The cold-faced and overbearing brother (4)

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Shen Jiaye didn’t say anything. After watching Xia Yichu eats her dinner, he drunk a bit of soup.just after that, his father called him to tell him he had a business trip in A city.

Xia Yichu looked at Shen Jiaye who was standing under the curtains and making a phone call and the cat walked silently back to her room.

"233." After Xia Yichu bathed, she sat on the soft bed and called the system in her mind.

"Yes, what questions does the host have?"


"In the two wishes of the original owner, there is no such thing as this brother. Why are there some small tasks related to him?" Xia Yichu asked in confusion.

Although she is pretty cool with points and merit, she doesn't want to be going unclear.

"Oh, that thing! I forgot to tell you before. When you do the task while fulfilling the wishes of the client, you must also guarantee the life assurance of the original owner in this world. The system detects that Shen Jiaye Identity and power is the best person to fit your patronage. "

"That's the case, I know." Xia Yichu nodded her head and then opened up and asked the 233 system to retrieve Shen Jiaye's information.

Since she is going to hold Shen Jiaye's golden thigh in the future, it is important to know the information of her golden master.

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"Yes, host." The system said aloud and sent all the information about Shen Jiaye's life. It was more comprehensive than Encyclopedia on the Internet.

Xia Yichu finally understood these people's admiration for Shen Jiaye after reading these materials.


Unlike the original owner who was wrongly handled, Shen Jiaye was the true son of Xia Zhengming.

As for why Shen Jiaye was named Shen instead of Xia, I am afraid that only Xia Zhengming, the father knew it.

Shen Jiaye was six years older than her, when her mother died, she was only three years old and he was nine.

However, unlike the original owner who is proud and naive because of her family petting, Shen Jiaye has been a young man with a stable personality and a high IQ since childhood.

While children of the same age were still playing in the mud, Shen Jiaye was already holding the textbook of junior high school.

When children of the same age were still under the pressure of the college entrance examination, Shen Jiaye had already obtained a well-known university diploma in China and was about setting up his own company.

In just ten years after the company went public, Shen Jiaye transformed this newly registered company into a well-known brand that has entered the top 50 in the world today.

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In the early two years, Shen Jiaye had already moved out to live on his own and he rarely returned unless he was in New Year or when it was necessary.

When the original owner saw Shen Jiaye, it was as if she had seen a tiger so she always run away. Her impression of Shen Jiaye was scarce and there was no reliable information at all.

Xia Yichu sighed and could only take one step at a time. However, Xia Yichu thought about the gesture she had just done in front of Shen Jiaye. It shouldn't be too difficult to think of it.

On the balcony of the outside hall, Shen Jiaye who was on the phone with Xia Zhengming hung up the phone and after thinking about it, he made another call and went out.

As soon as the phone was connected, a stern male voice rang over there: "President."

"Lu Yan, to investigate Xia Yichu's life in the past few years as soon as possible." Shen Jiaye said sternly to the other side.

"Okay, I'll send it to your e-mail when I find it later."

After the call was hung up, Shen Jiaye retracted his phone and turned towards his room. Before entering, Shen Jiaye turned his head and looked at the closed door of Xia Yichu, thinking that the girl today who brought him an almost uncontrollable emotion and Shen Jiaye's eyes were dark He lifted his feet and walked into his room.

Xia Yichu originally thought that Shen Jiaye would stay at home for only one night and left. After all, he hadn't stayed at home for a long time in recent years.


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But she didn't expect that Shen Jiaye seemed to have changed his mind this time. He didn't ask the housekeeper to pack things for him and he came back to rest after work every day. He even asked his assistant Lu Yan to move all of his documents and materials for the office to the study room on the second floor.

The tendency to stay in the house for a long time made Xia Yichu secretly rejoice and thought it was Xia's father's credit.

 Xia Yichu has not been idle these days. Although she did not go out, it did not mean that she was not busy.

During the day, when Shen Jiaye went to work, she honed her acting skills in the dance room at home and also learned a lot about acting.

Although the system gave her the skills of "unparalleled acting" to prevent herself from going wrong, Xia Yichu decided to work for it.

At night, Xia Yichu began to wonder in his heart how to brush feeling in front of Shen Jiaye. ( notes: she is digging her own grave )

However, Shen Jiaye seemed to be very busy these days. Every time Shen Jiaye returned, she was asleep in her room.

Once again, Xia Yichu went back to his room to sleep after he couldn't wait for Shen Jiaye.

However, the dishes tonight are a bit salty. When Xia Yichu slept into the middle of the night, she suddenly woke up and wanted to drink water.

Late at night, everyone fell asleep, Xia Yichu stepped out of the room step by step, holding his mobile phone flashlight to light.

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Suddenly, Xia Yichu stopped when she walked to a certain place and there was a light pouring out from the door of the study room which was not closed. ( notes: take care, it might be a ghost *perverted one hehe* )

Xia Yichu walked gently on the slippers and lingered on the outside of the door to glance into the gap.

In the study, Shen Jiaye was sitting in front of the table working on the documents. He lowered his head slightly, his expression focused and his original cold look seemed a little soft under the light.

Xia Yichu released his hand holding the door frame and went downstairs lightly. When Xia Yichu drank the water and came up again, she already had a glass of warm milk in her hand.

Shen Jiaye was turning to process the official document. Suddenly, a footstep sounded in the silent night. Although the sound was small, it was still felt by Shen Jiaye.

When he looked up, he saw that Xia Yichu wearing pyjamas and stepping on furry slippers came over step by step, still holding a glass of milky liquid in his hands like milk.


"Brother." Xia Yichu smiled brightly at him, stepped forward walked to him, pushed the cup of cold coffee on the table aside and put the glass of milk up saying with a sweet voice: "Brother, take a break. Drinking coffee is bad for your health."

"Why haven't you slept yet?" After Shen Jiaye glanced at the glass of milk, he set his eyes on Xia Yichu's body.

"I was asleep. I just woke up to drink water and saw you were still busy, so I brought you a glass of milk." Xia Yichu said while reaching out and grabbing her long hair looking a little awkward.

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