Reality System

Chapter 34

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They were almost at the Rebirth town so before getting there Ren decided tocheck his stats menu too.

[Ren Sydos]

Race: Human

Class: None

Title: [The First Killer]

Level: 30

HP: 3,510

HP: 4,050

Strength: 144
(+20) Stamina: 125 (+10)

Agility: 105 Inteligence: 96

Defense: 43 (+50)


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Charm: 28


Ability Points: 10 (10 AP = 1 level up)

Skill Points: 50 (10 SP = 5 level ups)


Attack power from weapon: 33 ~ 56

Attack speed +10%

-Because of [Azmir's Ring] You receive 0.5 percent of the damage done to the enemy as health when your health is not full.

Lifespan: 1250 years

Cultivated Realm: Mortality 10th stage [Peak of the Realm]

other stats: N/A

Seeing his mortality was at it's peak and that thw tenth stage was the last of it's realm made Ren look forward to the next stage and the changes it would bring him.

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It was at this time that they got to the city gates, the gates those two gaurds which gave Ren the quest were keeping a watch.

walking toward the gates with the VVIP Ren was acting like he didn't see them and when they were upon them the two gaurds first saluted to the VVIP then smiled towards Ren trying to talk to him so might he say they were the ones that gave the mission to Ren as they would be rewarded greatly by the VVIP, but when they said something the only answer they received was... "Who are you?" and then Ren no longer paid them any attention as he by passed them with the VVIP, seeing that Ren seemed to be dissatisfied with the gaurds the VVIP glared at them making the shocked gaurds want to cry there to their hearts content because of the unfairness of the world.

as they passed through the gates Ren received a notification he was waiting for.

[You have completed the hidden quest [Save the VVIP at The Rocky Creature Mountain.] with the success percentage of 100.]

[Hidden Quest : Save the VVIP at The Rocky Creature Mountain.]

[Difficulty Level: Unknown (at least higher than A grade quest.) ==>> +S Grade quest (this was originally an A grade group quest supposed to be completed with a party but as it's been completed alone the grade is upgraded to +S.)

Request: save the VVIP who is stuck at The Rocky Creature Mountain. It's unknown what dangers lie in The Rocky Creature Mountain or which person you have to save, you need to figure them out yourself.

Rewards: Unknown x The percentage of success. ===>>> unknown x 100 percent complete = [Enough experience points to level up twice] + [VVIP's maximum favor] + [10 AP to all stats] + [Scroll: A Chain Quest at anytime you want from the VVIP] + [Item: Evolvable Gold Grade Class : Song Swordmaster]

The quest will fail automatically in case the VVIP dies.

Quest Failure Penalty: Player won't be able to log in to the game for 72 hours real time.]

[You have received the Rewards.]

[Ding you can't level up beyond 30 before choosing a class, you will receive the two levels when you choose a class.]

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[VVIP has the maximum amount of favor towards you.]

[10 AP has been added to all stats.]

[You have received [Scroll: A Chain Quest at anytime you want from the VVIP].]

"Thank you my greatest benefactor as a show of gratitude I gave you my most precious thing too which is the class upgrade item [Class Upgrade item: Song Swordmaster] I hope you use it wisely. You can go now, come find me at the mayor's office when you think you're strong enough. Goodbye my savior." VVIP said with a smile as he started walking to a direction without looking back leaving Ren right after passing the gates.

[Class Upgrade item: Song Swordmaster]

Class Grade: Evolvable Gold

Description : There are legends about this class which says that this class can evolve until the legendary grade, and if the player of the class can fulfill the requirements the player will become a Sword Demi-God.]

'Well, this is one hell of a nice class, but... meeeh... if it was my past life I would've chosen this class jumping to it, but now... I have other plans for my class.' Ren thought to himself tossing it inside his inventory.

"I won't sell this one though, I will give it to an underling of mine or sth as this class is truly a powerful one." Ren talked out loud this time.

Afterward he started walking toward a direction, but he suddenly stopped a little surprised.

Because at this time he received a completely unexpected notification.

[World Announcement system: Congratulations to players HaremKing and his party members for successfully killing the first Level 20 Wild Boss Monster. As this is a great feat to accomplish, the party master will be rewarded with 20 gold coins plus 100 reputation points across the world.]

'What's goin on? Aren't they leveling up a little too quick? how is this possible? I mean in my past life the first Level 20 Wild Boss monster wasn't killed till a week or so later but now... is this because of me? the butterfly effect of my existence so other players are trying much harder? or is it because of AI Beauty balancing the game like what Olivia said? or both?' Ren thought inside with a serious face.

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"whatever." Ren said as he started walking again.


While another commotion was happenig across the game world.

"Finally, some one other than that syd guy does something big." the first male said.

"well, it seems players are leveling up fast abd at this rate they're gonna catch up to Ren, or even surpass him, though this was gonna happen sooner or later as the game will be balanced like what Olivia said." the second male said in that group.

The only girl in the group pouted at the opinion though saying. "Syd Oppa's still the best!!!."

"so who is this HaremKing?" the first male said.

"what? you don't even know one of the previous level up rankers? he's a professional ranker, though he's not at the moment as other players are rocking it by leveling up super fast ." the second male said.

conversations like this was happening world wide.


Guys pls take a look at my new novel:

[The God Virus]

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