The news video about “The Fall of Genius Jiang Nian” was taken off that night. There were no traces on the major social platforms, and all the comments were deleted. No one could find it even if they wanted to, as if it never appeared…

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Jiang Nian didn’t feel much about it, just felt it was somewhat of a pity because she felt that it was okay to keep. The more people who believed it, the better; they could help her deceive her fate together.

The Jiang family was very happy. They just couldn’t stand for outsiders saying that their family’s mind was not good, those outsiders only knew to look at the surface and make claims, only knowing that Jiang Nian’s grades falling was regrettable and sad, but could they really understand their mood? What was wrong with bad grades? It meant good health! They didn’t want Jiang Nian to be a great genius, just wanted her to live long and healthy.

They only knew that, after Jiang Nian’s grades deteriorated, her body became better day by day. It would be better if she could keep doing so badly.

Before, working so painstakingly, just kept her from good health.

A genius at home really made a family anxious.

They just don’t know why it was quite lively news before, why did it suddenly disappear after just one night? Dad Jiang also intended to send some lawyer letters. Anyway, had money to spare. As long as it required money, he was not afraid to get justice.

And, not only did the news of Jiang Nian from the day before disappear, even the hot internet interview from half a year ago seemed to be missing?

Dad Jiang was very puzzled, and Mother Jiang also felt strange. What’s the matter? Was it possible to delete the news without spending money or using a relationship? Could it be that someone helped?

Mother Jiang said, “I think it’s Huo Ling. He happened to be there yesterday. He must be worried about Niannian, so he found a relationship and deleted it.”

Jiang Father also nodded his head. This guess was likely to be true because, although they knew a lot of people, the only one who would do things without leaving a name was the Huo family. Moreover, Huo Ling’s ability and status were not bad. Having such a little relationship would not be surprising.

“I didn’t expect a guy who seemed quite indifferent was quite enthusiastic. He said that he was going to pick up Xiaoping and would get Niannian on the way. Now, he’s even handled all our troubles as well. Older brother Huo is really a good person.”1

Mama Jiang said helplessly,” You only know how to shout brother and brothers all day long. Don’t you look at people decades younger than you? How old is Xiao Huo?”

“I don’t look at age, what time is this? It’s about finding like-minded people, people who can talk with you on a personal level. Why can’t I call him brother?”

“Then I don’t know where you two are being like-minded? What does Xiao Huo think? Don’t cover yourself in gold all day long, just give yourself face.”

“Protect our Niannian! Isn’t it enough to be like-minded? ”

“………? ”

Mama Jiang really couldn’t refute. She understood her husband’s personality— wasn’t she attracted to his honest and trustworthy personality when she married him? Her in-laws were all good people, too, and it wasn’t really a problem, so she was too lazy to manage.

Because they guessed it was Huo Ling’s help, Father and Mother Jing naturally wanted to thank him. They carried a bag of crops and went out. The weather was good on this day, and the sky that had snowed for half a month was clear and the sun shone warmly on people.

Jiang Nian was afraid of the cold, but it was not good to stay in a hot room all the time. It would help her health to go out and bask in the sun. She went out with her parents, holding a warm handbag in her hand and was wrapped in back like a ball.

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Even she was also a little surprised. She never thought that Huo Ling would help. This person was usually silent but was unambiguous in doing things. Of course, Jiang Nian was very grateful for his maintenance.


Jiang Nian had been to the Huo family several times before. Father Huo brought the doctor to her to see her for treatment. Could they let it go without thanking him? After going the first time, there was a second time, and the more times, she naturally became familiar with their house.

When they arrived, Grandpa Huo was still basking in the yard pavilion, and he was a little surprised when he saw Jiang Nian coming with her parents, but he was not surprised when he saw the bulging bag. He had learned long ago that it turned out that the upstart family gave gifts not by hand but carried in a sack! There were home-grown vegetables and fruits, as well as Cordyceps, ginseng, bird’s nest 2. Anyway, it was an extraordinarily domineering way to send things!

The old man shrank his neck. Wasn’t he quite calm recently? Why did they come over with a sack?

After asking, he realized that it was the kid Huo Ling, and the old man was relieved. He asked the aunt to call the two boys in the family and bring over the mung bean cake that Jiang Nian liked. The aunt went away with a smile. Although the Jiang family was a bit dazzling, because of their honest gratitude, she needed to go to the market less than before.

“You sit first. I don’t know what the two boys are doing. They have been in the house for a long time.”

“No hurry, we are not in a hurry.”

They both sat down in the pavilion, and there was a stove at their feet blowing a warm breeze, making people feel warm.

The old man looked at Jiang Nian and said, “The little girl looks much better than before, yes.”

Shouldn’t she be good? If she hadn’t done well after so long, it would really be a waste of hiding her IQ and acting as a mortal. She sighed: “Probably because I haven’t used my brain very much recently. I eat, drink, and play every day to disguise my intelligence and wisdom. Although I can’t let outsiders know that I am still a genius, my body is really much better. This is the legendary ‘have to lose something to gain something’.”


The old man’s lips twitched. It really aggrieved you.

Father Jiang was confused, and Mama Jiang’s face was covered. he really couldn’t look.

When Huo Ling came down, Jiang Nian was eating mung bean cake, and when she saw him, she waved her paws, and said good morning with a smile. Her white coat only showed her snow-white face. Adding in the background of ice and snow, she looked more like a white ball.

Huo Ling’s heart softened a bit. Maybe Jiang Nian was too pitiful and sensible, very optimistic and strong, so, when facing such a little girl, he unconsciously moved his heart and wanted to include her under his wings. This time, after seeing the untruthful news, he approached some friends to help him deal with it. Now that Jiang Laifu and his wife have brought Jiang Nian over, he was afraid they guessed it was him.

Things were exactly what he expected. The Jiang Laifu couple really came to thank him.

In fact, this was unnecessary for him. It was nothing at all. Of course, they didn’t have to come to the door to thank him and even bring Jiang Nian together.

Mother Jiang said earnestly that Xiao Huo did a good thing without leaving a name. They knew and naturally could not pretend they didn’t and thanked him very much for thinking so much about their Niannian, saying, “We were still there angry, thinking of finding someone to help deal with the news. Who knows that you will have handled it for us in a blink of an eye! Xiao Huo, I thank you on behalf of our family! In the future, if you need help, you will speak, we will definitely do our best to help you.”

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Instead, Huo Ling was at a loss.

“That news was intentionally exaggerated. It is not a fact. It just happened.”

Master Huo knew that Jiang Nian had already gone from “genius” to “fallen genius”. He couldn’t help but laugh, patting Huo Ling’s shoulder and saying that he had done a good job. Now some unscrupulous media only cared about views and clips, not caring how big of an injury they bring to others.

Dad Jiang really liked Huo Ling more and more. He learned that Huo Ling was only twenty-two this year, but he did not have the impetuousness of young people at all. Although he looked a little indifferent, he was secretly enthusiastic, and he was also low-key and reserved. He was such a good guy to protect his family’s Niannian like this. When he was excited, he clapped his palm and said excitedly, “Xiao Huo, I like your loyal and bold personality. From now on, I am your younger brother!”

Huo Ling: “………?”

Jiang Nian: “………!”

Grandpa Huo: “…………Cough cough!”

Father Jiang: “………”

Mama Jiang rubbed the corner of her mouth awkwardly and glared at her husband who touched his nose. Weren’t they just having a good talk? Mom Jiang relieved her embarrassment and said, “What are you doing silly? Niannian, say thank you!”

Jiang Nian yelled, “……Thank you……uncle?”3

Mama Jiang froze, and Grandpa Huo laughed out loud!

Huo Ling:………………………:)



The two families ate a light meal around the table that day. After the meal, Huo Ling left the city by plane. Jiang Nian also returned to school after a few days of rest. She was a celebrity after all. Although her news faded after a few days, but occasionally someone saw her and couldn’t help but say a few words in private. After all, it was a genius who had passed 649 points and suddenly fell. Was it painful? Did she regret it?

Even her little tablemate was very sad. Every time she came out and looked at her own papers, she cried before she even looked at Jiang Nian’s. After seeing them, she whined even worse!

Who said that Jiang Nian was a fallen genius? Who said Jiang Nian was washed up? They hadn’t seen that half of her tests well full scores and the other half were all zeros? Could ordinary people do this?! Therefore, Jiang Nian’s results fluctuated on the edge of passing every time, and never went up or down. Outsiders didn’t know the reason, only thinking Jiang Nian was proud and complacent.

To this end, the teacher also talked to Jiang Nian in particular, and asked her why this was so?

Jiang Nian said very solemnly and seriously, “Teacher, I didn’t do it on purpose. I am preparing for the college entrance examination!”

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“……But is this the first year?”

“Well, only three years from now, I have to concentrate on attacking the college entrance examination!”

“………???? ”

Considering Jiang Nian’s special physical condition, thinking about Jiang Nian’s entrance exam and lie down for half a month, they really had no way to refute.

Of course, the truth would be clear once Jiang Nian got a shocking good result again. However, they waited and waited but didn’t see it. After three years, Jiang Nian was still the tail of the crane, and, from fallen genius, she had become an ordinary sick seedling. Those who were very concerned about her and had targeted her had already given up on her. Who would look back and watched those walking behind him?

Jiang Nian was very satisfied with this. She was indeed a genius. These mortals were deceived by her. She believed that now her fate had been paralyzed by her play!

Probably everyone was fooled aside from Jiang Nian’s little tablemate. She was a little smarter, crying a lot every time she sees her test paper, holding her fist while crying and saying that she would work harder and harder! However, Jiang Nian didn’t know when she started crying differently. She clearly wanted to cry but choked back her tears. Jiang Nian asked her why, Xiao Tong said she was eighteen, grown up, already an adult, and could not cry like a child when she wanted to cry.

Yes, eighteen. The college entrance exam was coming soon.

After waiting for so long, it was finally time for her genius to come back!

Besides, in the past three years, she had been very productive in recuperating and rejuvenating her body. Her height needn’t be said, even the airport had become a small dumpling, and her cheeks finally had some hints of ruddy. Plus, she walked around every day and had gotten a lot stronger physically. She hoped that after the college entrance examination, she would not lie for half a month like the middle school entrance exam.

Jiang Nian planned her route in advance. After all, she was a low-key genius. Even after being low-key for three years, she was still a genius!

Father Jiang and Grandpa Jiang were not as relaxed as Jiang Nian. Everyone said to her every day that her college entrance examination, her grades, and her ability to go to university were all up to fate. Anyway, her fate was not to work too hard or too much, just like a simple and happy school scum like before. Also, it seemed that your cousin didn’t make it to the university and had to repeat a year. It’s normal to fall behind, don’t put too much pressure on yourself!4

If the exam were too good, they would really feel very sad and heartbroken, and couldn’t accept it even just thinking about it.

Liu Yingying’s failure in her first year’s college entrance examination gave Jiang Laichun enough anger. She rented a house near Liu Yingying’s high school and supervised her study every day. Liu Yingying repeated her pains for one year before she was admitted to a small teaching college next to Capital University. Although the school was not as good as the capital, it could be regarded as a second-tier school.

It’s just that it was too far away from Liu Yingying’s prediction, but there was no way. She really wanted to calm down to learn but, probably because of rebirth, she couldn’t study with peace of mind like the previous life. She knew that this was her best achievement. It may not be possible to pass even if she reread for another year.

What’s more, this was better than her first life. That time, she could only apply for third tier colleges; this time, she at least qualified for second tier, and even in the capital. Jiang Laichun was relieved when she saw this. Teaching colleges were good. Once they graduated, they became teachers, eating public meals5, and got two days off a week.

Jiang Laichun also gave Liu Yingying a banquet to celebrate, and invited relatives and neighbors to have a drink. Jiang Nian’s first prize banquet from a couple years before was so beautiful. She had long thought of putting one on once her daughter entered university. Jiang Nian’s results in the past two years were not very good; she might even be unable to pass the university entrance exam. She could not help being prouder. She also told her elder brother to bring Jiang Nian along to discuss with Liu Yingying to share some college entrance examination experience with Jiang Nian.

Liu Yingying naturally wanted Jiang Nian to come. She invited Qi Bin to come over. How could Jiang Nian not come?

But the mother and daughter were really disappointed. Jiang Nian stayed at home and didn’t move. She didn’t have any problems with her brain. Would she send herself into someone’s calculations? Anyway, she was a sick seedling, and it was better to recuperate at home. With Jiang Nian’s attitude of disregard, Jiang Laichun couldn’t hold back. Liu Yingying also felt that she had punched cotton6 and she panicked.

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The only thing that made Liu Yingying happy was that her uncle and grandfather and grandmother gave her big red envelopes, all of which were five-digit numbers, which added up to a hundred thousand, just enough for her to buy a name-brand bag, and the rest would fund her graduate travel. At this time, Liu Yingying also hated not buying lottery tickets or paying attention to lottery tickets in her last life. Otherwise, if she knew she was going to be reborn, it would be a pity to not at least to write down a few winning lottery numbers.

After Liu Yingying’s college entrance examination, she spent the whole summer vacation outside. After playing, she went directly to the Royal College to study. When Jiang Nian saw her last time during the Spring Festival, Liu Yingying, who went to college, was dressed in a fashionable manner. Her hair was dyed a fashionable yellow, she sported pierced ears and wore a gold necklace, and her makeup was also changed. It was more than a bit beautiful.

Mama Jiang also lamented that she really was a person of the world.7

But, of course. After all, she was a reborn person with experience for the next ten years, and it was still easy to make herself beautiful.

In the past two years, Liu Yingying still wanted to start with Jiang Nian, always wanting to invite her out, and she also pulled her into the group chat and wanted to introduce her friends to her. It was not easy for Liu Yingying to keep thinking of her in her fast-paced world.8


Jiang Nian saw her family so worried, and promised, “Mom, dad, grandparents, don’t worry. I’ll only bring a third of my intelligence to the examination, not too hard.”

That’s good, That’s good! If she doesn’t bring her IQ, they will be more at ease!

The college entrance examination spanned two days. Jiang Niannian was a science student, and would take the Chinese, mathematics, foreign language, and comprehensive science exams.9

Before the exam, she reluctantly took off the Big Gold on her neck and wrists.

After being so mortal for so long, the true her would finally return!

She believed that fate would be shocked to cry by her!


1. He’s recognizing Huo Ling as an older brother because he’s such a good guy, even though Huo Ling is around the age of his kids. Will be dropping the ‘older’ from here on out to save typing. ^
2. All supplements ^
3. If he’s her father’s brother then, by seniority rules, he’d be her uncle. ^
4. I hate leaving this paragraph like this, but I honestly don’t know how to change it to make it more grammatically correct without impacting the meaning/flow. Just know that this author often paraphrases people but uses quotation phrasing. They’re not actually quotes so they don’t interrupt the narrative flow but the tenses/point of speech (1st/2nd/3rd person) are used as if it’s a direct quote, rather than being rephrased as they should be. Okay, enough of my bitching. Just wanted to open the hood and show you guys a bit of some of the things you have to make executive decisions on when translating :P. ^
5. Getting paid by the government ^
6. Did something useless/useless attack ^
7. Basically, commenting how LYY changed/improved her look after venturing out on her own ^
8. Lit. flower world- aka world surrounded by temptations/things to do ^
9. So, a lot (all?) of high schools in China divide students into science/liberal in their 2nd and 3rd years. Each group not only focuses on studying their subject matter mainly, their entrance exams are also different –which is why you’ll often see ‘liberal arts champion’ and ‘science champion’ as two different titles.

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