That cold and overbearing brother (6)

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"Hey?" After Xia Yichu connected the phone, he put the phone next to his ear and said lightly.

The person over there took a breath and said to her: "Yichu, it's me, Zhou Qing."

I certainly know you are Zhou Qing.

Xia Yichu rolled her eyes. She is not the original owner. She has no interest in this scumbag who not only eats soft rice but also think of harming others. She said coldly, "I know you are Zhou Qing, of course. What's the matter? I'll just hang up. "

Over there, Zhou Qing heard Xia Yichu's bland tone so he couldn't react for a moment. Every time she used to call him, wasn't she trying to please him in various ways? How did she become so cold today?


This question flashed in the heart of Zhou Qing. Thinking of the purpose of making this call to Xia Yichu, Zhou Qing exhaled and said to Xia Yichu: "Xia Kui, director Zhou Xiaohong recently has a script" Changan I " I want to shoot, I want the male No. 1 character inside, you get that for me. "

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(Dude who do you think you are?)

Zhou Qing spoke to Xia Yichuwith hint of command furthermore taking her efforts for granted.

Xia Yichu chuckled with ridicule radiating from the corners of her mouth: "Go to the audition if you want, what do you want me to do? I'll hang up if it's all right."

Speaking, Xia Yichu hung up the phone with a little finger.

After hanging up Zhan Nan's phone, thinking about Zhou Qing's reaction over the phone, Xia Yichu's playfulness flashed away and she tapped his finger on the touch screen phone to directly change Zhou Qing's Contact details to the blacklist.

After finishing it, Xia Yichu changed her clothes and went out with her bag.

Over there, as expected by Xia Yichu, Zhou Qing was hung up by Xia Yichu. Listening to the beep from the mobile phone, the whole person looked incredulous as if he was standing on the balcony like the pause button was pressed. Last motionless.

"Brother Zhou, how about it? Has she agreed?" A soft voice came from behind, meanwhile, a woman who was about twenty years old and dressed in home clothes came out.

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The woman had a soft face and a delicate nature. At first glance, she was the kind of girl who easily induced men's desire for protection.

And if you take a closer look, you will find that the home clothes worn by this woman are the same as the ones on Zhou Qing's body.

This woman who is growing up with Zhou Qing's orphanage is also the white moonlight in Zhou Qing's heart for so many years.

"No, she refused." Zhou Qing shook her head and put the phone back in her pocket.

"How could that? She never refuses any request from Brother Zhou ..." Yu Xue opened her eyes unbelievably. Suddenly, Yu Xue seemed to remember something facing Zhou Qing: "Brother Zhou, You say, was it because she saw me from your room last time and knew about our relationship, so ... "

Zhou Qing has graduated for two years and has been living in the star apartment assigned to him by the company.

However, the last time Kui wanted to surprise Zhou Qing, she didn’t call Zhou Qing before coming so she saw Yu Xue who was cooking Zhou Qing in the room, and then she became angry and wanted Yu Xue Get out.

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When Zhou Qing was a junior, Yu Xue was with him. The underground relationship between the two people for so many years, although Yu Xue didn't say it, she still felt a little jealous and hated Xia Kui. The relationship was clearly stated but it was enough to misunderstand.


So there was an angry call to ask Zhou Qing, but Zhou Qing perfunctorily hung up the phone, and then Hallow ran back to a hunger strike, and then ... there is no such deep love in this world Zhou Qing's Okra.

Zhou Qing frowned and asked Yu Xue: "Did you tell her about our relationship last time?"

"No, even when she was angry and wanted to kick me out, I just said that I was your classmate." Yuxue sobbed feeling wronged.

Zhou Qing felt distressed and immediately held Yu Xue in his arms, comforting softly: "Xue Er, you have worked hard in recent years. When I work harder and stand high enough, I must tell your identity to everyone, you are the only woman I love in Zhou Qing's life. "

"Well." Yu Xue nodded again and again, and asked a little bit hesitantly: "But is it OK with her? This script is very important to you ..."

"It's okay, she's like this, the young lady spoiled by her family. After a few days, she called and asked me to apologize for forgiveness." Zhou Qing said, looking a little disapproving even if there was a hint of ominous The hunch was also severely suppressed by him.

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Xia Yichu came out in her car and asked the driver to put her in front of a cafe.

"Miss, when will I pick you up?" The driver asked Xia Yichu who was sitting in the back seat when he parked the car.

"No, I'll take a taxi and go back later." Xia Yichu refused and walked out of the car carrying her bag.

"233, is it here?" Xia Yichu stood on the street where people came and went, looking at the imperious and luxurious cafe in front of her and finally confirmed with the system in her mind.

"Yes, yes, the scan of this system confirms that the target person is already sitting inside sitting in the sixth position in the second row, the host should not be afraid, there is this system to **** you, you can be assured "The system's majestic voice sounded in Xia Yichu's mind.

"Well, I will go in." Xia Yichu nodded.

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