accustomed to buy orders for the others when sitting with them, as part of the “formalities” he had to abide by. Only, when Jiang Nian was eating what was in front of her dutifully, he felt unbearable. She obviously ate a lot just now, but because it was him who ordered for her, she was forcing herself to finish all of the food. Especially when he felt that a small lamp was lit in Jiang Nian’s heart because of his action that he deemed a mere formality, his heart became even more unbearable. So he raised his hand and said tactfully, giving her a leeway: ” Aren’t you girls afraid that eating too much sweets will make you fat?”

Jiang Nian touched her stomach and replied honestly: “I’m not afraid.”

Even if the world were full of despair, one would still have to eat.

Xue Hang coughed then resumed his persuasion awkwardly: “…You’d better eat less.”

Of course she would listen to what her benefactor said. Jiang Nian replied obediently: “…Oh, okay.”

She put down her spoon and felt that the benefactor was capricious, it was him who ordered the food for her yet he told her to eat less? Her benefactor’s mind was really hard to guess.

Xue Hang: “…!!!”

In this world, being a good person was really hard.

He looked at Jiang Nian helplessly, rubbed his eyebrows, then smiled.


Wang Jingjing, Sister Chen, Ms. Meng and several other production investors came out to dine together. It was Sister Chen who asked Ms. Meng to help her and give Wang Jingjing a chance. Recently, the circle was very active in order to join the cast of the new film directed by Tang Feng, a very famous and renowned director. It is naturally hard work for the first four years of the giant production. The male and female lead roles had been set, the lead actors being veterans with solid acting skills. Of course, there were also a few small roles to grab in this movie. What Chen Jie wanted was for Wang Jingjing to grab any role whatsoever. As long as she featured in Tang Feng’s movie, her image and popularity would be bound to skyrocket tremendously.

Sister Chen didn’t want to sleep with Mr. Meng for free. Since she had already paid with her body, she naturally wanted a payback.

They booked a private room, and naturally didn’t notice Xue Hang and Jiang Nian who were sitting under the window of the hall.

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Wang Jingjing had put in every effort in order to be able to participate in the new film directed by Tang Feng, because she knew that in her previous life, Tang Feng’s new work “The Spy” would not only hit the box office, but also win numerous awards. One of the roles to grab won the award of the best supporting actress. Wang Jingjing now had a fame, but what she lacked most was a work through which she could prove herself.

So no matter what, she wanted to win a role in “The Spy” no matter the price. However, to participate in this kind of dinner, one must encounter some unspeakable situations, such as the likes of Mr. Meng. She had to constantly avoid the greasy and disgusting hands that wanted to feel her up through the dinner. She finally got a chance to rest when she used the excuse to go to the bathroom. Although she felt nauseous, she had no other way. As long as she got the role and thus didn’t need their help anymore, she wouldn’t even look at these disgusting men, let alone suck up to them.

While Wang Jingjing was applying makeup, she unexpectedly saw Jiang Nian. She had no makeup, wore a white T-shorts, and her hair was tied up simply. She looked like a weed on the roadside, unkempt but not glaring. She sneered and thought no wonder she couldn’t be found no matter how meticulous they searched. She was hiding here!

Jiang Nian was also quite surprised when she saw Wang Jingjing. It is said that enemies meet on narrow roads, and the statement was indeed quite true.

Wang Jingjing smiled and said, “Sister Jiang Nian, long time no see. I wondered why I haven’t seen you recently. It turned out you are hiding here. The matter between you and me is already over. After a while, the public naturally will forget your post on Weibo and you filing a lawsuit to reverse the case, which upset the company. They gave me all your endorsements, which made me very tired… By the way, Sister Chen was very worried about you before, so you should call her. After all, you have worked together for many years and the feelings are still there.”

Jiang Nian glanced at her: “I can’t help but hide. After all, there are too many dogs barking on the road. What if they bite?”

Wang Jingjing replied: “Sister Jiang Nian, why are you being so sarcastic? We all know that what you’re doing now is just useless work, no matter how much trouble you stir, see if anyone will believe what you said, will Ah Xu testify for you? You will be the one to suffer in the end!”

Jiang Nian laughed and shrugged helplessly: “There is a lot of darkness in this world, if I sacrifice a little for justice and truth, in order to prevent the world from being deceived by the illusion that you have created, isn’t it a cheap price to pay? The world is like this, there must be someone to hold onto their conscience, that’s because such great people make the world beautiful. How can a black-hearted person like you understand?”

Wang Jingjing was ridiculed, and her face turned from blue to white, and from white to green: “…”

Jiang Nian added, “Besides, I know you don’t like Sun Xu. What you like is just the things you grabbed and snatched from others, in order to satisfy your superiority complex, isn’t it? If Sun Xu knew that you are actually using him and would abandon him without hesitation if things went wrong, wouldn’t he turn back to help me, his girlfriend who had been in love with him?”

” I don’t understand what you’re saying.”

“To be precise, Sun Xu and I have not said that we broke up. Between me and Sun Xu, you are a mistress who interferes in the feelings of others, no, you are not only a mistress, but a mistress who wants to hook up with Xue Hang.”

“… What nonsense are you saying!” Wang Jingjing snorted coldly at this psychopath, then turned and left. As soon as she walked out of the bathroom door, Wang Jingjing’s eyes rolled, thinking about a plan to get rid of the nuisance, then made her mind and sent a text message to Sister Chen.

Jiang Nian just got out of the bathroom and was washing her hands, when Sister Chen suddenly appeared behind her. Wang Jingjing stood on the side as if watching the show. Sister Chen still had a very good reason this time, as she pretended she wanted to take Jian Nian to meet the investors of “The Spy”: “You said that your current acting career is almost ruined. This opportunity is rare. I still remember you and wish for your success. Why don’t you appreciate it?”

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Jiang Nian glanced at Wang Jingjing and replied:” Sister Chen, you also persuaded me to sleep with President Meng last time. Didn’t I reject you at the time? Didn’t you tell President Meng? Doesn’t Mr. Meng blame and resent me now?”

When Jiang Nian said these words, Sister Chen felt a little uncomfortable and angry. After all, she hated thinking of what happened that night.

Jiang Nian didn’t bother to pay attention to them anymore. Since she was idle, she might as well accompany her benefactor.

It just so happened that Mr. Xiang Meng headed to the bathroom after drinking a few more cups. When all of them met at the door of the bathroom, Mr. Meng’s eyes brightened when he saw Jiang Nian! Today’s Jiang Nian is a vegetarian, but her foundation was good, and wore a simple attire that made her seem as clean and simple as a college student. He especially liked this kind of innocence even though he bedded women of all kinds.

“It’s Jiang Nian, come on, what are you doing here? Let’s have a potluck together. It just so happens that I have a few resources in my hand that I can recommend to you.” He was about to get started and went to hold Jiang Nian’s shoulders, but Jiang Nian stepped aside and out of his reach, making his face collapse. “Why, shouldn’t you give me face?”

Jiang Nian said, “Doesn’t Mr. Meng know? I have always been at odds with Wang Jingjing. Where she is, I can’t be, and if there is a place for me, she must not be there.”

Mr. Meng laughed again. Her request was surprisingly easy: “Sister Chen, you should take Jingjing back today, we will talk some other time.”

Wang Jingjing’s face stiffened as she watched the show, not to mention that her play had not yet been set. She was humiliated by the fact that Mr. Meng did not hesitate to drive her away for the sake Jiang Nian, especially when she saw the latter’s smug look. It’s one thing for her to despise Meng, but it’s another for Meng to not put her in his eyes and kick her out. Sister Chen also wasn’t too happy with the outcome, but she thought that Jiang Nian would suffer, so she grabbed Wang Jingjing’s arm and immediately acquiesced.

Wang Jingjing was unwilling to be dragged away by Sister Chen, and heard in her struggle Jiang Nian’s voice as the latter added with a smile: “Don’t rush to go. I haven’t finished talking yet. Not only do I dislike Wang Jingjing; whoever is in contact with her, I despise. Mr Meng, I will not disturb you anymore than this, goodbye. ”

Just great, not only Miss Chen and Wang Jingjing looked bad, even the fatty’s face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and the look in his eyes became frightening, “Jiang Nian, you’re refusing a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit*, shameless wench!”

Jiang Nian let out a heave and wanted to retort, when she saw Xue Hang approaching. His posture was idle, his slightly lifted chin making him look very arrogant. With a hint of impatience, he said to Jiang Nian: “Where have you been? Making me wait for so long. These are…?”

Jiang Nian’s loyalty immediately came online, how could she wrong her benefactor for these scumbags: “These people are here to trouble me, I’m sorry ah, I will solve them immediately!”

Xue Hang’s heart became stifled and he glared at Jiang Nian in exasperation. He wanted to save her face, how could she twist his words and conclude that he needed her protection? His gaze finally rested upon President Meng and the others, and he naturally saw Wang Jingjing and Broker Chen who looked a little sluggish. All of them were also extremely dark in their hearts, but the nature of the darkness was different from Jiang Nian’s. Their hearts were occupied by greed and resentment, and all they could think of were intrigues and schemes to harm others.

Wang Jingjing was thinking about sending Jiang Nian to President Meng’s bed to make her suffer for a lifetime. Sister Chen felt was that her suffering could not be tolerated in vain, so she had to pull someone to cushion her back…

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President Meng was still angry at first, but when he saw Xue Hang his anger dwindled in the blink of an eye, he nodded and said, “It turns out that Miss Jiang came with Mr. Xue, Ms. Jiang didn’t tell us sooner… If I’m lucky enough to have a drink with Mr. Xue, it will be thanks to the fortune of my three past lives.”

Xue Hang sneered: “Do you think I’m deaf? You didn’t say that just now. Who is the shameless one?”

Mr. Meng immediately pointed to Wang Jingjing and Sister Chen on the side and accused, “It’s them, of course. It’s them! I saw them embarrassing Ms. Jiang, so I am teaching them not to vent their anger to Ms. Jiang!”

This pervert’s ability to lie with his eyes wide open was truly unmatched.

With tears in her eyes, Wang Jingjing raised her head slightly and glanced at Xue Hang a few times. She wanted to attract Xue Hang’s attention, but she was shocked in her heart. Why did Xue Hang help Jiang Nian twice? This Jiang Nian really had good schemes!

Sister Chen was even more surprised. She didn’t even know that Jiang Nian had an intersection with Xue Hang? Xue Hang protected her so clearly and openly… Wouldn’t Jiang Nian soar to great heights in the future? With Xue Hang’s ability, Jiang Nian can’t stay silent forever!

Wang Jingjing sent several amorous glances towards Xue Hang secretly, but found that he didn’t even give her a look. His eyes reflected only Jian Nian and no one else, and this fact made her even more unhappy.

Xue Hang raised his eyebrows and stated coldly: “I don’t care what you have in mind, don’t touch me, or else don’t blame me for not being polite.”

President Meng and Sister Chen respectfully repeated one after the other, “We don’t dare. ”

Xue Hang glanced at them, pulled over Jiang Nian, then turned and left, leaving behind a few people who were in daze and shocked speechless.

He made great strides, and started to walk with some momentum. Jiang Nian had to trot to keep up with him. At this moment, she had already cast any thoughts about Mr. Meng Wang Jingjing and sister Chen from her mind. All she was thinking was: “The benefactor is so handsome!”, “The benefactor is so great!”, and «The benefactor is really a good man with big legs (thighs) ^▽^

Xue Hang’s ears moved and his body went stiff. He touched his thigh unconsciously, and he said inwardly that his thighs were not small at all.


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The next morning, a news on the Internet exploded, it turned out that secret meeting between Wang Jingjing and Sun Xu was filmed through a camera in the neighborhood and uploaded on the network!

“Popular fresh meat Sun Xu and popular artist Wang Jingjing’s late night secret meeting! Suspected romance was exposed!”

“Shocked! Sun Xu and Wang Jingjing’s late night secret meeting for eight hours!”

Wang Jinjing’s popularity exploded recently, so wherever she went cameras and reporters followed. Sun Xu, on the other hand, was a very popular fresh meat who portrayed himself as a cool and handsome boy who didn’t understand the relationship between men and women. His sister fans and mother fans accounted for the majority. So the news of him having a girlfriend naturally caused a great sensation.

Now that the scandal between these two people had been filmed, there was a big disturbance on the Internet, and the public was reminded of the scandal concerning Jiang Nian.

When Jiang Nian saw the news, she simply smiled and shook her head. Wang Jingjing was really trying hard to get rid of her. She went to Sun Xuan to fool him with honeyed words. She thought that what she was doing was very secretive, but Jiang Nian waited exactly for the ‘secret’ rendezvous to happen. Wasn’t it all about the ‘perfect timing’ at the ‘right place’?

The information she had collected over this period of time (when she was idle) could finally come in handy.

She immediately called the lawyer and then contacted the police. It was time for a new show to unravel.  (T/N: oshiete yo~ haha sorry I’m just singing the scum’s demise don’t mind me)

When Xue Hang saw the news, the first thing he thought of was not whether Sun Xu and Wang Jingjing would be punished, but the state Jiang Nian was in right now. She was so fragile, and she had experienced the betrayal of her boyfriend and the scheming of her friend, and even the company gave up on her and suppressed her. She was full of despair, even the world and life had become meaningless for her, so he wondered if she was okay now?

Thinking of Jiang Nian who was happy because of his little help, he shook his head helplessly.

*敬酒不吃吃罚酒: means to hesitate to do smth until forced to do even more.


T/N: Sorry for the delay, I had a week full of exams and I couldn’t find enough energy to translate this chapter. But I promise I’ll try to stick to my schedule from now on, promise~ Ah and I always  read all of your comments, they make me really happy yk! So make sure to comment a lot UwU

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