Reality System

Chapter 22

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"Cool stats, let's log out now." said Ren as he went offline.


As Ren expected the first voice he heard in his mind when he went offline was the voice of the system.

[Ding...Reality System is making adjustments to the Host's real body as it's making the In Game Character Stats and Real Body Stats one and the same... .]

[as I have told you before this adjustments will be done everytime there is a change with the game character, it will be done when host log's out of the game ... .]

[As this is not the first time the adjustment is done, You will experience less pain... .]

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"Boss didn't you say there is no pain the second time... but well good thing It's less paiNNN AHHHHHH...mmmmmh!" as he was saying that with a smile on his face a nightmarish headache attacked his head. Ren let out a yell uncontrollably at first but then gritted his teeth as tolerated because he didn't want to make his family worried again.

after what it seemed like a long time of pain to Ren the pain finally went away, He didn't know exactly how much time had passed, it felt to him like he had endure days of pain but in reality only five seconds had passed.

'DAaaamn ittTtt... I thought there won't be any FUCKING PAINNN THE SECOND TIME THE ADJUSTMENTS ARE DONE! BOSS WHAT'S THE MEANING OF THIS!' Ren started yelling at the system again after coming to himself.

[Idiot now you have the brains but don't use it... Think about what I said to you the first time you were experiencing the adjustmentsand then talk again.] The system replied a little angry at this unfixable idiot.

After hearing the system's reply even though he was still angry he decided to think about what the system said.

As he thought about the first time he went through the process of adjustments he clearly remembered the words the system had said.

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" '[As this is host's first adjustment there will be immense pain... so... Enjoy.]' this was what boss said word by word... ." Ren remembered everything the system had told him easily and he was a little embarrased of his reaction because he had taken the meaning wrongly as there was no words saying 'there won't be any pain from the second time onwards' or that 'there will be pain only the first time'.

"Sorry boss ... It was my mistake." Ren apologized to the Reality System outloud as he wasn't worried of being under the surveilance of game company.

[It's okay... just give yourself the oppotunity to use your brain from now on before speaking now that you have a little of it.]

"Okay boss I'll do that from now on... sorry again." Ren said apologetically.

[as for pain you will always feel it... just that it won't be as intense as the first time. Now... tell me, do you feel any different?] The system continued and then asked a question.

"Okay boss... let me feel the differences then."

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Ren replied as he started to feel the differences to his body.

"hmm I feel like my body's a lot stronger." He said as he tried to left one side of the game capsule with two hands as the game capsule was 500 kg, he only made it move a little but this was already a miracle for 19 years old boy to do. "It seems with my strength I might be able to lift 200 kilograms objects easily right now."

Then he tried to stretch his body to feel the difference in his agility, First he split his legs 180 degrees easily, his hands and body could now stretch to places which were almost impossible to a lot of ordinary people. He couldn't try his speed in his room so he put the matter of testing his speed aside for now.

"Wow! My body has never been like this before... I can split my legs open 180 degrees easily... that's dope!... it's like I've trained my body and put a lot of effort on it... but I have barely done any push ups even in my past life." said Ren amazed by his body.

"And I feel refreshed so much like I'm inside a hot spring... It's such a comfortable feeling!" Ren continued by his amazement.

[That's because of your life force as your life force is a lot it makes you feel so comfortable . As you may have already guessed it's because your lifespan is so much you feel this way. Right now if you don't die because of being killed, murdered, an accident happening or being poisoned or stuff like that you will live for 770 years.]

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"WHAT? So you mean the lifespan stat really shows how much I'm gonna live... Dammmmn, eventhough I had kinda guessed this would be the case, but actually hearing you confirm it still shocks me... So my destiny is really to be an immortal... but wouldn't I be all alone like that in the end... with everyone precious to me dying one by one?" Ren said, at the beginning of his sentences he was shocked and excited, but the more he talked the more down cast he became because of his horrible destiny of being all alone in the end. He was truly scared of being alone as that life would be a life of torture.

[I won't say much for now but don't worry that probably won't happen if you want to... forget about that for now as you're not even close to being an immortal right now... .] replied the system.

"I don't get what these words of you means but okay boss... I'll trust your words" Ren responded excited again by the thought of becoming an immortal.

[All of these much of a change do you feel on your intellect?] Asked the system truly tired of Ren's acts of idiocy.

'seems like boss realky cares about me being smart.' Ren thought really moved by the system's probing.

"Hmmm... now you mention it boss... I feel like I can think almost twice as fast as before and I can remember things better with more details than before." Ren replied after some thinking.

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