Reality System

Chapter 35

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After seeing that players seemed to be progressing really fast Ren got worried that he might not have lots of time to make it big by selling the [Intermediate Health Potion], so he walked straightly to the Actioun House in the Rebirth Town and started buying all the Lavender Seed, Rosemary Seed, and Life Powder.

The odd thing was all three of those ingredients needed to make the [Intermediate Health Potion] were even cheaper as it had come 50 bronze coin each pack.

This was probably due to the players putting more effort to level up and other factors making the ingredients too easy to get and as no one knew the worth of the ingredients they sold it like trash.

Now even the Life Powder was colossal and even more than the other two by half in number unlike the past time he was in the Auction House when there was almost none to buy, as players had gone into it's hunting grounds it's now being massively dropped and massively sold , there were at least forty pages of each of the two other ingredients and around 50 of the Life Powder and Ren started buying them and after some time of constant buying it was finally done and nothing was left, all of these costed around 60 gold coins.

After that he went to the bank and spent 130 more gold coins to open more bank inventory pages to store the bought ingredients.

"I'm spending more on opening the bank page inventories rather than the ingredients itself." Ren whispered as he smiled bitterly.

After that he started moving the ingredients from the mail box to the bank which took a while to do.

'As I don't know anymore when the [Intermediate Health Potion] will be found by someone else I can't delay this not even by a second, So... let's start this.' He thought inside.

Then, there inside the bank he took out his [Basic Wooden Mortar] and [Basic Stone Pestle] and started making [Intermediate Health Potion].

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3% .... 14% .... 39% .... 66% .... 78% ..... 100%

[1 x [Intermediate Health Potion] successfully made.]

7% .... 12% .... 34% .... 61% .... 92% ..... 99%

[Alchemy fails. [Intermediate Health Potion] is not seccessfully made.]

9% .... 22% .... 45% .... 71% .... 88% ..... 100%

[1 x [Intermediate Health Potion] successfully made.]




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The time consumed to make each one had lessed to 9 second after couple tries as his skills and mastery in making it was increasing, and after an hour making each one took Ren around six seconds and the failure percentage was low and three hours laters the time it took for each percentage bar to be filled was only two seconds but there was a huge different as each time he made two, so now Ren could make two simultaneously.

9% .... 66% ..... 100%

[2 x [Intermediate Health Potion] successfully made.]

20% .... 80% ..... 100%

[2 x [Intermediate Health Potion] successfully made.]

Two hours later the speed reached the bottleneck of one second as now it was extremely difficult but not impossible to improve the time more than this, now he could make four simultaneously at the same time, so in each second now he made four [Intermediate Health Potion].

24% ..... 100%

[4 x [Intermediate Health Potion] successfully made.]

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33% ..... 100%

[4 x [Intermediate Health Potion] successfully made.]

1% ..... 100%

[4 x [Intermediate Health Potion] successfully made.]

He kept making more and the moment his inventory was full of [Intermediate Health Potion] packs he would empty them inside his bank and the moment the ingredients became empty inside his inventory he got more from the bank.

After lots of hours of hard work, he finally couln't take it anymore as he was really super tired, the only reason he stayed to make these was because time was tight and he had no other choice, otherwise he wouldn't have stayed inside the game for even a second more after completing the mission Save the VVIP.

In the couple hours he worked on making the [Intermediate Health Potion] he had made around 2200 packs of it which was almost all of his ingredients which he had bought.

Then looking at the experience bar of the [Intermediate Level Alchemy] he saw that one fourth of it was filled now which brought a smile on his face only a tired one.

After that he started putting them from the bank to his inventory then went to the Auction House for putting them on sale, after some consideration and because of the recent changes in the game he decided to sell each pack more expensively with the price of each pack being 3 Gold Coins.

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Then he stared putting them on sale and after going and coming back to and from bank for couple of times he had put everything on sale.

Then he was ready to log out but before that he looked for the ingredients needed for the [Intermediate Health Potion] and to his surprise he saw there was almost the same amount of ingredients as before there, it seemed that those who had sold their stock of those ingredients were putting the rest of their ingredients inside the auction house for sale or were telling others it was selling like hot cakes so others too were starting to put their own stock inside the Auction House for sale.

Buying everything again and moving them to the bank, the dead tired Ren finally logged out.


After logging out the first thing he heard was what he had almost forgot due to his extreme exhaustion.

[Ding...Reality System is making adjustments to the Host's real body as it's making the In Game Character Stats and Real Body Stats one and the same... .]

[There will be pain while adjusting, so prepare yourself for it.]

Seeing this Ren sighed helplessly as he went through the pain gritting his teeth.

After everything was done the system was almost about to talk when Ren thought as he said 'Just leave everything else to when I wake up, I'm too tired mentally right now I just want to sleep.'

[...] The System said nothing seeing he was truly tired leaving everything else to the time he was going to wake up.

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