Reality System

Chapter 23

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"But the endless memories are still unaccessible as my head hurts like crazy when I think about those memories... ." Ren continued.

[Well that is to be expected as you haven't improved that much to access that amount of memories... still, good job... you've improved a lot, I'm happy for you.] said the system after listening to Ren's thought of misunderstanding his intentions of probing.

"Thanks boss, you're really a caring system, you might as well be named the Caring System... haha." said Ren laughed a little amused while he joked.

[Don't joke about my name anymore, I don't like it.] the system said with a cold voice obviously angry by Ren naming him out of nowhere.

Hearing the Reality System's cold voice Ren knew he was upset and angry at him so he started apologizing again. "sorry boss... I didn't know you were sensitive about your name."

"Oh right boss... there is something else I wanted to ask too since the adjustment was done... as I didn't realize it inside the game as my intelligence wasn't high enough at the time... I've realized that all of my stats except charm are +10 more than the number it should be... why is that?" Ren confusedly asked the question which was occupying his mind for a little while now.

"Stats Menu" Ren said outloud bringing his stats menu to check again.

[Stats Menu:

[Ren Sydos]

Race: Human

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Class: None

Title: [The First Killer]

Level: 26

Strength: 126

Stamina: 77

Agility: 87

Inteligence: 78

Defense: 25


Charm: 10

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Ability Points: 0 (10 AP = 1 level up)

Skill Points: 50 (10 SP = 5 level ups)

Attack power from weapon: 33 ~ 56

Attack speed +10%

-Because of [Azmir's Ring] You receive 0.5 percent of the damage done to the enemy as health when your health is not full.

Lifespan: 770 years

Cultivated Realm: Mortality 6th stage

other stats: N/A]

"see boss?" He asked.

[Nice thing you figured... I thought you wouldn't notice it. ] The system said in a tone you could almost sense a feeling little proudness as if he was a little proud of him for noticing it.

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[Well... I'm sure you've also noticed your Cultivated Realm breaking through to Mortality 6th stage from Mortality 1st stage, your additional ten points to every one of your stats is because of the change in your cultivated realm as 2 points will be added to all stats at every stage level up in Mortality Realm.] Reality System answered his question as Ren was enlightened.

"so in the Mortality Realm everytime I breakthrough a stage for example when I breakthrough from the 'Mortality 6th stage' to 'Mortality 7th stage' 2 AP will be added to every and all of my stats." Ren said cleared of his confusion.

[Yes. also you may be able to guess this by yourself now but there was no change in the charm stat because the charm stat was unlocked after you had leveled up and made your breakthroughs.] The system said explaining the exception of Charm Stat not changing.

"Cool now I understand it all... Thanks for the explanations boss... ." Said Ren appreciatively thanking the boss.

[No need for thanking me as it's my duty as the Reality System to answer the Host's questions.]

[Anyway, you're tired... . Sleep for now I have something to tell you tomorrow.]

"hm? I don't know what's this about boss ... but okay... eventhough I'm curious. I'll wait till tomorrow as I am really tired right now." Ren responded as he yawned, he was really dead tired, eventhough he had a massive amount of life force it didn't help as he was tired mentally and needed sleep.

It was already in the middle of night so his parents and sister had already went to sleep. He brushed his teeth, used the toilet and then lied down on his bed while looking at the ceiling of his room.

'I still can't quite believe that I reincarnated and went back in time... with a system at that... I wonder why these events are happening to me and why did the system chose me as it's host?' He wondered as he closed his eyes.

'There must be a reason for these things... maybe the electrocution before my death caused these thing??? well whatever... .' as he was thinking about these things without even realizing it himself Ren fall asleep.

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Ren had a wonderful sleep last night as he was really tired he slept untill his dad came to his room and woke him up.

"Son... wake up. come down eat breakfast... ." Ross Sydos said as he knocked the door of his son's room.

"Hmm... Owkaay daad I'll be there in a minute." Ren replied still in sleep.

Two minutes later he woke up, then cleaned his bed before going to the bathroom washing his face.

Then he went and sat on the table of four.

"oppaa... are you okayy? I was shoo worried about you yeshterday... .oppa dont die owwkay?" said the sweet 7 years old Cassandra Sydos who was sitting on one of the tables while sobbing with tears almost falling from her face gathering around her eyes.

"hahaha I made my little Cassie worried... this older brother of you needs to apologize for makingg you so worried... . Don't worry baby I promise I won't die ever... your brother's gonna live forever ... like literally... come here give your oppa a kiss and a hug." said Ren laughingly as he opened his arms wide waiting.

"reallllyyy?? Opppaa you know lying is bad... oppa promised and you haf to keep your promishes or elshe the big bad wolfey will eat oppaa owkaay?" Said the little Cassie happily, but then her face turned really worried as she thought of big bad wolfey eating her oppa as she really liked his handsome oppa.

"hahaha... my cute baby don't you be worried, your brother's gonna be the strongest and eat the big bad wolfey instead." said Ren laughing outloud about how cute his little sister was.

Then Ren's thought went to his past life as he thought about how his little sister had become so quiet after her father's death. She was the one who was the most hurt by her father's death as she was mostly attached to her father, as Ren of this time period was a wild teenager with almost no sense of responsibility, untill his father's death that is.

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