Jiang Nian’s college entrance examination was naturally a major event for the Jiang family. The Jiang family accompanying the examination team reproduced the wonders of the world. Without walking by, you could see the bright gold light slowly move and outshine on the earth.

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Huo Ping, Chen Yi, and Xu Lihai, were already used to this. After all, as members of the team that had accompanied the exam three years ago, they were very psychologically prepared. Grandfather Huo felt really spicy eyes, really spicy. So spicy that, not just his eyes, even his brain hurt! He’d had nothing to do and thought about coming along and taking a look— anyway, it was also a little girl he had been watching for several years. It was not easy for her to persist in the college entrance examination, so wasn’t it right to cheer on?

He knew he couldn’t stay here for a long time. So golden, it might even heal his presbyopia. 1

Not to mention, the Jiang family had a very unique method to accompany the exam. After a while, the high-profile tea and fruit juices and freshly washed fruit were put out. The family worried while eating, drinking, and tasting. They looked at the school gate like a wife looking at the skyline waiting for her husband to return from war.2

“Niannian promised to use only one-third of her IQ to take the test and won’t work very hard. It should be okay?”

“Ah, hopefully.”

“Yeah, how bad can she test?”

“…………” Eh???

Other parents were hoping that their children would study well and get a good grade. The Jiang’s instead dreamt that Jiang Nian would not work hard and be a school scum.

The old man shook; even Huo Ping couldn’t help but wipe the sweat………Jiang Nian’s inexplicable confidence, was it a family inheritance?

Not to mention, the Jiang family really did not think that Jiang Nian would really do badly on the exam. In their view, Jiang Nian carried with her the hope of the family, the heavy trust of parents and grandparents, and her own effort! If she worked that hard, how could she fail the exam?

The old man also stayed with them for a long time, and some reporters came to interview the crowd. When interviewing other parents, they all said that they were nervous and tense. Ten years of hard work all went into this moment, they only hoped that the children would not be nervous and stably take a good test! When they interviewed the Jiang family, they all said that they were not nervous in the least. They had nothing to worry about. Academic performance was not important. As long as their child could stand up, they’d thank God!

The reporters were dizzy and thought they had problems with their ears! Which parent didn’t want their child to break out? Just this wonderful family— not only collectively came to accompany the exam, but even said that the score was not important. Plus, the sincere eyes were not at all like cheating, just like speaking from the heart.

Of course, the reporter also took note of this wonderful family covered in gold. After all, they were afraid that there would be no second family like this in this world.

Fortunately, during the interview, Lao Huo went to hide behind. Otherwise, if he also got caught on camera, he’d trip right before the finish line!3

This interview went online, and it caused a lot of onlookers to simultaneously ‘hahaha’. Those with a better memory found it a little familiar. Wasn’t this kind of wonderful thinking very similar to the once genius Jiang Nian? It’s just the same!

The two-day exam passed quickly, and Jiang Nian’s three years of training was really useful. Although the college entrance examination took a lot of her time and concentration, she just felt a little tired after the exam. Nothing like before when she fell ill directly after the exam. Although she had a slight fever and a bit of a cough and was somewhat uncomfortable, it was negligible. She could rest assured and wait for her destiny to cry.

However, the college entrance examination results only came out half a month later. Jiang Nian was not in a hurry, just enough for her to concentrate on watching the drama.

On the eve of the college entrance examination results, Jiang Nian suddenly received a call from Liu Yingying, the other party opened the mouth to borrow money, how much she had she wanted to borrow, the more the better. She was in a hurry!

At that time, Jiang Nian was eating mung bean cake at the Huo family. When Liu Yingying said to borrow money, she shook her head and said, “No.”

Liu Yingying was really anxious. When Jiang Nian said no, she was even more angry. How could Jiang Nian not have money? The red envelopes she receives each year were the thickest and heaviest. Her aunt and uncle were so short-minded and would give her everything she wanted. Not to mention the Huo family— could Grandpa Huo and Huo Ping not give them? During New Year’s Eve, she even followed Grandfather Huo out for a lap. Could she be lacking red envelopes? She must have at least one hundred thousand, shouldn’t she?

“Cousin, I am really in a hurry. You received so many red envelopes for the New Year. Can you lend me some? The summer vacation is here soon, and I will pay you when I go to work and earn money!”

Jiang Nian said: “What is your hurry, ah? ”

Liu Yingying had already thought about the excuse and said,” I accidentally hit someone’s car while riding a bicycle. I have to spend some money to fix it.”

“Then you should find aunt? ”

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“……I dare not worry my mother; she will definitely scold me when she knows it!”

“But I have no money to help you.”

Of course, Liu Yingying did not believe it:” Your new year’s money? I will pay you back, really, don’t you believe me? We grew up together, will I still lie to you? Just help me this time!”

Jiang Nian chewed the mung bean cake and said lightly,” I really have no money, I donate all my money. Let me say that I don’t need any money at all. It’s useless to have so much money in my hands.”

Liu Yingying was dumbfounded:“……donated? Who did you donate to? You donated all?”

Jiang Nian nodded, saying:” Yes ah, all donated, donated to orphanages, and some charities in need.”

“All donated? Not a penny left?”

“Yes, not a penny left.”


Liu Yingying stagnated. Even if she wants to donate, doesn’t she understand the meaning of saving for a rainy day? But she donated everything?!

“Why did you donate all of it? Do uncle and aunt agree?”

Jiang Nian asked doubtfully, “Why not agree? Isn’t this my pocket money? I donate it if I wanted to donate it.”

“………!!!” What is this special brain damage?

Grandfather Huo, who heard the conversation aside, couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows. He really didn’t know that Jiang Nian had donated all her pocket money. Looking at her light tone, she didn’t seem to feel any regret. Of course, she also didn’t think she’d done a big good deed; it seemed like a trivial matter.

This girl often uttered surprising lines that excited even old bones like him, was overconfident, liked to brag, and was impossibly optimistic and kind.

Liu Yingying said anxiously, “You are too wasteful, so why don’t you have so much money donated? How do you know that the money can be distributed to those who need it? Maybe someone will be greedy?”

Jiang Nian seemed to think of it something happening, saying, “Cousin, you should not understand me, it should be like this. You see, I can be so happily a wealthy second generation in my life, with parents and grandparents who pet me, it must be the accumulation of happiness in my last life, ah! I’ll accumulate more happiness in my life, maybe not only my body will get better and better, but I can be a richer second generation in my next life! How can this be said to be a waste?”

Cough cough cough cough cough! The old man was drinking tea and he squirted all at once! He quickly grabbed the napkin and wiped the corners of the mouth and the tea stains on the table.

Seriously, in all his years if living, he had the most gaffes after knowing Jiang Nian!

Liu Yingying felt that she was going to be mad by Jiang Nian. Her existence was already irritating and, when she spoke, she was even more irritating! She snapped the phone shut and almost dropped her phone.

But she really needed money. If it weren’t for going out for dinner last time and drinking a few more drinks, how could she let Qi Bin succeed? When she woke up that morning, she was so mad. If she knew, she wouldn’t have gone to the ghost classmate’s party! But things had happened, and regrets were too late. She could only threaten Qi Bin to forget anything happened. Of course, they couldn’t say anything to others.

Since then, Qi Bin had wanted to see her from time to time, sending messages apologizing, but also revealed the intention to pursue her. But Liu Yingying had long understood Qi Bin’s person, how could she be deceived by him? She even suspected that Qi Bin was intentional that night, but what could she do? She didn’t want to call the police. She was still embarrassed after it happened, and she didn’t even want to acknowledge it. When she finally took a birth control pill, it was half a month later. She secretly bought a pregnancy test stick and came back. The final result really made her almost crazy, and she was desperate.

She didn’t dare to tell anyone about this, not her family or her classmates. If things were known, how would she be treated? But her money had long been used for traveling and shopping. There was not much left over from the New Year. The family gave more than 1,000 yuan of living expenses each month. How could be enough to live? Not to mention, it couldn’t cover the surgery.

Liu Yingying could only find Jiang Nian. Jiang Nian received more money for the New Year than her. Wasn’t it okay to lend her a little? Where did she know that all of it was donated? How much money was that? She was really willing!

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Hanging up the phone, Jiang Nian ate a mung bean cake, and took two in her hand, and said to the old man, “Grandpa Huo, I will go home first and come to you someday.”

The old man was still sorting out his shock and finally returned to sanity: “……this is going back?”

“My cousin has an accident, I have no money to help her, I go back and ask my mother. I can’t ignore her, alas.”

The old man looked at Jiang Nian away, his face seemed to have quite a few words left unsaid. This girl, everything was good; even if there was such a problem in the brain, it was also very pitiful.


Mama Jiang was surprised hearing Jiang Nian say that Liu Yingying had an accident in the emperor’s capital and asked to borrow money. After learning about the incident, she called Jiang Laichun without saying a word. Such a big thing, could she hide it? Of course not.

Jiang Laichun still took care of the store at home. After the semester started, her daughter would ask for more pocket money every month. She wanted to buy clothes this time and study materials next time. In the past, she sent a thousand yuan a month, but now, two or three thousand a month was not enough! She was upset, and when her sister-in-law said that Liu Yingying had a car accident in the Imperial Capital, scrapped someone’s car and asked Jiang Nian to borrow money to pay it off, but Jiang Nian didn’t have any money, so she couldn’t lend it. This was not a matter of money. How could such a big thing not be told to the family?

Jiang Laichun was also anxious, and immediately called Liu Yingying. Liu Yingying was still worried about money there. She was still a little guilty when Jiang Laichun called. When she heard that Jiang Nian had talked to her family, she regretted calling.

“I’m okay, I wasn’t hurt, I accidentally bumped into it, the other party said that he would settle it privately, and just wanted me to pay some money…”

Jiang Laichun was angered. This matter was not reported to the insurance company or traffic police, but settled in private? Wasn’t this bullying a foreigner? Someone was bullying her daughter!?

“You let him find the police, what the police say to do is what you do. Do you listen to him and get conned? You give him the phone and I will say it! I don’t believe he can do this in broad daylight!”

Liu Yingying was in the dormitory at this time; where could she go out and find someone to act with her? She couldn’t speak. Jiang Laichun knew her daughter well, so she felt something was wrong. Wouldn’t the accident be fake? She repeatedly asked, Liu Yingying said that her money was stolen by a thief, and she didn’t dare to ask for it at home, so she asked Jiang Nian…

However, Jiang Laichun still didn’t believe it, but she was too far away, and had a family shop to look at. Her man also had to go out to work, and it was impossible to chase all the way to the Imperial Capital. Jiang Laichun finally gave Liu Yingying a thousand dollars, telling her be more careful and save money.

It was better than nothing. Besides, Liu Yingying was not stupid. She still had some means. She also wanted to tell Qi Bin that she was pregnant with his child. He must take up this responsibility.

Liu Yingying was busy and ate a lot of sins. When she finally had time to rest, she remembered Jiang Nian. She heard that Jiang Nian had finished the college entrance examination. With her grade at the tail of the crane, she was afraid that she wouldn’t be able to pass the three exams. What if she has money, can she (JN) still surpass her(LYY)?

A few days after Liu Yingying completed the operation, the national college entrance examination scores were released one after another. Liu Yingying also wanted to know how Jiang Nian’s grades were. She wanted to ask Jiang Nian but, because she couldn’t stand her because of the last thing, she called her grandfather and grandmother.

Her grandfather and grandmother were wiping her tears at the moment. She sighed and sighed. Liu Yingying understood and secretly rejoiced. She said, “Grandma and Grandpa, don’t worry that cousin didn’t take the exam well. She can repeat it for another year. There are many opportunities. By the way, how many points did your cousin take the exam? ”

Grandpa Jiang said helplessly, “Your cousin is disobedient- she even took a test of 749! “

Liu Yingying was stunned for a long while, thinking she heard wrong. Was it three hundred and forty-nine? : “……How much? Are you……wrong?”

Grandma Jiang was even more helpless: “We also thought it was wrong, but we read it countless times, it is still 749! It really is Seven hundred and forty-nine! Alas, our family’s Niannian is really pitiful.”

Chinese, Mathematics, and English full score. Comprehensive science deducted one point. This result, even if the sport failed, she could casually pick any good university! Could this be a headache? In the past few days, their home phone had been exploded, not to mention that the scholarships from Yingcai High School4 were all sent by the principal in person, which was a real exaggeration.

They were happy and worried. Where did they care about their reputation and money? Didn’t they hope Jiang Nian wouldn’t be so smart?

Liu Yingying couldn’t believe it. After hanging up the phone, she went online to check the news. Like this kind of achievement against the sky5, she almost didn’t need to look for it herself; the major media would also scramble to report. She opened the web page and searched casually and found a lot of news.

“Genius Jiang Nian lives up to expectations, Return of the king after three years of silence!”

“Once for high school entrance exam, now college entrance exam; Jiang Nian is a true genius girl!”

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Her hand crashed violently against the desk, directly breaking her phone.

Champion?! genius?!

……How could this be? Impossible!!

Liu Yingying did not believe it at all, and even wanted to report Jiang Nian as a fake, maybe it was copied? But Jiang Nian’s score may not have a second one. Who could she copy?

What did she do to pretend to be the tail of the crane?! Was it for fun?!

Needless to say, there were really a lot of people with this doubt, especially in Jiang Nian’s school. They originally thought that Jiang Nian was the real version of a fallen genius, and the result is that she was playing pigs and eating tigers6. It directly hit everyone by surprise!

Countless people were upset!7

Jiang Nian was known as the top student in the entrance examination, and outsiders called her a genius, but in the end was relegated to mediocrity. From genius, she became the most obscure and the most regrettable learning scum, but, three years later, in the case that everyone was not optimistic about her, she once again flew into the sky in a blockbuster counterattack, and won the provincial champion with a high score of 749!

As one of the rare top picks in both the high school entrance examination and the top college entrance examination, Jiang Nian was also quite legendary. During the time when she was most questioned, she did not come out to say a word. It had to be said that this was very surprising. It was also confusing: since she had such a good grade, why should she hide it?

Anyway, as soon as Jiang Nian’s results came out, not only was the school bustling, but even the Internet was boiling.

Wu Wenwen was a reporter three years ago. Now that she was the host of the local station, she came to the Yingcai Middle School campus again8 to interview Jiang Nian.

Because Jiang Nian was still in good health, she could go to the graduation ceremony. Not only did she go, but the Jiang family also naturally followed. The family members dressed in formalwear were beaming and gleaming, and Mama Jiang also styled Grandma Jiang’s hair. Don’t even mention the volume of the old lady’s hair, Grandpa Jiang also tried to find a way for the barber to treat his bald hair, and he wore the same sparkly bow tie as Father Jiang around his neck.

Their house was a bright and shining landscape. Those who passed by would be unable to resist taking a second glance.

Not only that, they were still surrounded by parents at the school, asking how they brought their children and how to make them take the exam so well? Did they have any educational experience?

Educational experience? No, no, they just let the children play hard, don’t even think about it, even if learning was important, was it as important as the body?

It was a good thing to do well on the college entrance examination alive, and it was even better to do well on the college entrance examination and be healthy!

The parents were so angered. Can’t you just say you don’t want to share? Is there a need to play with them? After a while, they all spread out, saying that her parents were not good, especially not good. They were not happy to share or talk about their experiences, and instead would lead others astray!

“Isn’t it said that Jiang Nian’s body isn’t good? Probably this really is the case? It’s Jiang Nian’s own cleverness, ah. Don’t underestimate people’s efforts; to be able to test out such good results while so spoiled at home is amazing!”

This was genius. It was really genius. It was also amazing that this family hadn’t been able to pull her back.

Why did she score so bad in previous exams?

This answer was in Wu Wenwen’s interview.

Because Wu Wenwen was also very curious, Jiang Nian scored very well, and it was not a problem for her to get such a high score before, so why did she not take the exam well before? Did she deliberately test bad?

Wu Wenwen was curious, and the vast majority of netizens were naturally curious too. Those who remembered Jiang Nian’s news a few times were really many, and they all came to join in the excitement.

In this regard, Jiang Nian gave a particularly serious answer.

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“The reason why is that I only do half of the test papers to protect myself! After all, there are really few quaint wizards like me. If I’m smart all the time, wouldn’t fate be jealous enough to kill me? Then am I miserable! So, I had to grieve my ingenuity and wisdom, and try to stay dormant for three years before finally sticking to today! ”

“………???? ”

Wu Wenwen shook:” You chose to stay dormant but awoke for the college entrance examination because it is related to your future life? ”

Jiang Nian said,” Because I am a genius, isn’t it a waste of my talent to stay dormant? What a pity.”

………It’s really wasteful.

Jiang Nian said again, “And I think fate must be shocked by my resourcefulness now.”

Wu Wenwen: “…………!!!”

Cough, not seen in three years, Jiang Nian was still humorous and optimistic as always.

Wu Wenwen, who had seen more people in the world, thought she would be calm when interviewing Jiang Nian again. Unexpectedly, she still felt the dizziness of being hit by the mudslide. Whether fate was shocked, she didn’t know. She was shocked anyway. And still wanted to cry.

As soon as the news on this day was released, there were quite a few people who were shocked and cried as quickly as Wu Wenwen. They were really blown up and dizzy. Was this the world of learning gods?

“……Only half of the test papers? She used to do poorly because she only filled out half of the test papers?”

“…And only did half of the test papers because she was afraid of being envied by fate.”


How could people be driven mad by others? They used to say that Jiang Nian was the real version of the fallen genius. Now, she directly hit their faces. Not only their faces hurt, but also their brains hurt! They didn’t see it, really didn’t see it. Where did they know that people were trying to confuse fate? This was the first time they have seen such resourcefulness!

Another netizen shouted, “Oh, dammit, is it only me who noticed that Jiang Nian’s family shook their heads as soon as they mentioned Jiang Nian’s achievement? They even said they don’t want Jiang Nian to be provincial champion and it’s best to be learning slag as before? This is simply a fart, definitely pretending!”

No, no, no, the Jiang family also said that originally Jiang Nian studied poorly, it was best if she went to a normal school in the local area. Now that Jiang Nian did so well, the admission notices of major schools were sent home in batches. They can’t say every school, but nearly all schools have sent one, like the Capital University, Dajing, Dafu, and so on…9

Oh! When they think of their daughter / granddaughter going to the best and most authoritative university in the future, they are very worried, concerned and sad!

Netizens are completely bombed. What kind of family is this, what is this devil?!!


1. Farsightedness you get as you age. ^
2. Picked what I thought would be the best approximation. ^
3. Have no idea how to explain this in English but it’s an idiom that basically means you make it all the way to the end of your life as an exemplary person but do something in your old age that ruins your morality/reputation ^
4. Jiang Nian’s school ^
5. Really amazing ^
6. Popular idiom meaning pretending to be weak/incapable just to lure people to let down their guards before defeating them. You’ve probably seen in in other LNs’ ^
7. Not necessarily angry in this case, more like disturbed, shaken up, etc. ^
8. Remember, they’re affiliated schools so they’re on the same campus/within close proximity ^
9. ‘da’ + Name is a way of nicknaming really good universities (if you remember, ‘Da’ means big). You might have seen this translated in other novels as ‘A big’, ‘C big’, etc. Just know this is how some people refer to top tier universities

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