Reality System

Chapter 24

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"So son... what are your plans for your future now that the highschool has ended and the University Entrance Examination is so near?" Ren's mom Rachel Walden said obviously worried about Ren's future. She knew his son didn't study for the entrance exam and that he wasn't ready at all.

'Now that mom mentions it... my highschool had ended around this time... and my Entrance Exam is around the corner... I should study and start a career that I would enjoy doing unlike my past life where I had to study and work mainly for money purposes.' Ren pondered seriously.

"Hmm... mom I'm thinking about it I wanna study something that I would love doing in the future... . Eventhough It's already too late to start studying for this years exam I might be able to do it." Then he replied as such to his mother.

In his past life Ren didn't study this year at all as he didn't even attend the examination as his father was fine at the time and he had no sense of responsibility.

But now he wanted to change all that. Eventhough he knew he could probably be rich with the game, he wanted to find and built his own career, something he would enjoy doing while playing the game too.

Ren's mom was stunned by Ren's response at first then she thought he was just fooling around again as she became angry "SON! stop fooling around already and get serious! you need to make a life for yourself and start a family soon!!"

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Ren was speechless as he felt really wronged as he really meant what he said, he was completely serious. But then he thought it was understandable as he used to really fool around and take life as a joke in his previous life at this time, so he said with determination "Mom I was being serious but I won't insist on you believing me right now as you will naturally when the time comes. Just know this that I have changed and I will show you with results."

Ross was a little shaken as he felt like his son was completely determined and honest, this was the first time he had seen such determination in his son so he decided to back his son as he said "Darling I believe he meant what he said so should you. Son... I believe you so do your best and make us proud."

Eventhough Rachel still doubted his son was being serious she was his mother in the end and she had to at least pretend she believed him so she looked at Ren as she said "I hope you mean what you said for once. Now I'm looking forward to my son's results he's gonna show me."

Eventhough she hardly believed Ren, inwardly she felt something was different about Ren and that he might have really changed. 'maybe he will surprise us this time... just maybe.'


Ren went back to his room as he lied down on the bed and started thinking about his future. 'What field of study should I choose and start studying for? maybe I should become a doctor or a dentist as it's really cool to be one... being a pilot isn't bad either as I always liked to be one... . But when I was a kid I always dreamed about being a cop. Even now thinking about being a spy or something like that makes my blood boil... . But will mom and dad agree to that? what should I do?'

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In the end he wasn't certain of what he should choose but he prefered being a policeman for now.

After fantasizing about being a cop and his adventures as a cop for some time Ren decided to put the matter aside for now.

'Oh right boss wanted to tell me something when I woke up.... Boss what did you wanna tell me yesterday?' Ren remembered suddenly as he asked the system.

[Oh so you did remember to ask ... .]

[Ding... a quest has been given by the Reality System. Do you accept it?(please take into consideration that you can only view the quest's content if you accept the quest.)]

"Oh so you wanted to give me a quest... "Ren said.

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[Not exactly. Well I wanted to explain somethings right now but decided against it as it's unnecessary for now and as I will do so after you finish the quest. so what's it gonna be?... will you accept or not?]

"Ofcourse I will." Ren said without any hesitation as he thought he would be a moron not to accept the quest. He felt it was something big.

[You have recieved a quest in reality.]

[Difficulty Level: S

Request: Reach level 30 in 3 days.

Reward: You will be given a chance to upgrade the Reality System if you accept the price you have to pay.

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Quest failure: The chance to upgrade the Reality System will be deactivated for 10 years and you will lose 300 years of your lifespan.]

Ren was stunned by the reward and then he started looked forward to the changes that would be brought to the system so he said "Boss so it's about upgrading you... cool but why give it in the form of a quest and make things difficult for both of us? Can't you just upgrade yourself without the hassle right now?"

[Ofcourse not! I'll explain to you when the time comes but know this... I can't just do things out of nowhere...and so it's not that easy to upgrade as you need to fulfill the requirements for it to be possible. first if you receive the upgrade right now you would explode as your body and soul won't be able to tolerate the upgrade, but you would be able to barely tolerate it when you level up to lvl 30."

"so that's why you gave it to me in the form of a quest." Ren nodded as he said in complete understanding, but he couldn't understand one thing as he asked "but what's with the three days requirement and the penalty of 10 years deactivation and the loss of 300 years of lifespan in case of quest failure? I mean don't you think you're being a little ruthless here boss? It's 300 years of lifespan..." Ren said a little downcast especially about the possibility of losing 300 years of his lifespan.

[I told you I can't just do things out of nowhere , just know that it wouldn't be possible to upgrade without any of these conditions. I'll explain how it works when the time comes as it's unnecessary for you to know right now, but for now know this... I do nothing without a reason.]

"So that's the case... okay boss... but leveling up to 30 from 26 in 3 days is hard even for me... eventhough it's not impossible it would still take a toll on me." Ren said a little worried.

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