When Wu Wenwen and the photographer finally left, they felt that they had lost their souls, as if they were hit on the head by something heavy. This Jiang family was very different, and Jiang Nian was not an ordinary person.

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Of course, they both shared the same hunch, this interview would be hot, definitely would be hot!

The interview with the No. 1 champion of City B was not only broadcast on the local station, they also put the interview video on the WeChat public account of B city TV station’s big V certified on Weibo, with the words “Province No. 1”. It was very eye-catching in itself. Not only did parents and adults see it and want to gain some experience in educating their children, students and children also wanted to learn from a learning god’s learning experience. And those not in either of the two groups were curious and also wanted to see the excitement.

Then, after watching the interview video, they realized that things seem to be different from what they thought???

In fact, the beginning was also very normal— that is, the reporter interviewed a few students of the talented school, the one who cried the most fiercely said that he did not take the exam well, because the little girl cried pitifully, they all sympathized. After all, she was really good at learning and working hard, but she said she only took the low score of 640?!

……Was 640 a low score? Had the world changed?

In addition, there was a little boy who said he was very satisfied and said that although he failed to do well and only got 600 points, he would continue to work hard next time.

………But 600 points was really not low!

The world of learning gods was really hard to understand.

Of course, these classmates did not forget to praise the legendary provincial champion, saying that she did not have it easy. Although she was not in good health, she had never abandoned her studies. She was a good example for them to learn from. They would target her and then surpass her!

It was indeed worth learning from. The audience friends saw that the legendary provincial champion Jiang Nian and were filled with admiration and distress. Parents looked at it and called their children to watch. Look, see her health is so bad but she still insists on learning and took the first in the province, how can you still blah blah blah….It was a point of shame for those students. People can achieve such good results in adversity. What excuses do they have to not work hard or do not study?

Of course, none!

When the broadcast reached the point that the reporter went to the provincial champion’s house, the admiration and distress were even stronger when they saw the thin girl sitting at the desk. Other girls could overcome the adversity and work hard and study hard. How could they not even match a little girl?

In the first half of the interview, they listened to Jiang Nian speak very seriously, saying that the most important thing in her daily life was her time spent in the study room. When she wasn’t sick, she went to school. When she was in poor health, she stayed home to recuperate. They also discussed the books she read. She also talked about her usual study habits and some small hobbies. During the talk, she showed her love and yearning for life. There was no trace of gloom or anger in the world that was unfair to her. The whole person was sunny and happy.

An audience commented, “Jiang Nian is a very touching and admirable little girl. Whether it is her perseverance, strength, or open-mindedness, they are rare among young people now, and she is only fifteen years old. I think that some people who are 25 or 35 years old may not be as strong as her. At least I am not sure that under such circumstances, I can still study hard and maintain such good results. So, I admire her.”

This message naturally aroused many people’s praise. It was very accurate. Those who could overcome the disease and work hard were worthy of respect and admiration.


Huo Ling had left City B for some time. After he returned to the army, he was not as idle as he was when he was wounded. It was either training or a mission. The previous injury was not completely healed, and a few new injuries were added. Because he was too busy, he seldom thought about the days in City B and, since there was no one to mention it in his ear, the magical little girl had become blurred in his memory.

He once again heard Jiang Nian’s name from the mouth of his comrades-in-arms. When he finished training and rested that night, he watched the kid Gao Qi shake with laughter. When he came in, Gao Qi laughed and said, “Lao Huo, please come and see, this little girl is too interesting.”1

He handed the phone directly to Huo Ling. Huo Ling casually glanced at it, did not want to watch more, but he was stunned by the familiar silhouette in the video. He took the phone and looked closely. Was it really Jiang Nian?

Huo Ling frowned and wondered: “Provincial champion? Has the entrance exam passed?”

Gao Qi said, “The test is over, and the results are all out.”

Huo Ling just came out after taking a bath, wearing a camouflage vest and shorts. He was tall and handsome, and there were some scars visible on the bare wheat skin. With a lean body and clear texture, the whole person was full of power, containing a wild beauty that was about to erupt, a walking hormone.

He walked to a chair and sat down, wiping his wet short hair with a towel in one hand. Jiang Nian in the video had already shared her learning experience, and then recommended several books, not only domestic classics, such as “The Dream of Red Mansions” and “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms” but also some foreign classics, and she recommended the original English version, which showed her profound foundation.

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Huo Ling found that he hadn’t seen Jiang Nian for so long and hadn’t heard her strange reasoning, but now he suddenly heard it again. It seemed that he didn’t find it odd because of the time interval too long. Instead, he found it very familiar and even missed it a bit. Probably……Was it the magical power of her strangeness?2


He watched for a while and he could hear the reporter’s pity for her when she asked Jiang Nian questions. After all, a little girl like her, even he felt a little distressed seeing it, not to mention others.

Besides after not seeing her for a few months, Jiang Nian, who was seriously ill, seemed to be much thinner than before. The loose dress was empty on her body, and her face did not have too much blood, but her simple happy smile and the pair of smart and lively eyes gave her a lot of spirit and a bit of the youthful color of children.

However, this distress only lasted a second and then he heard Jiang Nian say that her fate was not an injustice, but that heaven was jealous of her cleverness……Jealous of her genius…

“………” Cough!

Huo Ling blocked his raised mouth corners with a fist. Why didn’t this girl change at all?!

Finally, Jiang Nian said, “It may also be that fate loves me too much and doesn’t want me to eat the hardships of learning. It only wants me to eat, drink, shop, buy, and be a simple and happy rich second generation! Unfortunately, I am destined to let it down.”

Poof—cough cough cough cough!

Huo Ling couldn’t help it this time and laughed.

Gao Qi was stupid from shock, and he became more and more confident that Jiang Nian’s wonderful thought process was unmatched. After all, it was not an ordinary person who could make Huo Ling laugh.

Not only him, it seemed that the entire barrage was silent for a second, and the comments of ‘distressed’ and ‘refueling’3 that filled the screen all became ‘hahahaha so distressed’, ‘hahaha so envied’, ‘hahahaha no longer try to be a learning god. Just go home to be a rich second generation and fill the days with food, drink and fun’, ‘Ha ha ha Jiang Nian is really a strong and optimistic and humorous girl! ‘

Of course, there was also an interview with Jiang Nian’s family afterwards. Grandpa and Grandma Jiang were dressed neatly and gleaming and were a bit nervous sitting there. Grandma Jiang was even more nervous when she spoke: “I’m very happy, blah blah blah”.

Grandma Jiang’s eyes were red before she finished, “I don’t want Niannian to have good grades, I just want her to be healthy and well. This time, the results are too good and I’m so mad, I’m so distressed, oh, oh…”

Grandpa Jiang patted Grandma Jiang on the back and nodded seriously.

They were really angry. Could they not be angry if she took the exam so well? Could then not be distressed?


Comrade Wu Wenwen went to interview Dad Jiang dizzily. Dad Jiang was also very strict sitting in front of the camera. Although he was a rich upstart, he had never experienced such a tall thing as being interviewed. Wouldn’t it give him face? Thinking of so many people watching in front of the TV, he did not know where to put his hands and feet!?

Wu Wenwen asked: “Being able to teach her daughter so sensible, motivated, and this time managed to get so well, can you share with other parents how to do it?”

Father Jiang was also nervous, but hearing this, his eyes reddened, and he shook his head. He couldn’t help it. This result was very sad. He didn’t want to mention it at all, and he didn’t have anything to share. Should he share that he only wanted his daughter to play all day and cause trouble?


……Even the camera couldn’t help shaking.

Wu Wenwen had to look away, and then interviewed Mama Jiang. She thought Mama Jiang should be normal. Speaking of grades, Mama Jiang was also very sad, but still very sensible: “I just want my daughter to live a simple life, and I never want her to learn anything. I did not supervise her study, should I supervise her rest? Everything is up to her self-discipline. Whatever books she wants we grab it. The family just wants her to live arbitrarily; performance is not important. I just wish she’d stop testing so well. In order to take that exam, she was sick a month and a half! ”

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Of course, the interviewer did not forget to bring out Jiang Xiaobao. The little fatty stood there with fists clenched and very seriously said his sister’s great achievements made him very angry, very sad, very distressed, and very proud……

“I hope my sister can calm down a bit. Don’t let fate be jealous anymore.”

Poof— ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha woo woo woo woo!!!

The audience and friends were going crazy, and the messages are refreshed one by one, and the barrage almost blocked the screen.

Obviously, it was very sad, but they wanted to laugh, but after laughing, they felt very distressed. After the distress, they couldn’t help but want to laugh. For a time, it was completely crazy.

Jiang Nian thought her interview would let the world know her ingenuity. But why was it that, as she kept watching the reaction of the audience, she saw a series of ‘hahaha oh oh ha ha ha chirp chirp chirp4‘? There were even people who said that they felt sorry for her? Some also praised her for being really strong!

If you call her strong, she is really strong, but what does it mean to be distressed and pitying?

Jiang Nian couldn’t understand it. Were they driven crazy by her ingenuity and perfect family background? Probably. After all, even heaven was jealous of her.

Besides, she has nothing to be miserable and distressed over. She is so rich and clever. As the eldest daughter of the coal boss, shouldn’t fate envy her?

Jiang Nian exclaimed, the netizens in this life were really confusing.


Huo Ping also watched the news there. Their family watched it in front of the TV. Although he stood by Xiaobao’s side during the interview, he couldn’t help but want to cover his face when he really saw the video. After being crushed by the mudslide, Grandfather Huo was miserable. Because it was so funny and sad, the tea was sprayed more than once, and the aunt quickly sent the antihypertensive medicine.

Oops, he was too old, he mustn’t be so excited at this age!

Father and Mother Huo were also there. When they saw the rumored strong girl, they almost lost their minds. Although they’d heard that this was a magical girl, they didn’t know that she was so magical!

Huo Ping suddenly had a sense of superiority that everyone else was drunk, so he was the calmest. As for why he was the calmest…it was probably the pride of being one of the four grand front and back law protectors?


The news videos interviewed by the family of Jiang Nian were very hot. They were searched in real time5, otherwise Gao Qi could not see it. Gao Qi could not see, naturally Huo Ling could not be given, and Huo Ling would never again think of that little girl who was always blessed by the four big law protectors around.

She was indeed as stubborn and fateful as she said, and as clever as she said.

However, it was six months before Huo Ling saw Jiang Nian again.

In the previous six months, Father and Mother Jiang gave Jiang Nian a first-class feast, and invited all the relatives and friends in the neighborhood. Said to be sad, said to be angry? Jiang Nian won glory for the family and was their pride!

The good results of their family’s exams, of course, must be shown off. They hoped everyone could know! There were countless invitations written, and the word ‘champion’ was written in large red font. It must be visible to people at a glance. Even the neighbors were sent invitations in person. The neighbors initially expected the Jiangs to pay visits to their houses to make friends but abandoned that thought after no one visited. Who would expect they really came? But, not to make friends, just to show off…

Obviously, the neighbors still spread the news that the Jiang family was angry to death because Jiang Nian did not pass the exam. Suddenly changing from learning scum to the champion of province B, could it not be amazing? What’s more, they also watched the interview news afterwards secretly. Although the family was still golden to the point of spicy eyes, their love of the girl was correct and still worthy of respect.

Besides, the Huo family also planned to go, so they naturally went too……so Jiang Nian’s first prize feast was quite busy, and Wu Wenwen also took a trip with the photographer when she received the invitation. Not only did they interview be published, but also went to eat a champion’s meal and drink her wine.

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Of course, Jiang Nian was very happy to let the world look up to her genius.

Liu Yingying was so angry as she looked at Jiang Nian who was surrounded by people. Jiang Nian’s performance in her last life was good, but it was not good enough to be the provincial first. She had never been as beautiful as she was now! It must be her butterfly effect. What went wrong?

She really wanted to live with the Jiang family again. She was annoyed just looking at the mess of her. But who knew what was going on with her mother- not only was she banned from too much activity, she had to call to ask before going out, and she would be grilled like a prisoner when she returned and would be lectured to study properly!

Especially after returning from Jiang Nian’s champion banquet, she was jailed even more than before, and still had to deal with whispers in her ears every day, saying that she couldn’t even be better than a sick seedling? She had more study time and more energy than others. How could she not be better than Jiang Nian? Wasn’t she embarrassed to show these scores?(T/N: I have no pity for LYY, none at all. But I actually hate her mother more. Clearly LYY was raised being compared to Jiang Nian everywhere and, eventually, begins to think her only reason for existence is being better than Jiang Nian, which turns into her twisted obsession now. This is basically how parents literally ruin their children and then turn around and act surprised when they find out they raised a villain)

Liu Yingying couldn’t help it. She also knew she had to study, and she rose three places in the next semester. She had the advantage of being born again. This time, she also had to take the provincial champion to prove that she was not worse than Jiang Nian.

However, when she advanced to the third grade, her grades did not progress as fast as expected, and the rankings obtained every month were stable in the middle and upper reaches. Qi Bin harassed her from time to time, which made her very upset. She was not cold and maintained him as a simple friend. She planned to find a chance to make Qi Bin and Jiang Nian know each other at her college dinner after graduating from high school…

After graduating from middle school, Jiang Nian went straight to the school’s affiliated high school. When Huo Ling saw Jiang Nian, she was coming out of the school. In the snow and ice, she was wrapped in a down jacket from head to toe and donned a furry white hat, a white scarf, white gloves, and even a mask on the mouth. Only a pair of eyes exposed and the whole person looked very bloated. Because of the chills, she also held a warm handbag. 6

Jiang Xiaobao walked in front while Huo Ping walked to the side, carrying his school bag in one hand and Jiang Nian’s in the other. Chen Yi and Xu Lihai were also there. They seemed to be used to being around Jiang Nian, and they did their due diligence as the four grand front and back law protectors to protect the genius.

Huo Ling laughed, and the white mist spit out blurring his increasingly cold silhouette in the cold winter.

Jiang Nian saw him from afar. The man was black and stood out under the white snow. He was particularly eye-catching and even more dazzling than half a year ago.

“Jiang Nian, long time no see.”

Yeah, really long time no see.


Huo Ping, Chen Yi, Xu Lihai took the little fatty to make snowmen in the yard. Grandpa Jiang and Grandma Jiang played with the vegetables in the back yard. Dad Jiang hadn’t come back from work, and Mama Jiang brought hot tea to Huo Ling. She gave Jiang Nian a bowl of hot ginseng chicken soup. “Your aunt’s chicken was killed and sent from your hometown. I just simmered it. You have to drink more.”

Jiang Nian snorted and quickly drank half a bowl, feeling instantly warm.

Because of the heating in the house, Jiang Nian took off the down jacket. But she felt cold only wearing a thick sweater and covered herself with a blanket and held a warm handbag. Even so, she still felt cold.

Huo Ling took a sip of tea and looked up at Jiang Nian, who was still shivering in a blanket, and asked, “It’s so cold? Lao Wang’s medicine hasn’t worked? It’s been half a year, hasn’t it done anything?”

Jiang Nian raised her eyes and looked at Huo Ling. He was wearing a thin cardigan now. Compared with him, she was dressed much warmer: “This is my body is: I’m prone to being cold. I’m much better now than before. And there is heating in the house, so I won’t be cold anymore.”

Mama Jiang came out carrying the fruit and was also worried:” Don’t go to class tomorrow, I’ll ask your teacher for leave.”

Huo Ling agreed: “Yes, take a break at home. If you are worried that your classwork can’t catch up, you can find someone to help you make up the class.”

Jiang Nian had no objection. After all, she was also very afraid that the genius would fall in the good old days. What a pity.

Mother Jiang asked Huo Ling, “I haven’t seen you for half a year. How many days will you come back this time?”

Huo Ling said: “I will go back tomorrow afternoon.”

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“So urgent?”

“Yes, there are still some things to do.”

Huo Ling was really in a hurry. This time, unlike before, he couldn’t stay long, and there were many things waiting for him to do.

Jiang Nian looked at him and found that Huo Ling, who hadn’t been seen for half a year, really had a lot of perseverance, and the sharp edge between the eyebrows was sharper. According to Huo Ping, he seemed to have been promoted to captain. In addition to his family background, it could be seen that his ability and means were not ordinary.

Mother Jiang also wanted to keep Huo Ling for dinner and then let him go but, when she thought that he would come today and go tomorrow, she was afraid that he wouldn’t have enough time to get together with Mr. Huo, so didn’t try to keep him. She had a good impression of Huo Ling. Besides being a soldier, he must also have his own sense of righteousness.

Huo Ping ran in from the outside suddenly, holding up his mobile phone and said, “Sick seedling, you are on the news again!”

Jiang Nian yelled, took Huo Ping’s mobile phone and saw that the title read: “Once the provincial champion, today, the last place- the real-life example of the genius’s fall! What a pity! ”

After Jiang Nian was promoted to high school, her monthly test results were very common, each time only hitting the passing line!

She enrolled in grand fanfare, but now it was no longer the same scenery.

Huo Ping was still very worried. After all, he didn’t know much about Jiang Nian’s learning situation. He only knew that she did have mediocre test results. The Jiang family was naturally not worried. In fact, they were extremely happy that Jiang Nian got poor grades. But outsiders dared spread all kinds of news, which made them angry! Why would such a happy thing be the real version of a genius’s fall?

Huo Ling frowned and took Jiang Nian’s mobile phone: “This kind of exaggerated news, there is no need to care.”

They were all worried that Jiang Nian would be sad. There were many people who hated others for being liked. With how popular Jiang Nian was at first, they were afraid that some people would still remember now.

Jiang Nian was taken aback from joy!

“Look, these mortals have fallen into my trap. I think fate must certainly also be paralyzed by my wit. Since the last time I was sick, I decided to be a low-key genius!”

“………………Hmm???? ”

Fighting head-on wasn’t a wise move. In order to survive, what was it to hide her cleverness for life?

Now she could only be wronged to be a mortal.7


1. ‘Lao’ is sometimes used between good friends/acquaintances, even if they’re not actually old. Likely, Huo Ling is the oldest one in their friend group. ^
2. Not sure how to word this so I just left the literal translation but basically he’s wondering if her thought process/reasoning was so odd that you don’t even find it odd anymore ^
3. Work hard/good luck ^
4. The character her was literally ‘ying’ which is the sound birds make in Chinese. I have NO idea why. Maybe it’s an internet thing? ^
5. Trending ^
6. I can’t for the life of me recall the names of those little baggies of powder that heat up after you shake them. Like the Hot Hands brand? That’s what their talking about ^
7. Remember, she’s a genius above ordinary mortals in her mind

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