That cold and overbearing brother (5)

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Shen Jiaye looked at the girl standing in front of him and a smile flashed under his eyes.
"Go to bed." Shen Jiaye's original indifferent tone with rare consideration.
"En," Xia Yichu nodded obediently, not forgetting to tell him when she left:  "Brother remember to drink the milk while it's hot."
"Well." Shen Jiaye hooked his lips, watching the girl turn around and walk out step by step, his mood became more and more cheerful.
However, Xia Yichu, who was about to go to the door of the room, seemed to suddenly think of something. She paused, turned back, and looked at Shen Jiaye and said, "Brother, is there any property in your name? Show the company? "
"What do you ask this for?" Shen Jiaye looked at Xia Yichu, his eyes were cold and he remembered that he sent Lu Yan to him yesterday about the living materials of Xia Yichu these years.
But he remembered that his sister has always had a sweetheart whom she loves all these years and that person is mixed in the entertainment industry by using the name and resources of the Xia family.
"I," Xia Yichu opened her mouth, but under Shen Jiaye's suddenly cold look, she could never say what she wanted to say.
Xia Yichu was awe-inspiring. He didn't understand why Shen Jiaye had just taken a good look and suddenly turned his face.

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(notes: she meant he was in good mood then suddenly turned cold but we all knew why hehe )
"System, system, what's going on?" Xia Yichu quickly turned to the system for help in her head.
"According to the scanning of this system, it is found that Shen Jiaye's feelings towards the host have not decreased. Don't be afraid of the host, please be assured! After success, there will be 20 points of merit!" The 233 system turned into Xia Yichu's mind A translucent Q version of the villain, with a headband engraved with the word cheering on his forehead, holding a glowing stick in one hand and a small horn in one hand, cheering Xia Yichu vigorously.
Xia Yichu looked at the appearance of the 233 system in his head very speechlessly and with a look of disdain, I didn't even think that you have such a system.
However, the 20-point merit measure in the mouth of the system was quite attractive to Xia Yichu. After the last task for Xia Yichu to brush Shen Jiaye's favour was issued, the system also sent Xia Yichu a task to enter the company.
R company is a very famous film and television company under the name of Shen Jiaye.
At the stall where Xia Yichu and the system chat in his mind, Shen Jiaye, who was sitting in the position, looked at the young girl standing by the door, silent and looked at her with a hint of misconception thinking that he had Frightened her as a result, a bit of annoyance passed under his eyes, Shen Jiaye adjusted his facial expression and asked Xia Yichu again: "Xu Ai, there is a film company under my brother's name, do you want it?"
"No, it's not." Xia Yichu returned to reality and waved her hands quickly.
Send a word to the company without a word. Is this the latest presidential-style?

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However, thinking of her task, Xia Yichu quickly added: "Brother, I want to act. I want to be a star."
"Why?" Shen Jiaye shifted the video, no longer placing the video on Xia Yichu, but looking at the vast night out of the window, "Xia family has a great career, even if you don't go out to work at first, Xia family will be enough to raise you for a lifetime. "
After saying this, Shen Jiaye seemed to have suddenly been enlightened. He turned his head to the young girl, his eyes darkened with a hint of possessiveness and paranoia.
Yeah, just keep this girl at home, don't let her go out, don't let her marry ... let her only rely on Xia's family ... depend on him alone.
This is a terrible idea.
Shen Jiaye knew this was wrong but couldn't help but think deeply.
Xia Yichu was scared by Shen Jiaye's eyes and even a huge sense of crisis developed in Xia Yichu's heart. For a moment, she could no longer care about the idea of ​​being a star and directly threw down the sentence: "Brother I am sleepy Then, I will go to bed first. "After that, she hurried back to his room.
It wasn't until she returned to her room and buried herself in a soft and warm quilt that Xia Yichu felt that the coldness of her body was dissipating.
"233." Xia Yichu couldn't help but pull the system out to discuss: "What did you say about Shen Jiaye just now? That gaze scared me to death."

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"This, I don't know." The Q version of the 233 system turned into a finger in Xia Yichu's head and tentatively spoke to Xia Yichu: "Did you say something he didn't like? "
"It's impossible." Although Xia Yichu replied in this way, she thought about what she said just now to see if anything was wrong.
Suddenly, Xia Yichu seemed to think of something and she opened her mouth and said, "I see!"
"Ah? What does the host understand?" System 233 didn't understand.
"Since ancient times, in the presence of these rich people, stars are the equivalent of the existence of performers and those prostitutes who sold themselves in ancient times. Perhaps Shen Jiaye is also suddenly angry because of this." Otherwise, no other reason could indeed be found.
"Well, it makes sense, so how did the host plan to overcome such a difficult situation?" Xia Yichu's brain nodded deeply, agreeing with Xia Yichu's words.
"Not yet, but let's sleep first, maybe tomorrow." Xia Yichu said, yawned, rolled over while holding the quilt, and closed her eyes to sleep.
System 233 sitting in Xia Yichu's head: "..."
The next day, Xia Yichu got up late again without warning. When she came downstairs, it was already morning and Shen Jiaye had already gone to work.

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Xia Yichu sighed in her heart while eating a delicious breakfast.
I don’t know if this is the reason for the body. Originally, when she was still Xia Yichu, she was a person who could stay up late and get up early. Now, no need to go to work or school, it is a completely self-indulgent life.
After Xia Yichu had breakfast, she went upstairs to change her clothes.
She can't be so decadent anymore so she was ready to go out and see if there are other opportunities to enter r.
"Host, I found out that although Company R is one of the three major film and television company giants in Beijing and rarely recruits people, if you are a little red and show your unrivalled acting skills and strength, then rely on your beauty It ’s the right thing to enter R company! There is no need to ask Shen Jiaye! "
The happy voice of the system sounded in Xia Yichu's mind but as Xia Yichu wanted to answer, a pleasant ringing bell interrupted her.
Xia Yichu picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table and saw that it was the scum whom the original owner chased after but finally, he schemed to have a tragic death.
What a vermin.
Xia Yichu cursed in her heart and swiped her fingers to connect the phone.

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